Jungkook Pt. 2

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Third Person Pov

"How is it-", Yoongi came from the kitchen to greet his little sis whose entering the door. His words got cut off by y/n's puffy eyes.

Y/n ignored him and went upstairs.

"Y/n? What happened? Why are you crying?", he says as he follow his sister behind. He got no reply.

"Y/n please what hap-", he stop his words when y/n shut the door with a loud bang.

"What the hell?", he cursed.

He took out his phone and called Jungkook,
"Jungkook, please pick up", he mumbled. But he got no answer that made him a little bit upset.

"Please answer you punk, what the hell is happening between you two", he sighed.

"Y/n please open the door", he knock a little bit harder after he heard y/n was sobbing. At last, he gave up.

Your Pov

"Y/n, you're okay right?", Jimin sat beside me at the couch. I just nodded my head whilst watching the kdrama on air right now totally trying to ignore them.

Deep inside I was hurt, I can't believe he said those mean words to me. Even worst he slapped me yet they don't know about it and I refused to tell them about what happened that night because I know as soon as I told them my heart ached and that's the time when my tears can't stop flowing.

"Y/n, for fuck sakes I asked you for millionth time what actually happen between you two?!", Yoongi half yelled which made me blink my eyes twice quickly.

I'm about to go upstairs but he grab my wrist.

"This is you. You are not easy! You always avoid your problem instead of searching for solution!!", I guess I test my brother's patience.

"WHY DON'T YOU ASK HIM YOURSELF. HE IS NOT MY BUSINESS TO TALK ABOUT. HE IS NO LONGER EXIST IN MY LIFE", I shouted. They looked at me in terror, shocked with what I said.

"He didn't answer my calls that's why I asked you y/n", oppa said softly after he notice tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I'm done. He don't need me anymore, no, what I mean is he don't need us. He already found his happiness and the decision is all his. Just stop talking about him"

"Don't you love him?", Taehyung interrupted.

"Even if I say I do, would the situation change? will he be here? No right", I snapped back.

"Y/n calm down. Why are you hate him so much?", Jin spoke.

"He made me change this way. Yes it's my fault for not noticing his feelings towards me earlier. Yes I admit it's all my fault"

"Don't you see this?", I pointed my red cheek. His slap is quite powerful.

"Yes he slapped me because I said something about his so called girlfriend. He said to not interfere on his life, that's whar I'm doing right now", my body collapsed on the ground crying.

"Sorry y/n we don't know that", Yoongi come to hug me, followed by jimin and the others. They gave me a group hugs.

"We got your back, don't worry", Jin assured.

Third Person Pov

Little did she know, Jungkook was there witnessing everything. The guys called him to come over. Actually Jungkook did not really dating Mina, he was just helping her to change. He don't even love her, he loves y/n. He explained everything to the guys. Yoongi on the other hand save his punch for him next time incase Jungkook made his little sis crying again.

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