Chapter 18

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The smell of bark and fresh air surround my nose, my hands scratch at a wooden chair, and my eyes surrounded in darkness from a blind fold. No noise around me, but birds, the wind bristles through my hair. My mother. She put me to sleep. She kidnapped me.
"Hello." I speak and wait for someone to answer me, I hear a crunch of the leaves to my left and snap my head in the direction.
"What do you think you're doing Helena? He's going to find me, he's going to find all of us." I announce confidently, the steps get closer until they are directly in front of me. Soon hands are pulling off the blindfold, I squint around since the sun is blazing down in between the trees at us and to my surprise it's my father; Henry.
"Hello darling." He says and smiles at me.
"Where are they?" I demand.
"Don't worry, they are with your mother, I just brought you out here to talk."
"Talk about what?"
"Your husband. He's a vampire, witches don't associate with vampire my beautiful Artemis."
"Well this one does."
"I didn't create you to create a new species, witch and a vampire, they are two species that shouldn't be mixed." He says calmly.
"Well it's a little too late for that isn't it since a third one is on his way?"
"Darling I don't want to harm your children, my grandchildren, I just want to stop anymore from coming after that one." He points to my stomach.
"What are you going to do take us away from here? He's going to find us, and when he does, it's over."
"No once he's dead the land will be ours, a new home for the witches, your mother and I can rule, dictate the vampires who stay, and rule a massive kingdom that holds not one not two but three of the most powerful beings know to existence."
"Dead? You can't Kill Demitri, I can't promise you that much Henry."
"We'll see." He says
"You can't win, not against us, nobody ever can, like you said a witch and a vampire, how can you beat one let alone two?"
"That's why I have you separated, both of you are weak without the other, and now is my time to put my final step in motion."
"You can't kill him." I struggle trying to untie the bands that have my hands sealed together.
"But I am." At the drop of a dime he's gone within an instant. The knots won't come apart and they are sealed with magic, I think of only one thing that's going to hurt a whole lot. I stand up tied to the chair and quickly slam it to the floor hearing the crack behind me. I finish getting the rope off my hands and cast a protection spell over Demitri. I appear back in the castle in search of Demitri.
"Demitri!" I scream. I run out of breath as I run through what feels like a maze in the castle.
"Demitri!" I scream again. I see his black hair in the crowd of vampires and watch him turn around desperately an makes eye contact with me. He runs up to me faster than lightening and hugs me tightly.
"I couldn't find you after you spoke to your mother I thought you ran off again." I start to shake from the adrenaline and soon enough I start crying.
"It's my parents Demitri." I cry into his chest.
"They have the girls, my mother took me into the woods and I spoke to Henry, he's coming for you, he wants you dead and your kingdom Demitri!" He holds me tightly and caresses my head.
"He would be lucky to even set foot in my castle." He mutters.
"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. He said a witch and a vampire aren't meant to be together, he said the girls shouldn't have been born but will stay alive as long as your dead."
"Art, baby, I got this okay? Believe me when I say, nobody is getting through these doors." I nod my head and glance around the room.
"Davina?" I whisper and look at Demitri.
"I knew once you were gone, I needed help, I called her knowing she would help you, she brought along a few other people but they don't look as happy to be here as she does." I walk over towards her and the look of relief consumes her, she greets me in a bear hug and finally after a few seconds let go.
"Sweetie what's going on?"
"My parents, they stole, kidnapped the girls and are coming to kill Demitri, they plan to take the kingdom as their own and bring the witches and warlock here."
"Your parents?" Her face has worked written all over it and that worries me.
"Yes. Why?"
"Well since they are still the head of the witches and warlock that means they have a tether to everyone magic except for yours, they can't go down easily Artemis."
"What do I do?"
"You're the only one that can fight them, head on, we can get the girls, you have to stat here and fight when the time comes, once we have the girls they will be back V ere under heavy patrol, nobody can get in, not even your parents, I did blood magic, and the only magic they can't control is your husbands. Once outside you cannot come back in unless you carry his blood."
"I understand." I nod my head and listen to her intently.
"Your mother most likely will stand with the girls, to your father will be the one coming, and when he does, let Demitri fight him until he can't. He needs to weaken him, once you absorb his powers nothing will keep him alive, you have to take his powers before he takes yours."
"Thank you." I tell her.
"Don't thank me yet, now where's your spell book?" I hold my hand out and wait for the book to appear and hand it to her.
"No spells?" She asks.
"The last page has a spell on it." She reads the spell and shakes her head.
"What is it?"
"Nothing, just a simple spell, don't worry Artemis." But that smile wasn't a hundred percent. She's hiding something behind that smile, and the spell has something to do with it.

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