Chapter 12

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Rough hands softly rub up and down my back slowly waking me up out of my deep sleep. I can feel his eyes on me, staring at my body, my face. I open one eye and am met with his deep red ones. He smiles at me and stops rubbing my back.
"Don't stop doing that." I grumble. He smooth laughter fills my ears and my heart is read to combust. How did I get so lucky? I stare at him in awe, his dimples and the barely their freckles sitting on his nose, you wouldn't even be able to see them unless you were as close as I am to his face. His long eye lashes practically curled. He starts long strokes on my back and scoots closer towards me.
"We have to get dressed soon, both girls will be storming in here to cuddle with their daddy." I complain.
"No they won't, I promised the doctor my wife will be relaxing, after yesterday I let one of the nanny's step in to take them out today, have a sisters day."
"But we never use nanny's."
"Exactly why we are using one today, if you don't like t after today we won't use a nanny again. Promise." He says.
"So I get to stay naked all day in bed?" That sounds like heaven."
"If that's how you want to spend your day then yes." He laughs.
"I want to spend it with you." I whine. Pouting my lip in his direction.
"I have a special dinner planned for tonight, I want to take you back to the field we're I first took you when you came here." The files filled with wild flowers all different colors and sizes, children all running around the lake shinning brightly.
"That sounds amazing." I tell him and kiss him quickly.
"So you don't want to do anything else besides lay in bed. Naked of course." He mumbles drawing a pattern against my back.
"Did you have anything in mind?"
"I was thinking we go visit Earth. I know you miss your planet, even though the global warming is treacherous."
"Seriously? Go home? You think we are welcome there after everything with Corella?"
"Because of you we are welcomed anywhere. Hell you ended the feud between vampire and werewolves! We fought century's." He shouts with laughter.
"What if we went to the witches coven?" I sit up and look over at him moving the loose strands of blonde hair out of my face.
"The coven? They aren't very welcoming to vampires." He says.
"No what? Come on, look at my mom, and even my dad, sort of."
"Your mother was best friends with my mother, and was kidnapped for my fathers personal use."
"But I'm the creation of the two strongest witch and warlock. They have to accept me, and accepting me means excepting my other half."
"Art. It doesn't seem like a good idea, the king being in a world full of witches and warlocks who are not afraid to kill him."
"If they even look in your direction the wrong way I'll kill them." I promise, feeling the electric blue in my eyes brighten as the magic courses through my veins.
"Calm down witchy." He laughs and rubs my arms.
"If you really want to visit the coven I'll take you. I'm just warning you, they aren't to fond of vampires, especially the king." I jump out of the bed, my naked body exposed and I run into the bathroom.
"Join me when you're ready!"

Now we are running late. I should have never told Demitri he could join me because now we are three hours behind on our schedule. Two hours were just us trying to shower, mainly me trying to shower, Demitri kept us held up for quite a bit. Now here I am, finishing my hair and a quick touch up on the face, although I'm not wearing much makeup, just lip gloss and mascara. I dressed myself in jeans a a simple grey sweater. Demitri walks out of the closet in his usual suit, he doesn't even try but he looks remarkable in the grey suit. He walks passed me and into the bathroom as I walk out to fix his black hair. Five minutes later he considers himself presentable.
"How do we reach the coven?"
"Give me your hand." I hold out mine and watch him reluctantly take it.
"Now I've never casted the spell but it won't hurt to try it now right?"
"Right. I'd also like to to you the clothes you're wearing won't be on at the coven, your clothes will change to the type of clothes you wore when you were pregnant with Mercy."
"What no not a corset!" I complain.
"You want to meet the coven or what woman?"
"Fine." I huff and snatch his hand again after frantically throwing it.
"Domum." I concentrate on that single word and grip Demitri's hand tighter into mine. I feel the gush of wind surround us. I watch as the colors around us turn black and instantly we are sheltered inside a room filled with mirrors. I feel the sweat from Demitri's hand mix with my own. I look over at him with the same expression he has.
"What is this? Did you do the spell wrong?" He asks horrified.
"No no! I've practiced this spell at least a dozen times! My mom said to just think of the coven and say the word, I know I did it right, I had too." I assure myself more than my husband at this point I think. I let go of his hand and slowly walk around all the mirrors inspecting each of them. Gold rims all the boarders but all mirrors are shaped different sizes. I feel around the boarder and taken in the wood carvings.
"The mirrors, the reflections, they are watching us." I step back and stand besides Demitri again and swipe my hand in the air in a complete circle and watch as a new face appears in each mirror. I feel my heart miss a beat but keep focus on each and everyone one of the faces in front of us.
"Artemis." I man says to the right of me.
"Yes." I reply and hold tightly onto Demitri's arm.
"What brings you to the coven...with a vampire, none the less the King?" He asks.
"I wanted to see the life my parents had here."
"While bringing a vampire into our coven?"
"He is my husband." Gasps are heard through the entire room filled with mirrors.
"A witch married to a vampire."
"The vampire king snagged the most powerful witch born."
"What has happened since they left?"
"The king!"
Millions of whispers broke loose in the air and dragged on until the man before us shushed them.
"Did you think bringing a vampire here was a good idea my dear?"
"I thought being here would have been more welcoming." I said.
"Bringing the very reason our leaders were separated is not a very warm welcoming my dear."
"I'm sorry for that, but my husband has no part of what his father forced upon the coven. I would have thought being accepted is something witches and warlocks wanted. Evidently not."
"Wait Casper! Let them in!" A woman shouts besides him.
"If I let them you have to baby sit them till they leave." He sighs.
"Deal." She immediately replies.

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