twenty nine

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"Girls, you know the soundproof walls only really work when you actually close the door?" Demi had been desperately trying to get some rest after yesterday and Wilmer was as well. The girls had all slept in the studio last night after playing around and had woken up this morning blasting music and dancing and jumping around, but the door was open so they heard everything.

"It got hot in here," Harmony said and Demi rolled her eyes as she turned the heat off.
"Problem solved," she grumbled, closing the door behind her before making the trek back up to her room. Wilmer was awake but drifting in and out of sleep so she joined him and cuddled into his side.

"Let's go out tonight, yeah?" Wilmer asked and Demi nodded before closing her eyes and instantly falling back to sleep.

The doorbell kept ringing and though Harmony was adamant about not answering it, even if she was the closest one to it, she soon had no choice and groaned as she dropped her phone and walked over to the door. She pulled it open without checking who it was, and her eyes widened when she saw Erik, Simon, Lauren, and the twins standing there.

"Your mom is expecting us but it's clear you weren't," Harmony moved out of the way so that they could come in and cringed at her outfit. She was in spandex and a loose crew neck top and her hair was completely falling out of it's ponytail. She didn't even have any makeup on and Erik had just walked into her house.

"Simon!" Demi rushed over to him and gave him a long hug before moving on to Lauren and Erik and the twins. Harmony was about to run up the stairs to fix herself up but Demi stopped her.

"Did you take Luna for a walk yet?" Harmony groaned and threw her head back. She did not feel like going walking.

"Harmony, she's your responsibility I shouldn't even have to remind you of these things," Demi reprimanded as Harmony rolled her eyes and stomped up the stairs. As soon as she made it to her room she threw on a pair of sweatpants and her running shoes before grabbing Luna's leash and going to find her.

"Isabella let her go I have to take her for a walk," Isa and Lyric were trying to put bows in her hair but Harmony took the dog from them and attached her leash to her collar before going back downstairs.

"You want me to come with you?" Erik asked as she was about to leave. Harmony eagerly nodded and set Luna down before opening the door and walking out with Erik next to her.

"How was your Christmas?" Harmony asked as they began to walk down the driveway. Why her parents had decided to buy a house on a hill was way beyond her understanding.

"It was good. I was just glad to be home," Erik answered, briefly licking his lips before looking down at her.

"What about you?"

"It was kind of weird. I never thought my parents would spend another Christmas ever. And I didn't know how the day would go but it was really fun. It felt like we were a family again," Harmony smiled at the thought before shaking her head and looking over at him.

"How's your therapy thing going?"

"'s going. I feel better not carrying so much stuff around but I think I really hurt my mom and I don't know how to make it better," Harmony knew that she didn't hate her mother after her last session with Kailey. She just wasn't sure how to relate that message to her after she clearly broke her heart by saying all of those things.

"Demi is a very understanding person, Harmony. And she loves you so I'm sure that anyway you apologize to her or whatever, she'll accept it. I don't think you fully realize how much your mom loves you," Erik explained as Harmony stuffed her hands into her pockets.

"People say that a lot..." She trailed off and let her hair loose from the ponytail that it was in. "How long are you guys staying here?" Harmony didn't want to talk about her mom or about therapy or anything else.

"I think just a few days. I wish we were staying for longer though," he looked directly at her and she could feel her face heating up so she ducked her head so that he wouldn't see.

"I wish you could stay longer too," she replied with a smile that showed off the two indents in her cheeks.

"How does this look?" Demi busted into her room dressed to the nines and if Harmony wasn't in such a good mood she probably would've snapped at her. Her parents were going out with Simon and Lauren while her and Erik were staying at the house to watch the kids.

"It looks good but you should wear that Chanel chain necklace you bought with the matching bracelet. And you need to change your earrings," Harmony stated as Demi exhaled and nervously paced around the room. Harmony screwed her eyebrows together as she saw how nervous her mother was.

"Please don't tell me you're scared to go out on a date with the man who was your first husband," Harmony chuckled but she stopped laughing when she saw the look on her mother's face.

"Mom! Seriously? You guys sleep in the same bed, you've obviously had sex before, you used to be married. What are you nervous for?" Harmony interrogated as Demi sat at the end of her bed and chewed on her bottom lip.

"I don't know. It's just different this time. I want us to work out and we haven't really been on a date since well...since before we got married," Demi breathed out as Harmony sighed and sat up, crawling over to her mom and fixing her hair.

"There's nothing to be nervous about. You and dad have done this a million times before. You love him and he loves you and you look beautiful," Harmony smiled at her mom who nodded and opened her arms for a hug.

"And I love you too," Harmony whispered as Demi squeezed her even tighter before pulling away.

"I love you more," she kissed her nose before leaving the room for her date and Harmony fell back on her bed, finally satisfied with her life for once.

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