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The summer that Harmony graduated from high school was also the summer that her parents got remarried. It wasn't a huge ceremony like their first wedding. Only their closest family and friends were invited and her mother had been a complete mess and her father had cried before he even made it down the aisle, but it still happened. Harmony watched, holding her mother's bouqet, as her parents recommitted themselves to each other, and it was the most beautiful thing ever.

At the reception she had danced with her dad and her mom and her grandpa and Erik, but then she had danced with Lauren too because they had decided to put their differences aside so that they could conquer the world together. Instead of going to Julliard, Harmony stayed in California and continued training for dance, but she also helped with her mother's store and clothing line with Lauren right by her side.

It was a year after their wedding and instead of going on some exotic vacation, her parents were taking their family somewhere different, they just wouldn't tell them where it was.

"I could be sleeping," Harmony grunted as they exited their car and headed towards the private jet. Harmony was now 19 and even though she had considerably grown up, she still had her moments.

"You'll have plenty of time to sleep on the plane." Demi handed her bag to Wilmer so that she could pick Lyric up who refused to wake up. Isabella was trudging towards the plane with a pout on her face because it was four in the morning and it was still dark outside and they weren't used to such early flights.

"Can you just tell us where we're going?" The flight attendants took their luggage but Harmony kept her blanket, pillow, and purse. She was the first one on so she chose her favorite seat and instantly curled up into it.

"You've never been there before," was all that Demi said before settling into her seat with Lyric on her lap. Wilmer came and sat next to her and Isabella sat next to him, resting her head on his chest as he wrapped her arm around her. They were all tired but the kids were feeling it the most.

"Will we have cell service there?" Wilmer and Demi shared a laugh before shaking their heads at their oldest daughter who was half asleep.

"Go to sleep, baby. I'll wake you up when we get there." Harmony didn't need anything else. She took that as permission to close her eyes and drift off in a well deserved rest.

Turns out it was Africa, specifically Kenya. And it wasn't all desert like TVS and books would make you believe. It was a gorgeous populated city with beautiful beaches and skyscrapers that touched the clouds and sprawling mansions with golden lawns. It was the complete opposite of how she had ever imagined any part of Africa.

"What are we here for?" Harmony asked, now that she was more alert. They were in a taxi van getting driven to their destination but her parents wouldn't tell her where it was. They had simply dropped their things off at the hotel they were staying at and now they were headed somewhere unknown.

"Can you just be surprised?"

"No, because she's just like you," Wilmer responded with a shake of his head. Harmony and Demi both rolled their eyes at that and it was quiet for the rest of the ride.

"Mommy, I'm hot," Lyric whined.

"Well I told Wilmer to take off your warm up jacket." Demi eyed her husband as she helped Lyric take her jacket off before tucking it into her purse.

Ten minutes later they arrived at their destination without any more complaints. It was outside of the city in a more rural part. Harmony tipped her sunglasses up to read what was written on the small building.

"Mzunguko Wa Maisha nyumba ya kukuza?" Of course she didn't pronounce it right and Demi corrected her as they exited the car.

"It means Circle of Life foster home." Before they entered, Demi turned around to face their family.

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