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The rest of the Christmas holiday had been great. She had hung out with Erik a lot until he went back to England, and they had been texting since then. She wanted them to go further but they had grown up together and their parents were close and she didn't want him to think it was weird. To Harmony, it wasn't weird. But to him, it might be. And the way he talked to her sometimes made her feel like he still looked at her as the little kid who used to make him play princess and pirates in her backyard.

New Years had been nice too. They went to Utah with her mom's best friend Marissa, and her Aunt Jenny and her husband. The kids only got to stay for a few days and then they spent the rest of the time in Dallas while her parents stayed there. Staying with her grandparents had been uneventful and Isabella had even cried because she wanted to go back home.

But now winter break was over, and since Harmony was back home, it meant that she had to go back to school. And no therapy session could prepare her for that.

"How was your winter break?" It was her last session before the first day of school and Kailey said that she didn't want to talk about anything too heavy so her mom could sit in with them.

"It was good. I liked spending it with my family because we've seemed to be really divided lately," and Harmony was being honest. She liked all of the time that they spent bonding and having snow ball fights in Utah and making their Valderrama family hot chocolate. It was fun and she almost felt like a little kid again.

"Well I'm glad that you value family time so much," Demi nodded as well and smiled at her daughter. Words couldn't express how proud she was of the progress that Harmony had made, with her even agreeing to attend these therapy sessions in the first place.

"What do you want to do when you graduate high school?" The question took her off guard because Harmony had never really been asked that before. She wasn't even really sure what she wanted to do when she graduated. She didn't know what she wanted to go to college for or pursue a career in. She just hadn't ever really thought that much of it.

"Do you wanna go down any of the routes that your mom did? Like with fashion or music or acting?" Kailey questioned as Harmony chewed on the inside of her mouth.

"I don't wanna sing or anything. I don't think I really wanna act either. I like the fashion stuff but I think I wanna do something that has to do with dancing," being a professional dancer was such a risky career choice. You didn't always get hired for stuff, you had to audition all the time, and one injury and you were done. Harmony wasn't sure if that was what she wanted to do either but she had been dancing for fifteen years and just to throw all of that away would be stupid.

"So do you wanna go on Broadway or be like a backup dancer or just a choreographer? What do you wanna do?" Harmony would rather talk about the heavy stuff because she honestly did not have a lot of direction in her life.

"I don't know," Harmony shrugged her shoulders and Kailey nodded before sitting back in her seat.

"So you wouldn't ever want to do what your mom does with the singing and the touring and the albums and stuff?"

"No because I've seen how stressful it is and it nearly destroyed our family. I wouldn't wanna do any of that stuff, even if I was good at it," Harmony honestly answered. And she didn't want to be compared to her mother. If she went into singing, she would always be compared to her mother and there was nothing that she hated more than that.

"Well you should get to seriously thinking about what you want to do. You go back to school soon and you have a world of opportunities opened up right in front of you," Kailey smiled at the younger girl as Harmony slowly nodded and checked the time on her phone.

"Well unless your mother wants to add something, I think we're done here," Kailey stood up and shook each of their hands just like she did at the end of each session. Demi waited for Harmony to gather her things before they edited the office and headed back home.

"FAMILY MEETING!" Wilmer called. It took a few minutes but Harmony, Isabella, and Demi eventually came out of wherever they were residing in the house and plopped down on the sofas in the living room.

"Last year for our family was tough. We went through a lot and a lot of changes were made. Relationships were restored and created and though it was hard, we made it through," her dad was always giving speeches so Harmony just took one of the pillows from the couch and laid back on it.

"Harmony, you went through a lot last year and I just want to say that it has been cleared by our publicist that you were not the one who leaked the stories about our family to the press," both of her parents were smiling at her but Harmony wasn't impressed. She had told them, both of them, that it wasn't her from the very beginning and it took their publicists to get them to really believe her.

"I told you guys that I didn't do it in the first place," Harmony responded as Demi sighed but Wilmer spoke.

"The evidence was stacked against you Harmony. We're moving on and your name is cleared and we are beginning to trust you again," Wilmer explained as Harmony huffed and fell back on the couch as Luna ran and hopped onto her stomach.

"And we apologize for not having trust in you but your actions leading up to that didn't really make us have faith in you in the first place," Demi jumped in, finally making eye contact with Harmony who just shrugged and shoulders and started to play with Luna's soft fur.

"I just want to establish the fact that we're a family. We're a unit. We're not splitting up or separating and no one is going away. We're sticking together for the rest of our lives, okay?" Harmony thought her parents were being a tad bit dramatic but she nodded anyways and checked the time on her phone. School was starting back up tomorrow and she was hoping that if she stayed up late enough she would just be so exhausted that she would sleep through the entire day...not that her parents would allow that to happen. But it was a nice thought.

one or two more chapters and then it's over...

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