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Composing herself before going into her house had been hard. She had to work extra hard to cover the now unwanted hickies on her neck and quickly throw her uniform back on. She grabbed both of her bags and tied her cardigan around her waist before heading towards the front door. She wasn't going to dance today after what happened with Jeremiah. She wasn't in the right mind set and she wasn't in the right mood. But what she had failed to notice were the extra cars in her driveway.

As soon as she entered the formal living room she saw her mom, Trey, Naya, Ryan, and Ariana. Holly was also there but she wasn't standing up like all of the other parents were. Lauren and Sophia were sitting down and Harmony crinkled her nose.


"Sit down Harmony."

"Mom I-"

"Sit. Down," Demi demanded.

Harmony walked over to where Lauren and Sophia were and sat down in between them. Lauren looked like she was on the verge of tears but Sophia was just boredly picking at her nails.

"Girls we-"

"No let me handle this," Naya cut Demi off and marched over to the three girls.

"Have the three of you lost your minds?" Naya questioned with nothing but venom in her voice.

"What are you talking about?" Harmony seemed to be the only one who didn't know what was going on.

"What is she talking about? She's talking about the three of you going to West Hollywood, like we've specifically told you not to, and participating in a photoshoot that we had no idea about!" Demi exclaimed, tossing the photos that Holly had forwarded to her onto the ground. Harmony looked down at them and tried to keep the smug smile off of her face. She looked so good.

"You're talking about the Sober is Sexy shoot? Ariana told Sophia about it who told us. And I didn't think it was a big deal because you did one too," Harmony replied while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Ariana, you knew about this?" Ariana looked up from her phone and shrugged.

"I just didn't know that the photoshoot would look like that," Ariana replied. She didn't seem to have a problem with the fact that Harmony and Sophia were photographed practically kissing in a dimly lit room barely dressed.

"Harmony, that campaign is fake. None of those people are actually sober and they promote eating disorders and addictions among young girls. So once again I ask, have you lost your mind?" Naya repeated while Harmony's eyes widened but she maintained her composure.

"But my mom-"


"Would've had me fooled because everyone just loves to compare the two of us," Harmony snapped back. Lauren cut her eyes over to Harmony and silently shook her head. She wasn't making things any better.

"Stop talking to me like that, Harmony. I am your mother. You don't talk to me like I'm one of your little friends or something," Demi hissed, angrily pacing back and forth as Harmony simply rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest.

"Whatever," she scoffed.

Demi almost lunged at Harmony but Trey snatched her back because he knew that if she ended up hitting her daughter then she would regret it later.

"You know what? I'm taking Lauren home. We'll finish this discussion there," Sophia stood up as Lauren did as well but as Lauren walked past Naya, her cropped shirt rose on her hips so that you could see the main part of the tattoo. Naya grabbed the back of Lauren's shirt and snatched her back as Ariana and Sophia left.

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