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"I'm taking her with me," Wilmer hissed, not wanting his daughter, who was in the bedroom of the hotel room, to hear what he was saying to her mom. Harmony was six and she was at that age where she could understand more of what was going on around her, in a way that it affected her mood and everything about her. Wilmer and Demi's marriage was on the brink of extinction but Wilmer didn't want his daughter knowing that.

"No the fuck you're not, Wilmer! She's my child and she's staying here!" Demi stomped her foot down, not caring how loud she was being because her mind wasn't in the right place to remember that her daughter was just in the next room. She was in the middle of a tour, a world tour, and Wilmer had unexpectedly popped up in Russia and demanded that Harmony should come back to America with him. But that wasn't gonna happen. She had asked for primary custody for a reason and she wasn't gonna let him take her daughter away.

"WHY SO YOU CAN 'ACCIDENTALLY' SELL HER OFF FOR YOUR ADDICTION, DEMI? IS THAT WHY I CAN'T PROTECT MY DAUGHTER BY TAKING HER AWAY FROM YOU?" Harmony rolled over in the giant bed that her dad had tucked her into. She hadn't stayed for her mommy's concert that night because her dad had surprised them, and she was really happy about that. He had taken her to eat Blini, which were like Russian crepes, then he took her shopping and everything. She even got a super cool stuffed polar bear from one of the street vendors that she was cuddling before her parents woke her up.

"FUCK YOU WILMER!" her mommy wasn't supposed to say words like that. She was quiet getting out of her bed because she didn't want her parents to know that she was awake. She had named her polar bear Blanco because he was white, and her daddy had told her that was the Spanish word for white, and she was clutching him to her chest as she peeked through the slit in the door.

"YOU'RE ONLY MAD BECAUSE I'M TELLING THE TRUTH. AND YOU BASICALLY KIDNAPPED HER TO GET HER OVER HERE WITH YOU BUT I'M DONE. SHE'S COMING TO LIVE WITH ME UNTIL YOU GET YOURSELF TOGETHER!" She saw her dad heading towards the door so she ran back to the bed and shuffled underneath the covers.

"Wilmer no," her mom was crying. Harmony hugged Blanco closer to her chest as her father picked her up and sat down with her on his lap. Her boots were stuffed onto her feet and a blanket was wrapped around her body.

"You're not taking my baby," her mom cried. She loved her mommy, but she wanted to go with her dad. Being with her mommy stopped being fun a long time ago and she was happy her daddy had come to save her.

"Wil, please, she's the only thing keeping me going," she heard her mommy sniffle. She should really blow her nose because sniffling too much put a nasty taste in the back of her throat.

"Then let her be your reason for getting better again, Demi," her daddy was practically whispering but she heard him. She heard her mom's hiccups and sobs and she wanted to open her eyes and comfort her but she let her daddy take her out of the hotel room, out of Russia, and away from her mommy.

Harmony was clutching Blanco to her chest when her mom came into her room to tell her that it was time to go to dance. She really didn't feel like going but she had a solo to work on and Mia had just assigned a trio with Lauren and Sophia so she didn't have much of a choice.

"Have a good time at dance baby," though she had woken up in an amazing mood, the mood obviously didn't stay. She nodded and exited her mom's car before heading into the dance studio. Did she feel like suffering through five hours of dance? No. The only thing keeping her going was the fact that tomorrow was Jeremiah's party and she would be stress free.

"Hey," Lauren greeted as she entered the changing room. She was tying her waist length hair up into a bun and Harmony smiled with her mouth closed before sitting down on one of the benches. She took her Uggs off and set them on the floor, changing into her jazz shoes since that was her first class for tonight.

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