Hobi Pt. 1

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Hey guys since Hobi’s birthday just around in the corner i’ve decided to make a special angst as appreciation for his existence :) Sunshine hobi is all I need 🥺💜

Third Person Pov

You saw him sitting with his friend at the Cafetaria. You saw him giggling to laughing listening to his friends jokes. That's more than enough making your heart racing.

You didn't notice you stared at him for too long until you didn't realised he reply with a glare and annoyance instead.

You didn't have appetite to eat and walked out of the scene silently. Actually, no one even bother with you existence.

He was the only close friend that you comfortable to hang out with. It's not like you didn't want to befriend with others but they are the one who wanted to avoid you. You can't do anything other than just wandering around the school alone for the rest of your life.

You hated yourself for confessing to him last month. If you didn't, probability the situation will not becoming like this, he would not ended the friendship that you guys built, you guys won't feel awkward with each other and he wouldn't left you.

"I'm sorry y/n but I didn't feel the same towards you. I think it's better for us to end our friendship here? so we didn't feel the awkwardness—?" , He said those hurtful words.

It's not like you wanted the answer now, it's not like you are pressuring him to accept you. You just wanted to confess, that's all. You didn't  give high hopes to yourself that he will accept you. Instead, you know he will turn you down but you didn't know he would do that.

"Girls, she's coming...she's coming", you walked to your locker and people looking at you with such expressions, pity, happy and some even try to hold their laugh.

As soon as you open your locker, plenty of trash came out from there. You try to stay calm, this is not the worst thing they did to you.

Sometimes they would fool you that your Bio teacher wanted to meet you. Infact they just wanted you to be late for class and because of that you need to deal with a detention.

You didn't want to cry.

"Don't cry y/n, you're strong, don't let them belittle you", you mumbled.

One of the girls who you assume to be Yena grab your hair forcefully, "What did you say bitch? Did you curse me and my girls under your breathe?"

They continue laughing.

"Why did you do this to me?", you asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I wanted you to stay away from hoseok oppa! I know you still love him right? ", She retorted.

"It's not your place to ask me such question", you replied.

"Really? I think I have the right to ask you because now we're dating and I don't want you to meddle in our relationship", you look at her with a disappointment look.

"And it's not even my business to take care of", you smirked.

"This bitch-", she tightened her grip on your hairs.

"Kang Yena, Stop!", the crowds are now enjoying the drama there. Some people shocked and some even recorded it assuming that it's fun to watch.

"Oppa!! She started it", she squealed like a bitch she is towards Hobi.

"Y/n, is it tru—", you didn't let him finish his words. Even if you tell him the truth, will he believe in you?

"It's true, now get out from my sight", you snapped and walked away from the hallway whilst trying so hard to hold your tears.

Hoseok was sitting on his study table at home and the incident at the school earlier this morning keep repeating in his mind to the point where he couldn't focus on the subject he was revising.

"Why did you lied y/n? I saw you were getting bullied but why you didn't try to defend yourself? I know you're not weak. I know you can fight back, but why?", He asked the question to himself.

Hoseok grab his phone and try to dial your number because these days he felt uneasy and he ensure it's about you.

Ever since he decided to ended his friendship with you, to be honest, he regret wuth his decision but he still couldn't accept it. He love someone else and he did not want you to hurt.

"Am i?", he asked inside his head again.

He don't know with his feelings either. Actually, he felt your absence. He miss you, he miss to hangout with you, to make you laugh by his silly jokes and everything but he's too ego to admit it.

When he was about to dial your number he realised that he blocked you.


He sighed. How could he forgot to unblock you?

Hoseok turn off his phone back and forget his intention to call you.

On the other hand you are at home. Again, that shit again.

"Only her can pay off my debt Taehee", you heard you step dad spoke in the living room with your mom.

You eavesdropped their conversation.

"But she's my daughter! She is the only one I have!! How could you want me to sold my daughter just to pay your fucking debt??!!", You mom snapped at him.

Your mouthed a gap, "S-sold??", You said quietly.

"MIND YOUR LANGUAGE WOMAN!!", a loud smack can be heard. He slapped your mom.

"Until my last breathe, you can't take her away from me. You are useless husband!! I regret marrying you!", again he slap her.

"STOP!!!!!!", You ran from upstairs. You saw your mom's crying.

"Hey sweetheart, I have something to talk to you", he said in the most kind-fake way.

"I heard the conversation", you loathe him. From the start you hated him. From the start, you still couldn't accept the fact that he replace your dad's place.

You saw him hangout with other woman but you rather keep your mouth shut because you know your mom loves and trust him so much. You didn't want to her sad again, enough after you lost your dad.

"UNCLE, PLEASE STOP TORTURING US!!", You snapped. Tears rolling down your cheeks.

"Torturing? What—", he laughed like a psychopath. At that time he pulled your hairs and you groaned in pain.

"Youngjoo that's enough!!!", You mom try to save you from him, but again he's the dominant one.

"Your daughter is asking for it",

The torture is now begin.


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