Chapter 11

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I am surprised by his dirty words and didn't even notice he was already attaching his lips to my neck sucking lightly in different spots. I sit my glass down on the banister and throw my arms around his neck. He moves up my neck and bites my ear before brining his lips to mine and drawing my bottom lip between his. I press my body into his feel safe in his arms, he presses me up against the banister and cages me between his arms.
"I'm sorry I treated you badly this week." He whispers.
"I understand, you just were looking out for us and I couldn't believe it, until now." I mumble understandably.
"You're my world Art." He kisses my lips tenderly and pushes me closer into him.
"I love you." I sigh pulling away from his kiss. He lets his arms fall to his side and I slip past them grabbing his wrist and pulling him into the bedroom that's beautifully lit with candles. He wraps his arms around me and lays his chin on my shoulder.
"You deserve the world."
"You've never done this before, how long did it take for you to light all of these?"
"An hour." He sighs. I turn around to face him and kiss him again.
"Love me." I mumble looking up into his deep red eyes. He nods his head and falls with me into the bed, petals immediately falling around us after we land. I wrap my legs around his waist as he dips his head down to my chest. He lifts my shirt up and stares at me. He pushes me feet off of him and lowers his lips to my stomach kissing my belly softly. I comb my fingers through his thick black hair and sigh feeling content. He looks up at me and pulls down my skirt leaving me in just a bra and my underwear, the wind from the balcony enters the room and leaves a trace of goosebumps down my body.
He kisses up my legs and towards the inner of my thighs and pushes them open. My toes already curling up m, I arch my back fully aware of what's about to happen. He slowly tugs at my underwear until I'm able to kick them off myself. He groans in satisfaction and looks up at me with hunger in his eyes.
"You have no idea how incredible you look right now in this moment. Staring at me hungry for my tongue against you." He groans his breath fanning me, I'm almost ready to lose control and push his lips against mine.
"Please." I whine. Lifting my lower half off the mattress. He pushes me back down against the bed and laughs.
"Patience my Queen." His words attach to my clit as his head dips down between my legs and licks me. I feel his lips brush against my clit and I'm already ready to explode. He wraps his arms around my legs pulling me closer to his face, I feel him smell me before placing his tongue against me again.
      I grab his arms scratching him trying to pry him from between my legs wanting to feel him inside of me. He's relentless and digs deeper, sucking harder around my clit. I fall deeper into the blissful orgasm rising inside of me until I can't handle it. I ride out my high on his face arched off the bed pulling his hair. I cry out as I cum. He releases my legs and slides up to meet my lips. He covers my mouth with his and lays between my naked body. Sometime during him eating me out he had kicked off his pants so all that's left is his underwear. He grinds into me, his thickness almost being too much on my sensitive area. I bite his bottom lip and stare up into his red eyes.
"I want to be on top." I moan as he continues to grind into me through his underwear.
"Tonight's supposed to be about you." He complains through a groan, he drops his head into the dip between my neck and shoulder.
"Every night is supposed to be about us." I push him over until he falls into his back and states up at me hungry. Before climbing on him I slide his boxers off watching his dick spring to life and lays against his stomach. I take him in my hand and glide him between my fingers watching him roll his eyes and bite his own lip. I hover over him and just watch him become more heated by my touch. I place small kisses along his chest and once I reach his lips I insert him inside of me sitting all the way until he's fully inside of me.
      Both moan at the gesture, I place my arms on both sides of his head and tangle my fingers into his hair, he places his hands around my waist and holds me close to his body. I kiss his sweet pink lips and stare into his eyes as I rock my hips meeting his slow thrusts. He thrusts faster into me. I bury my face into his neck and moan louder. He grunts with every thrust and grips my waist harder.
"Don't stop." I gasp into his ear pulling on his hair harder. I sit up and ride him faster placing my hands against his chest and feeling the heat of the orgasm come through. He sits up and leans against the headboard still holding me as I rock my hips against him prolonging my orgasm. He growls in my ear when my pussy clenches around him. He pushes me into the bed and spreads my legs wide and inserts himself again before I could calm down.
          He roughly thrusts into me and pinches my nipple tightly. The pain spread through my whole boob but it felt so good at the same time. He gestured for me to turn around and grabs my ass when I'm finally on my hands and knees, he pushes my knees apart and stands in between them and spreads my ass and starts fucking my again, he slaps my ass hard and pulls my hair. He kisses my shoulder and thrusts fast and hard. The build of another orgasm starts and I start meeting his hard thrusts which he's loving. He grabs my ass and pushes harder into me. He starts moaning loudly, only turning me on even more. He gives a few final thrusts that leave me limp on the bed as he deposits his own cum inside me. He falls on top of me out of breath and kisses my shoulder. He pulls out and sits back while I just lay here still out of breath.
        I finally slide off the bed and into the bathroom to clean up and come back into the room while Demitri blows out the candles. He looks up at me as he blows out the final candle and all I can do is smile like I just got asked out by my elementary school crush. We both get under the covers.
"Come here." He says and lifts the blankets up higher for me to scoot over into his arms. He lays an arm on my small bump and kisses my forehead.
"You're an amazing mother and your going to be an amazing mother to our son." He kisses my head and rubs my stomach with his large hands.
"You're so sweet."
"All because of you."
"I don't want to ruin tonight but we have to talk about your dad." He says. I close my eyes and shake my head."
"Not tonight okay?"
"I love you Demitri."
"I love you Art."

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