Chapter 17

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Laying here in this bed is pure torture, I've been here for six hours already. Pearl took Lenora to eat about a half hour ago and I've been stuck here holding onto my stomach just talking to him. He must hate me, I'm supposed to be a nest for him, a safe home for nine months and right now his nest is on a weak branch that's getting blown heavily by the wind. My stomach doesn't seem as big as it was with Mercy, I can't tell for sure with Raven since the same day I found out about her was the same day I gave birth. Why would I bring another child into the world? My other two aren't safe and now my third isn't either. He's gonna be small, I can tell, he's been kicking for the past ten minutes, maybe agreeing with me, or maybe he's just as angry as I am and he's the only one who can be harmful.
I hear the gallop of horses coming towards the castle, I ignore what Pearl says and slowly move towards the balcony, I peer outside and see a line of our men hurrying towards the castle and not to far behind them a swarm of bright lights flying in the air, it has to be the fairies, I hear howls coming from the woods and see the shadows of many werewolves. All headed in the same direction, here. I turn back around and back towards the bed. Pearl walks in but empty handed and sighs and pulls me back to bed, I stop her weakly and tell her to wait.
"What's going on down there? Fairies? And wolves?"
"Demitri's asked all allies for help, desperate times cause for desperate measures."
"Take me down there, now."
"No, bed rest."
"I'm serious Pearl I need to be down there to know what's happening."
"I'll keep you posted Artemis."
"Not good enough."
"Artemis, your stubbornness will certainly be the end of us." I look past pearls head and see Demitri inside the room. He hair a mess, his face smudged with dirt and sweat and his clothes; jeans and a tshirt. Not very like him, yet with what's happening I get it.
"I'll carry you down, but no pacing the room, sit down and say what you want, and not aggressively, don't forget about your other child too." He says looking down at my stomach. He lifts me up and walks down into his office, all heads of each species or job are sitting down, I take the last chair which is Demitri's so he stands behind me, hands on the top of my chair greeting everyone by title.
"Alpha, I'll be giving you multiple things of the girls to follow scents, fairies, I need you to hunt there dreams, get inside them, find out if you can get them to tell you where they are and vampires, I need everyone to run through every portal, all woods, all territories till my girls are found. Understood?"
Not a word was uttered, everyone say in complete silence yet everyone acknowledged every word spilled from his lips. Each person around us radiating a certain type of power all completely different yet exactly the same strength.
"Has anyone heated from either of my parents?" I ask.
"Radio silent." A vampire says.
"I need someone to find my mother, bring her in, I need to speak with her, now, please." Soon the meetings over and I'm alone in the office with Demitri. He still stands behind me rubbing my shoulders.
"Demitri, I can't tell what it is, but something devastating is coming, and it's coming quick, for the past six hours I've been staring at the stupid spell book I have, and on the last page a spell was written on it, but I never wrote the spell. It was named renascentia lumine noverat. It means rebirth of the light keeper."
"What was the spell?"
"Bringing back a dead witch."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, a spell to resurrect dead witches."
"Who's dead?"
"The question is who's getting killed?" I whisper.
"Artemis?" My mother calls. I stare up at her, two guards behind her, she's completely confused.
"What's going on Artemis? Why are there wolves running around, and fairies flying in the houses of everyone's homes?"
"Mercy and Raven are missing, and we can't find them, I tired a locator spell and I can't find them. Either someone blocking it or they're dead." She gasps at the news and looks up at Demitri.
"What are you standing there for! Go find my granddaughters!" She shouts at Demitri and the guards behind her.
"You has no idea?" Demitri asks.
"No! Not a clue, I've been in the house since you kicked us out, I sew now, you're father left a couple days ago on a fishing trip."
"That was my question. Would dad be capable of killing them?" I ask reluctantly.
"What no! He loves them both dearly!"
" I just find it a suspicious, he doesn't like me because of what I am, and now he's gone away for a well just when the girls go missing. Helena, be logical here." Demitri says.
"I am! I told you he would never do that, he cares so much about those girls."
"Well then let's have him prove it, where's he staying?"
"You're joking right?" Helena says.
"Where is he mom?"
"Sea fish grove." She whispers. Demitri storms out of the room with the two other guards and leaves us alone inside. I stare at her as she stares at me.
"I never meant for him to come between us Artemis, he's your father."
"Yes the man who hates my husband because he's a vampire and has a 50% chance of hating my children too."
"I'm sorry." She mumbles.
"You're going to be of this is true."
"I understand."
"You were selfish brining him here, you were supposed to never see each other again and now ever since he's been here everything has changed, our relationship the most mom!"
"I know and I'm sorry it's too late."
"Too late for what?"
"For me to stop what needs to be done. somnum." She shouts. Everything around me goes dark.

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