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"You're lucky I'm even still allowing you to do this," Trey huffed as he started his car up to take Lyric and Harmony to the Grammy's rehearsal. Harmony wasn't even allowed to walk the carpet anymore but since her mom didn't know that she was presenting an award, she couldn't exactly take that privilege away from her.

"And the only reason why you're still allowed to do this is because Lyric can't do it by herself," Trey continued and Harmony was trying her hardest not to tell him to shut up. It seemed as if people had been testing her all week and she was trying her best not to just blow up because she wanted her stuff back so badly. Hopefully her mom would call her dad tonight with a good report and she could finally have her things back. Living without her phone, her wallet, and her car was just pure abuse. All week she had only been allowed to go three places: home, school, and dance. That in itself was just abusive.

"Thanks," Harmony mumbled but Trey still heard her.


"I said thanks. You do a lot for me that you don't have to and you took me in as your own daughter when you married my mom. So thanks...dad," Harmony had to force the word out of her mouth. She should be receiving an Oscar for her performance. She had never even considered calling Trey her father and she never thought that she would. He better not get used to it either.

"Just uh, call me when you're finished," she could tell that he was getting choked up. She would roll her eyes when she was out of his line of sight. She couldn't believe that he actually bought her little performance.

Harmony held Lyric's hand as they entered the venue where the Grammy's were being held. The final preparations were being finished since the show was tomorrow and Harmony searched for Angel, the director of it all.

"Oh, Harmony, Lyric! I'm so glad you came!" Angel rushed up to them and engulfed them both in hugs. She was a tiny woman but with a large mouth and big eyes. She had fiery red hair that was always in a bun and she was always sporting out of season Juicy Couture sweat suits.

"About that...I'm grounded and since my mom doesn't know about this, do you think that you could send a car over to our house after she leaves so that we'll get here in time?" Harmony questioned and Angel nodded.

"It's no problem at all. Your mom is receiving her award after the Beyonce tribute so watch out for your cue," Harmony nodded and led Lyric backstage to the green room where they could watch the practice show. The Beyonce tribute was an hour and a half into the show and since Lyric seemed a little tired, she let her dose off on her lap so she wouldn't be in a bad mood when it was time to present.

The celebrities who were performing were mingling and eating in the green room but Harmony was so used to seeing them that she wasn't really surprised. A few of them greeted her and commented on how cute Lyric was and told her to tell her mom that they said hello but other than that, she didn't really make conversation.

Her iPod buzzed in her pocket and she shifted Lyric on her lap before pulling it out and checking the kik notification.

Jeremiah💏💕: where are you at?

Harmony replied with her location and waited for him to arrive. When he walked into the room, she waved to catch his attention and he made his way over to her.

"Hey," he leaned down to kiss her cheek and sat on the side of her where Lyric's feet weren't at.

"Hey, I'm glad you could make it. I'm so bored and Lyric fell asleep on me," Harmony chuckled and turned a little more so that she was facing him.

"It's fine. My mom wanted me to go to one of her photoshoots with her but I'd rather be with you," Jeremiah flashed that crooked smirk of his and Harmony felt her heart flutter. He was just so...perfect. Almost too good to be true.

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