Namjoon Pt.2 feat JK

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Your Pov

Right after we're divorced I don't know anything about him. I hope he doing just fine. My bestfriend, Jungkook is the one who taking care of me until I was giving birth. He give me comfortable place to sleep, food to eat and he didn't let me work. Somehow I don't want to trouble him but he resist to help me. I remember at the court, he was really mad at that time and landed a hard punch on Namjoon's face.

He still with her, the one who destroyed our marriage. The one who let you acting harsh towards me. I think it's fate. If you didn't do that, maybe I can't feel Jungkook's loves towards me all this time. He gave me the loves that you couldn't give.

It's been 2 weeks after I give birth to Jihye and Jungkook take a good care of me so well.

"How's your condition?", he popped out his head at my bedroom door.

"Fine, I guess", I let out a weak smile.

"How's my princess doing?", he pinched Jihye small cheeks gently whilst she sleeping in my arms.

"She's sleeping right after I breastfeed her", Jungkook nodded understand and sat beside me on the bed.

"You didn't go to work?", he shook his head while yawning. Since I was incharge from hospital he always on MC and it make me feel bad. I don't want him to waste his time, I can take care of myself.

"Why?", I asked. "Don't tell me you are on leave because of me. I don't want to trouble you", I added.

"No, it's just I want to rest. Y-yeah you can say like that", he replied awkwardly.

"Okay then, you should take enough rest"

"Y/n....actually I want to talk to you about us", he stared deeply into my eyes. My heart began to beat faster as usual. I always get this feelings when I'm around him.

"I want to take care of you, I want to protect you, I want to be the one who you can think everyday, I want to heal your wounds", he continued.

"What d-do you mean?"

"I want you to be my wife, because I love you", he hold my right hand and caress it gently while the other hand to hold Jihye.

"J-jungkook....", my eyes began to watery. I didn't expect this.

"Please I want to take care of you. I want us to get married. I promised to be the best husband to you and the best father to Jihye"

"I don't want to trouble you, this is more than enough", he shook his head. "No, you are not troubling me, having you at my side is the best thing I could have. I accepted you for who you are", he smiled exposing his bunny teeth.

"Thank you", I replied. "Thank you? So that's mean you agree to be my wife?", I nodded and he exclaimed in happiness.

Namjoon's Pov

"Jagi....when are you going to marry me? My parents have asking about us". My fianceè, Hana keep asking the same question. She's been too clingy for the past few days which is I hate it. Before this, when I'm still with y/n. She has everything that y/n didn't have. She's like the source of my happiness. She was good at everything that will make me blind with my loves for y/n. But now it's different, she's nothing other then a place where to lose my tension.

I don't know but I don't feel love with her. I don't get to feel butterflies in my stomach when I'm with her. It's different from y/n. I feel loved with her. I wonder if I'd make a wise decision.

Yeah Hana are pretty, sexy, always look stunning but somehow those thing didn't attract me now. Right after I divorced y/n, I feel lonely. I feel like I don't have anyone in this world. I do realised that I still love her but where is she now? It's been like a year now. I regret throwing her out of my life. She's perfect yet I waste her love for me.

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