twenty five.

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"Mom, when is Harmony coming back?" Isabella questioned in the back seat of the car that Demi had borrowed from Wilmer. She had just picked her up from school and they were grabbing an early dinner with Wilmer before she had to go to the studio. Demi huffed out a breath and bent her elbow against the window, balancing her head in her hand as she drove.

"I really don't know right now Isa," Demi responded as Isabella pouted but stayed quiet. Having a big sister, even if it had only been for about two weeks, was so cool. Harmony was a teenager and Isabella knew that she wouldn't really want to be bothered with her but Harmony still wore matching outfits to the studio with her and helped her with her hair and her dancing and watched Dance Moms reruns with her until the new season started. She had gotten a little taste of what having a big sister was like and now she was gone.

"If I ever do something bad will you just send me away?" They stopped at a red light and Demi turned around to face her daughter to see if she had a condescending look on her face but she was being 100% serious.

"Why would you think that I would do something like that?" Demi questioned as Isabella shrugged.

"Well you sent Harmony to live with me and daddy, and now she's gone again because she did something bad," Isabella explained. Demi heard a loud honk behind her and stepped on the gas while chewing on her bottom lip, trying not to think too hard about what Isabella had just said.

Harmony paced the length of the guest bedroom, waiting for Simon or Erik to come and tell her that dinner was ready. In the meantime, she was trying to figure out who could've leaked the story about Isabella and her parents to the press because it certaintly wasn't her. She had only told one person about Isabella being her little sister and she had told that same person about her parents' affair. But could Lauren really be the one behind all of this?

Harmony wanted to believe that out of all of her friends, Lauren wasn't fake as well. Then she really wouldn't have anyone to trust or depend on. Lauren had been like her sister for years, would she really turn her back on her and leak family secrets?

The rhetorical questions were killing Harmony so she used the landline phone and quickly dialed her number since her phone was still broken and neither of her parents had offered her a new one. It took a few rings but Lauren finally picked up and didn't bother to hide her irritation. Harmony had completely forgotten about the time difference.

"I'm sorry for waking you up," she quickly apologized and she could practically hear Lauren rolling her eyes.

"Talk fast, Harmony I'm tired," Lauren snapped.

"You didn't tell the press or anyone else about what I told you, right?" Harmony chewed on the skin around her thumb nails as Lauren smacked her lips.

"You told me not to tell anyone and I didn't. After everything I've done for you do you not trust me?" Lauren questioned as Harmony sighed and sat down on her bed.

"It's not that, it's just that I haven't told anyone about that stuff except for you and now it's everyone and I'm not the one who told."

"Well I didn't tell either. Maybe you should've checked who we were around before you started opening your mouth and spilling family secrets. I can't believe that you would think I would do something like that. I hope you have fun rotting in England," and with that, Lauren hung up and all that Harmony could hear was the dial tone. She nearly growled in frustration as she slammed the phone down and began pacing again. This entire situation was gonna be the reason for her death. She was so pissed off she didn't even know what to do with herself anymore.

"Short stack, dinner is ready," Harmony rolled her eyes at the childhood nickname before following Erik out of the room and down to the formal dining room where dinner was laid out. Eating dinner as a family and actually sitting down at the table together was new to her and a bit uncomfortable but she didn't want to be rude and ask if she would eat upstairs so she took the seat next to Erik.

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