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Harmony was in a good mood for it to be seven am. Anyone who knew Harmony knew that she was not a morning person at all, and if you woke her up early there was a very big chance that she would punch you in the face. But this morning, this glorious Friday morning, she was in a good mood.

Her suspension had ended yesterday which meant she could go back to school today. She wasn't excited for the school portion of the day, like the actual work that came with school, she just liked to be the center of attention and returning from a three day suspension would definitely put her in a spotlight. Even bad press is good press, right?

The sun was beaming in through the giant bay window on the far side of her room. And when she looked out of it from her cushiony window bed she could see the sparkling koi pond and the spa center that Trey was having built for her mother as a birthday present. It was just all so beautiful and fixed her mood even more. There would be no tantrums today. She actually woke up happy, and she actually got more than three hours of sleep last night.

"Sweetie are you up?" Demi called through the door. Usually Harmony would snap at her for being so overbearing but she skipped over to her double French doors and pulled one open.

"Yeah, I'm up," she answered, shooting her mother a smile. Demi stepped back in surprise. Did her daughter take something before she entered the room? Was she high?

"Uh okay. I was gonna drop you off at school since you're not allowed to drive your car," she would've cussed her mom out for having the nerve to take her car away as well. Hadn't she already taken away enough? But nothing could spoil her mood.

"I'll be ready in an hour," Harmony closed the door in her face, because there were just some things that were habits, before entering her bathroom and turning her shower on along with all of the massage jets. She stepped in and washed herself down with her Vanilla Lace body wash from Victoria's Secret. When she was finished she rinsed off and cut her shower off, wrapping herself in one of her fluffy towels.

Friday's meant free dress at her school which only made her grand entrance that much better. She could give a preview of what she would wear to tomorrow's party at Jeremiah's house.

"The weirdest thing happened this morning," Demi was in the kitchen at the stove, making breakfast for her family as Trey sat at the island and messed around with his MacBook.

"What?" Lyric was on Trey's lap half asleep since Demi had woken her up a bit earlier so that she could eat breakfast with everyone. She was a bit whiny but she would get over it.

"I went to see if Harmony was up and she was in the weirdest mood. She was actually happy," seeing Harmony in such a great mood lifted Demi's spirits a bit. It had just been so long since she had witnessed her daughter even remotely happy with life and now it seemed as if she was. Maybe getting suspended had taught her a lesson.

"She probably wants something," Demi may be blind to her daughter's antics but he wasn't. Harmony was a professional manipulator and she used that power against Demi all the time. Him and Wilmer were the only ones who didn't fall for it but Wilmer didn't even live in the same time zone as them.

"Tremaine," Demi warned and Trey raised his hands in surrender. Demi liked to see the good in everyone so of course she would want to believe that her daughter had undergone some miraculous transformation over the past three days and suddenly she would be the model child with amazing grades and an even better attitude.

"Did you move my pills? I went to take them this morning and my anti depressants were missing," her bipolar disorder had been under control for years but she still took her medicine every day to keep things on track.

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