Chapter 4

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All day has been a blur, between lessons, the girls, my family, and now the towns people. Becoming Queen isn't just a title, it's so much more than the crown that sits on my head. I've lost track of the time and still have to meet with a few towns people and hear their concerns. Right now I'm wishing to be in bed with the girls and Demitri, but it seems that won't happen. My head aches with all the studying of spells of been forced to remember, I think it's safe to say Latin has become my second language. I slam the book down against the easel and fall back into the deep red satin chair. My hair falls down in front of my face and my fingers feel frail and dirty.
"I need to go to bed mom, I'm worn out, enough learning please for one night!?" I sigh.
"Artemis, you must catch up on everything I never got to teach you. You are years behind in your development." She says grabbing the book and placing it back on the shelf.
"I understand but sitting her for five hours is not fun, especially when I have two children and a husband who are surly having more fun than me." I complain. She rolls her eyes and sits down in front of me.
"Fine, but I want to talk about one thing before you are gone for the evening."
"What is it?" I ask moving my hair out if my face.
"I think you and Henry should spend a day with each other, bond, make up for the lost years."
"Not right now okay?" I respond and watch the glimmer in her eyes fade.
"But he's your father."
"And I just got married and announced my third arrival. I haven't even had time to be with Demitri and the girls, I'm stressed, I need to decompress, meeting my father right now isn't a good time."
"I understand I just thought that you would want to get to know him." She says patiently.
"And I do. Just not right now. Maybe next week I'll spend a day with him, but right now I just want to be wit my family." I stand up and kiss her in the cheek and leave the room. The thought of getting to know another important person in my life became dreadful and tiring, I do not even know the man and I do want to get to know him just not now. I barely get enough time to just be with my family let alone other people, any spare time I posses goes to my family. I take a second to catch my breath after I've become winded at the stares and then start going up slowly. The floor below me starts to become a blur, I grab the railing for support but feel my legs give out. Before I had the chance to sit down I fell to the floor.
"Help!" I called before I unknowingly passed out.
My head is ready to combust as I open my eyes and see I'm in the hospital. I bring the covers to my face to shield my eyes from the light and take a deep breath to calm my nerves. I watch under the blankets as the dimly light room is no longer filled by light.
"Demitri?" I call out as I lift the blankets off of my face.
"Hi my love." He says tenderly and kisses my lips. He gently squeezes my hand and sits down next to me.
"What's going on?" I ask him. His eyes are a bright red and I feel I should have the need to worry.
"It's the baby." He says quietly. My heart drops and I look away from him taking my hand from his.
"Artemis it's not what you think it is he's alive okay he's still in there." He says quickly. I turn back to him ready to cry from the sudden pain I was quick to feel or slap him for scaring me like that.
"Then what is it." I croak trying not to cry. I wipe the tears that are ready to fall and wipe them on the blanket.
"He's weak, your stress levels are making his arrival slim. He isn't growing properly, they said the baby might not make it to term."
"So it's my fault." I tell him, he grabs my hand but I only pull away. I feel the tears fall down my face, I cradle my stomach, not knowing how much longer I'll have with him I want to remember what he felt like.
"No, it's mine, I've given you so much work to do, I shouldn't have loaded your plate like that, I knew you were pregnant I could have gave you less things go do. He says looking down to his feet.
"What can I do?" I sigh wiping my nose.
"They said bed rest, strictly, no stress, and blood, he needs more blood, just like Mercy did."
"And then he will make it?" I feel a small flutter  in my stomach and know that was a sign.
"He has a chance."
"Take me home. Please, i just want to go home, I want to be in bed with you and just relax can we do that?" I ask tears still falling from my face. He smiles at me and nods his head, he wipes my tears with his them and brushes them on the bed.
"Just as long as you stop crying and you and our son get rest okay?" He says placing a firm hand on my belly. I look down at the small gesture and feel like I fell in love with him all over again.
"Deal." I smile and place my hand over his. He stands up and grabs a folded layer of clothing and hands it to me.
"Pearl heard what happened and brought your clothes."
"She shouldn't be doing this stuff she's almost read to deliver. How exciting is that? Anther little vampire human will be around and not just the girls." I smile just thinking about Lincoln and Pearls baby.
"That's a topic for another time." He says and kisses my forehead.
"Right now you are the only topic on my mind. No more work okay, do whatever you think will keep you relaxed but don't over do yourself okay, I want this baby but I love you more, if anything were to happen to you too, I couldn't live with myself." He says and takes my hand leading us out of the room.
"I love you too. And I have a few activities in mind that are great relaxers." I whisper so those walking by us don't hear.
"I found you passed out on the floor and you want to have sex?" He laughs.
"I want long, deep, vampire sex." I whisper in his ear.
"You have to be a vampire for that experience." He says.
"Fine human sex will do." I reply sarcastically, hearing his laugh is music to my ears. I lean my head against his arm and we both walk towards our bedroom that is thankfully children free.
"Now, my wife wants sex, and thankfully her husband is here to give it to her, get on the bed before I fuck you against the door." He says sexually m, his eyes turning a deep red, he shuts the door behind us and all I see when he turns around are those piercing eyes that just might pierce my soul.

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