Chapter 2

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"I'm ready for bed." I whisper to Demitri as we give our final goodbye to those who are still here.
"King Demitri this was a beautiful ceremony, thank you for inviting myself and my Luna. We hope to see you often." Alpha Vincent says shaking Demitri's hand. I smile at him and Sky his Luna and give Sky a hug.
"I hope this means no more battles between the wolves and vampires." I tell her. She laughs and nods her head.
"I agree." Her white teeth shine brightly and her blonde hair sways side to side as she looks for her car. Vincent's arm is wrapped around her blue dress and keeps her close to his body.
"Thank you both for coming." I smile and wave a final goodbye as they get into their car and drive off. I turn towards Demitri and give him a big long sigh and lean my forehead into his chest.
"Tonight was amazing and long." I sigh. He hugs me and just caresses my back.
"Now what do we do?" I ask him.
"I have a few things in mind." He whispers in my ear leaving goosebumps going down my neck. I smile and lift my head up off of his chest and turn towards the stairs and head into the castle.
"Jamie! Come here!" Helena shouts. We walk together towards her room and see Henry sitting in her room. He looks at us and smiles politely while Helena sits besides him and holds his hand.
"The spell worked." She laughs.
"I see." I tell her smiling awkwardly.
"You really are my daughter? My Artemis?" He asks and stands up. His hands find the lining of my face and look deeply into my eyes.
"Artemis?" Demitri says before I can. He let's go of my face after a few seconds and turns towards Helena.
"That's what we named you. Before you were taken. Henry on earth she was named Jamie." She says. Henry's face turns to disgust and looks at me angrily.
"We did not break laws and sacrifice everything for her name to just but Jamie, shes Artemis, we named her after a goddess. Jamie has no meaning." He says and looks angrily at Helena.
"I couldn't help what her their mother called her." She says in defense.
"If you want to call me Artemis you can, I understand, this is a lot to process." I tell him. He turns back towards me and nods his head in agreement.
"Artemis. You definitely fit that name." Demitri says and smirks at me. I smack his chest and turn towards Helena and Henry and see the man whispering to each other.
"Well, tonight has been great, she is completely drained, and this has been a lot. I have not one not two but three powerful beings in my castle, and you Henry have grandchildren to meet, but that is tomorrow's event. So goodnight to the both of you, I have a wife to take to bed." He says and picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. I laugh out loud and look up to Henry and Helena who have two different expressions, Helena laughs and is smiling at me while Henry has a blank face and is staring rather darkly at Demitri. He carries me up the stairs and gives me a nice view of his butt.
"I'm getting light headed." I tell him, he puts me down quickly and looks worried.
"The baby!" He says and brings both of his hands to my non showing stomach.
"I'm okay, and so is he, come on." I tell him pulling him down the hall into our room.
"Wanna help me out of this dress?" I look at him through the mirror and watch his eyes focus directly on the strings of my dress, I feel it slightly loosen with each knot being pulled out. The dress finally drops and now is the corset. He looks at me through the mirror and then back down at the knots and gets to work. It slowly loosens around my ribs and stomach and I feel like I can finally breath again. The corset falls the floor and I slip out of my heels and turn around towards Demitri who is still fully dressed. He sits down on the bed and untied his shoes. I stare at him as he undressed first his suit jacket then his vest and then his white button down shirt. His body turns me on alone. I turn back towards the mirror after I've been caught and start taking out all of the pieces in my hair. My hair slowly falls out of the bun and into a curled mess. I walk into the bathroom and wipe my makeup off, I can finally feel the skin in my face, like I can finally breath. I walk back into the room and see him laying in the bed already asleep. I turn the light off and lift the covers and slide under them. I bring my body closer to his and wrap my arms around him and kiss his forehead. He puts his head on my chest and takes a deep breath and lets it all out, his hands pressed against my stomach and not a moment later do I hear his soft snores. I stare down at the shinning ring being lit by the moons light. We are finally married, finally together, no more hiding, no more evil, no more wars, finally a happy ever after we can all agree too. But my mind can let go of the intense stare Henry have Demitri, his eyes looked soulless. I brush my hands through his hair and smell his musky cologne on his skin. I close my eyes and take in the blissful sleep I've been craving since the morning.

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