twenty six.

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As soon as Demi received the text from Simon that Harmony was finally ready to go to therapy like she needed to, she arranged for the jet to pick her up from London that same night so that she could be in the US by the morning, and in the therapist's office by at least two o clock, which was when Demi had scheduled the appointment. She didn't want any delays in case she decided to change her mind or suddenly got scared. This was the one thing that she couldn't force her daughter to do. Harmony needed to want to get help and want to talk to someone and want to get better. Demi knew that for herself because rehab wouldn't have worked for her both times if she hadn't of wanted to get better.

"MONI!" Since they were back in LA, Demi had arranged for Lyric to be with them since she knew Harmony had been missing her. It made her heart swell thinking about all three of her children together and getting along. Isabella and Lyric had a little sleepover last night and had been inseparable ever since Demi told them that they were sisters. They didn't even ask questions. They just accepted it and continued playing around.

"LYRIC! ISABELLA!" Harmony screamed with just as much of enthusiasm, picking Lyric up in her arms and swinging her around before wrapping her arms around Isabella as well. Demi snapped a picture of the three and leaned against Wilmer as she watched the girls hug and cry and squeal and kiss. It reminded her of the relationship that she had with her sisters and she had always wanted that for her children.

"We missed you! You missed our slumber party last night, Moni," Lyric pouted but reached over to intertwine their hands as Harmony dragged her bags over to her parents. Her dad took her luggage but she kept her purse. She hugged him and he kissed the top of her head.

"I'm so proud of you," he whispered to her and she looked up at him in confusion.

"I didn't do anything," Harmony said but Wilmer nodded his head.

"You did. You've done so much already. Your journey has just begun but you're the one who started it," he kissed the top of her head again as Harmony smiled and followed him out to the car. She had yet to address her mom and she didn't really want to until they were in the therapist's office.

"I'm Kailey Smith, I've been your mom's therapist since she was practically your age," Kailey was clearly aged but she hid it well. She had gorgeous fiery red hair with some streaks of gray that nicely framed her face and fell a little bit past her shoulders. She reminded her of an older version of Abby from Scandal, mole and all. She looked comfy in black slacks and one of those long cotton cardigans that her mom liked to wear from time to time. She looked like someone she could trust and that was probably why she was the best in the business.

"I'm gonna start the session off just talking to you for the first 20 minutes, then I'll talk to your mom, and then I'll talk to the two of you together," Kailey explained. Harmony just nodded along and Demi squeezed her shoulder before taking a seat in the waiting area. Kailey held the door to her office open but Harmony didn't want to go in there alone. She needed someone with her for the first time. She needed her mom.

"Can we start with me and my mom together?" Harmony timidly asked, which was completely out of character for her because she wasn't shy at all. Demi perked up and Kailey nodded, gesturing for Demi to join them.

Demi was slightly shocked that Harmony actually wanted her to join them but she wasn't gonna comment on it and make her daughter rethink her decision. They got themselves situated in separate chairs and Kailey sat across from them, staring at the two of them with a smile on her face.

"I've seen all of Demi's children but you definitely resemble your mom the most. You're like her mini me," Kailey complimented and Harmony awkwardly chuckled while playing with the ends of her hair.

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