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"Now the Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy can not be created nor destroyed. It can only change form," yeah yeah Mr. Smith, that was all fine and dandy, but Harmony really could care less. It's not like anything she wanted to do in life had anything to do with chemistry so why was she forced to take this class?

Harmony huffed out a loud breath which caused a few irrelevants in the room to turn around and look at her but she waved them off and slouched down in her seat. She glanced at the clock and sighed even louder when she realized that she still had thirty minutes of class left, which she was not planning on staying for.

"I'm sorry Harmony, am I boring you?" Mr. Smith turned away from the board and everyone in the room focused their attention on her. She sat up and crossed one leg over the other, twirling the end of her hair with one of her manicured French tips.

"You want the truth or a lie?" She raised an eyebrow and a few people laughed at her, just to fit in. She didn't mind though.


"Quite honestly I don't give a shit about this class. So to save both of us the trouble, how about you just let me go to the bathroom?" She never used school bathrooms and everyone knew that...except for Mr. Smith.

"Whatever," he signed a pass for her just to get her out of the class. She was too much of a distraction and if she didn't wanna learn and didn't want to pass the class, that wasn't his problem.

"Thanks," she popped her gum as she strutted out of the room, the neon green pass held in her hand so that the hall monitors wouldn't stop and ask her where she was going.

Harmony pulled out her black iPhone and checked her iMessages with Jeremiah. He was still in the courtyard waiting for her so she headed out there but made a pit stop at her locker to check her makeup and stuff. Of course she still looked good. She always did.

"Tell me how much you missed me," Lyric was at her head start program, which she only went to for half a day. Demi had about an hour to kill before she had to go pick her up so she decided to fit in a TLC session with her husband.

"Demi," he groaned as she continued to massage his shoulder blades, rubbing the oil on her hands into his bronzed skin as she straddled his back. Trey was her second husband, but she loved him so much more than her first. She would always love Wilmer, because they had been best friends first, but Trey was just...he was everything to her. No one had expected them to get together, they hadn't even expected it, but they had given each other a chance and now they were married and they had Lyric and he had accepted Harmony as his daughter too. She loved this man so much, especially after being away on a three month long tour.

"Tremaine," she moaned out his full name like only she could and bit down on his earlobe as she continued to rub him down.

"Tell me how much you missed me. Tell me how you're gonna love me forever and ever and ever," Wilmer had been through a lot with her, but Trey had too. When they had first met, when Harmony was only about five years old, she had been nothing short of a mess. She always preached about saving yourself but he had saved her again, when Wilmer could no longer do it for her because at that point, their relationship was just so broken.
He suddenly flipped them over and she giggled as she landed on the soft bed, staring up at his copper colored eyes as her hands wound around his neck and he hovered over her.

"You're my everything," he breathed out and she smiled in delight, leaning up to plant a kiss on his lips.

"You're my everything too," yes she loved her children and her family and her life, but she wouldn't be where she was without the man who owned her heart.

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