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Demi was in her bath tub filled with vanilla scented bubbles, the massage jets vibrating against her tense body as she sunk deeper into the water to relax herself. There were candles lit everywhere and she had locked the doors so that no one could interrupt her.

The wine glass of vanilla bean ice cream had been discarded after she had finished it and for now she was just relaxing, sinking off into her own vanilla scented world.

But her bubble was quickly bursted as her phone began to ring on the small table next to the tub. She considered ignoring it but knowing the people that she associated with, her phone would just get spammed with calls until she answered so she sucked it up and pressed answer.


"You lying bitch!" That was definitely Harmony. Demi knew that she had this coming but she didn't appreciate being called a bitch by her own daughter, even if she could be one.


"No! NO. I get sent away just because I took a few pictures and got a tattoo but you're allowed to have a secret child with your ex husband? You're allowed to keep my own sister away from me for nine years of my life just because of a stupid mistake that you made?" Harmony exclaimed, pacing back and forth in the guest room after her dad had confirmed that yes, Isabella was her sister, her biological sister.


"I'm such a problem for your publicist and I'm so messy but your life is a literal mess! You sold me for your stupid addiction when I was six and now I'm finding out that you have a daughter with my dad! God, you are such a hypocrite!" Harmony screamed. She could feel her face heating up and for a second she felt as if she might explode. She wanted to scream and cry and throw things and break down but all she could do was pace back and forth in the stupid guest room because her room had been given away to a sister that she didn't know that she had.


"I may be a bit wild and out of control and whatever else your stupid employees and your dumb husband wants to call me, but I am not nearly as fucked up as you are and I'll never be. Have a nice life, mom," and she hung up. Demi set her phone down and chewed down on her bottom lip as she felt her body begin to tremble.

She had made so many mistakes in the past, mistakes that Harmony wasn't supposed to find out about. One of those was having a second child with Wilmer. She had been pregnant while she was in rehab and had delivered the baby in Chicago. She didn't stay in rehab for just three months...she stayed in for six because she just wanted to be the best version of herself that she could possibly be and after the first three months, she was nowhere close to that. Wilmer didn't even find out about the baby, Isabella, until two weeks before her due date and after she delivered her, she gave up her parental rights and let Wilmer take care of her. Things had just been so complicated back then that what happened was only something that her and Wilmer could understand, not Trey or her publicist and certainly not her 16 year old daughter.

Two hours had passed and Harmony was miserable. She didn't necessarily wanna go back to living with her mom but she wanted to go back to California. No matter how much she wanted to live with her dad, Florida wasn't the place for her and he wasn't being very welcoming.

Harmony locked the door to the guest room and opened the instagram app on her phone to see what everyone was up to. There had been another party this weekend that she of course didn't go to. It looked like Sophia went to it but Lauren didn't. Speaking of Lauren, she should probably get around to texting her back so that she could know where she was.

Harmony stopped scrolling when she saw a picture of herself on someone's profile. It was Sophia's profile. It was a picture of her at the airport after she had arrived in Florida and she wasn't looking the best. Sophia had captioned it no money, no family, sixteen in the middle of Miami😂😂😂 from some Iggy Azalea song but Harmony couldn't find the humor in the situation. The picture had well over 50k likes and thousands of comments laughing along with her, specifically comments from Jeremiah and Mariana laughing at her expense. Wasn't Sophia supposed to be her friend?

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