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Isabella pulled open the doors to the studio and Harmony hesitantly entered behind her. Isabella had wanted to match so they both had on black spandex and bra tops with their hair in messy high ponytails. Isabella just had to have a bow in hers though, but Harmony left the bow out of her hair. They also both had Cartier bracelets on their right wrists. Harmony had eleven because she had received one every year since her fifth birthday but Isabella had four. Lyric had just received her first one this year. The competition was in four days and she had to practice her solo and her parts of the trio with Lauren and Sophia until they arrived later on in the week. This studio was so unfamiliar to her, even if it was owned by the same person.

"Harmony?" She looked up and saw a petite woman with shiny blonde hair walking towards her.

"I'm Alexa, I'm the head choreographer here and I'm supposed to work with you for your solo," they shook hands and Isabella ran off to class as Harmony followed Alexa to one of the private studios.

"How about you get stretched out and I'll grab your music from the front desk?" Harmony nodded and dropped her bag to the floor, instantly beginning to stretch herself out since she hadn't done it in a while. She really didn't want to do this solo anymore, or at least not to her mom's music. She just wanted a different song because she was not connecting with this song at all. She didn't understand why she couldn't have chosen her own song to dance to.

"Feeling any pressure about dancing to one of your mom's songs?" Harmony shook her head and slowly stood up as Alexa got the music situated.

Harmony slid into her final position as the music ended and Alexa chewed on her bottom lip.

"Every single move is perfect but you have no emotion. You're not connecting with the song and I wanna know why," Alexa explained as Harmony tried to catch her breath. Maybe because the song didn't relate to her at all? She didn't have any of these feelings towards anyone and that was making it hard for her to even understand what her mom was singing about.

"What if you went home and asked your mom about it?" Alexa offered but Harmony shook her head again. How would that help? First of all, she wasn't on a speaking basis with her mother. Second of all, she didn't care what the song was about.

"Can't I just change my solo? I can learn a new one in four days and perfect it. I know I can," Harmony pleaded but it was Alexa's turn to shake her head.

"Please? I know I can do this," Harmony stood up and looked into Alexa's eyes, seeing her slowly cave in. Dance was really the only thing that she had left to care about and she didn't want to go to a competition with a solo that she didn't like.

"Fine. But that means everyday, you come here right after school and you don't leave until I feel like everything is perfect, understood?" Alexa said and Harmony nodded before tackling Alexa with a hug. She didn't know the woman well but at least she was more lenient than Mia when it came to changing routines.

"I have music for Turning Page by Sleeping At Last. Do you know that song?" Harmony dramatically fell back on the floor and groaned. Did every song she danced to have to have some weird connection to her mother?

"It was my parents' wedding song," and Harmony only knew that because back when she was younger and her parents actually loved each other, they would always dance to that song and gush about how it described them perfectly and all of that stuff.

"Well I already have a solo choreographed for that so-"

"HARMONY!" Lauren scampered across the room and engulfed Harmony in a huge hug. Harmony breathed out in relief because finally there was a familiar face. Finally there was someone from her old life that she actually liked.

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