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Harmony Lovato-Valderrama had no idea what she was thinking when she had agreed to her teacher's recommendation of taking trigonometry her junior year. Had that been one of the days that she had stumbled through the halls drunk? Listening to her teacher go on and on about graphing tangents and other things that she was sure she had never heard of had her contemplating skipping second hour to go to the quad and smoke the blunt that Jeremiah had left in her car last night. Her GPA was outstanding but trig was slowly killing it, which would ultimately result in her mom killing her because she could not slip up this year.

"To cut this graph in half, what would the scale on both sides be?" Mr. Charlie asked the class of half awake teenagers. Harmony was practically drooling on her color coded notes.

"Does anyone know what the scale on both sides of the graph would be if we cut it in half?" He repeated. Harmony propped her head up with her elbow and blankly stared at the board. Despite how hard she was trying, the answer wasn't coming to her, so she didn't bother to raise her hand. But Mariana Gomez raised her hand.

"I'm sure Harmony knows the answer," Mariana cut her eyes across the room at her ex best friend as Harmony simply rolled hers. It was way too early in the morning for Mariana to be starting any type of drama.

"Oh really?" Mr. Charlie looked between the two girls as Mariana nodded and continued.

"Yeah, I mean she should know all about cutting considering who her mom is. Isn't that right, Moni?" Mariana smirked and flipped her chocolate colored waves over her shoulder, satisfied with her low dig. But Harmony wasn't laughing. She could handle people talking about her, but when they dragged her parents into stuff, she couldn't even begin to handle it. Like why even bring stuff that happened before all of them were even born into the picture?

Before anyone could react and before Harmony herself even realized what she was doing, she had pushed herself out of her desk and crossed the room to Mariana, tackling her to the floor and knocking her out with one good punch to the face. And even though she knew she was barely concious, she continued to punch her until Mr. Charlie pulled her off, but not without spitting on her bloody face.

"Dumb whore," she spat, grabbing her things on her own and exiting the room because she knew that they would be calling up her parents to come and get her, even if she was positive that neither of them were in town.
She made her way down to the main office with one of the hall monitors guiding her to make sure that she didn't cause any more trouble. She hadn't even meant to cause any trouble in the first place. It was only eight am and she was already down in the office. That had to be a new record.

All four of the receptionists in the office shook their heads as Harmony came in. She knew that they had already called one of her parents so she plopped down in one of the leather seats in the waiting area, snatching her phone out of the vintage Chanel backpack that her dad had sent to her a few weeks back.
Not even ten minutes later the office door swung open and in walked Demi Lovato in all of her infamous glory. What was usually a bright cheery smile was replaced with a scowl as she saw her daughter sitting in one of the chairs with bruises on her knuckles and her face buried into her phone like she hadn't just knocked a girl out during first period.

"Let's go," Demi snapped, quickly signing the release forms and her suspension form. Three days from school with the possibility of her mom not even being at home? That wasn't much of a punishment.

The walk to the car was silent and Harmony kept her eyes on the Michael Kors shoes that she had bought with her mom's credit card, and she still didn't know about it. Harmony snickered at the thought but then remembered that she was in trouble and shut her mouth.

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