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"Thanks for this again, Wilmer," she didn't know why he was still in town but he was and she was grateful that he had answered her call. He had picked her up, called someone to tow her car AND got the tire fixed, dropped her off at her meeting, and then taken her to get her car from the repair shop.

"It's really no problem, Demi," he said for about the hundredth time that day. Him and Demi had always had a sort of special relationship and their divorce didn't change that. Things had been awkward and tense for a while but they were slowly getting over that rough patch.

"I might come and get Harmony tomorrow...to spend some time with her before I have to go back. Don't tell her just in case I don't show up though," Wilmer said and Demi nodded as she gathered her things together.

"Well she's studying with Lauren and Sophia anyways so..." Demi trailed off as she noticed the agitated look on Wilmer's face. "What?"

"Studying? With her two best friends? On a Saturday night? Demi are you stupid?" Wilmer asked with an incredulous look on his face. Even without Harmony's track record, what type of sensible parent actually believed that their grounded child was going to study on a Saturday night? Wilmer ran his hand down his face at the thought of what his daughter could possibly be doing with those out of control best friends of hers.

"Excuse me?"

"She's 16 years old, Demi. It's a Saturday night. You don't really believe she's studying, do you?" Demi was trying so hard to not assume the worst of her daughter because that's what everyone else was doing. Why was it so hard to believe that Harmony might actually be telling the truth?


"Whatever. I don't even wanna discuss this right now, but you need to open your eyes before it's too late," Wilmer unlocked his doors and patiently waited for her to get out. Demi chewed on her bottom lip before finally opening the door and slamming it behind her. Now that Wilmer put the thought in her mind she couldn't stop thinking about what Harmony could be doing right now.

"Moni," Moni felt a gentle kick in her side and she groaned before rolling over. Whatever she was on top of was super soft and she sighed in ecstasy while embracing the warmth around her.

"Moni, we gotta go," Harmony popped one eye open and saw Lauren there with the jacket that she had on last night in her arms.

"We have that photoshoot to go to and if we wanna be there on time we have to leave now," Sophia was next to her and instead of waiting for Harmony to wake up she grabbed her arm and yanked her off of the bed.


"She was taking too long. We have to go now!" Harmony rolled her eyes and stood up off of the floor. She looked back at Jeremiah who was still asleep in the bed and leaned over to kiss his cheek. She took the jacket from Lauren before they hurried out of the room and out of his house.

"Could you maybe, idk, try to go the speed limit? Our parents will flip if we get pulled over," Lauren reached over from the passenger seat and pushed Sophia's shoulder who simply shrugged her off and sped up a bit just to make her mad.

"No one's gonna get pulled over. And if we do, no one is gonna find out. I'm wearing a mini skirt today," Sophia smirked and popped her gum while Harmony giggled from the backseat. She lazily rested her head against the window and listened to her two best friends argue with each other just like they did all of the time.

"Where are we going anyway?" Lauren questioned with her red lips puckered out.

"West Hollywood," for the longest of times, WeHo had been forbidden by their parents. They weren't allowed to go out there even if they tried and they still had no idea why. But Sophia's mom's friend had emailed Ariana about some sober campaign wanting teenage models and since it was for a good cause, she just figured that it wouldn't be that big of a deal and their parents would be happy and proud of them.

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