Chapter 14

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"What's the time?" Demitri asks Davina as she shows us the final room in the house. She stares down at her watch and replies.
"8 on the dot."
"Shit we have to leave." He mutters.
"What why?"
"The dinner I planned, I had everything ready for 8:30." He says.
"Oh okay, come in the , we cannot keep your dinner surprise waiting any longer can we?" I smile and kiss his lips.
"Davina thank you so much for showing us around, but now we need to leave, please bring the coven to our land someday, I'm sure my mother and father would love to see everyone together."
"The pleasure was mine Artemis, and I'm sure one day we will make our appearance." She smiles and hugs me. After our hug I walk back down to the room we first started from and walked through the mirror and into the trapped room. I tightly hold Demitri's hand and take us home, back into our room.
"I need to make sure everything is ready for you when we go down so you stay up here and get ready while I'm down there okay?" He asks.
"Get ready? In what?"
"Check the blue box in the closet everything should be in there. And keep your hair down, it's beautiful." He smiles and strides out of the room. I watch his body turn out the door and contemplate sitting up here naked till he comes back but quickly erase that thought after realizing a dinner without the girls is a once in a life time event. I open the closet doors and see the blue box sitting in the table. Opening the box I find a red ankle length dress, one that reminds me of the night of our insemination that never happened. It was off both shoulders, diamond boarder around around them. It is long sleeve that followed all the way down to my middle finger. The heels are white, I'm the soles the letter D sits inside of them. I carefully put in the dress and strap the heels around my ankles. I release the hair tie holding my hair and run my fingers through the knotted strands. I go to close the box when something catches my eye. I hold the silver thin chain between my fingers and stare at the small tear drop diamond. He's spoiling me. What did I do to deserve something this beautiful? I clasp it around my neck and before I leave and check myself in the mirror. I run lip gloss around my lips and pin the sides of my hair to the side. I close the door behind me and make my way down to the dining room. I open the door and walk in on Demitri blowing out a match.
"You did this?" I gasp staring at the hundreds of flowers and candles surrounding a large black sheet on the floor, on top of the sheet lays two glass cups filled with water and a wooden basket. He reaches out for my hand and leads me through the path to the sheet.
"Demitri..." I squeal, I stare up at the ceiling and since td so dark in here you can see perfectly up at the stars through the glass. I follow his lead and sit down next to him. I slip my heels off to sit comfortably next to him.
"This is beautiful." I sigh. He looks at me and smiles softly. He kisses my forehead and holds my gaze.
"I wanted it to remind you of our time at the fields before everything. You were mesmerized, I wanted to see that look again."
"Well you succeeded."
"I wanted to keep this as a traditional picnic so no fancy foods, strictly American." He snorts. I smack his chest and laugh grabbing the basket.
"Ham and cheese sandwiches?" I laugh pulling two sandwiches out.
"Practical babe." He says.
"Then why did you have me dressed like this?"
"You don't dress how you used to in the beginning, it's such a turn on seeing you dressed so proper, I could take you right here if I had no self control." He growls. I feel my heart clench... or maybe my lower region. I feel tears pool around my eyes and I just lose control and let my emotions override my body.
"Why are you crying? Was t what I said? Is the food making you sick?" Demitri stresses. I shake my head no as tears spill.
"I just love you! You're the best husband to me and our daughters and soon to be son. I'm pregnant, it's making me cry." I wine wiping my eyes. He wraps is large arms around me and kisses my forehead.
"And you're the perfect wife and mother to my children." He whispers.
"See! I love you!" I cry. I feel his chest vibrate around me.
"Are you laughing at me while I cry because I love you?"
"I can't help it." He laughs, starting to crack up. I wipe my tears and push his shoulder, fighting the smile piping up on my face but theirs no use, because now he has me laughing at myself as well.
"I love you Demitri."
"I love you Art." He kisses my lips tenderly and just as we got heated guards burst through the door. Both our heads turn and the sudden intrusion and wait for words.
"What is the meaning of this!?" Demitri bellows.
"My King my Queen, somethings happened."
"Spit it out!" Demitri shouts.
"Mercy and Raven, they're missing."

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