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"Harmony!" Jeremiah caught up to her in the hallway again although she had been avoiding him so that he could see what it felt like. Call her petty but she didn't like being ignored and she didn't take it very lightly.

"Let me take you home. You said your mom was in the hospital right?" He was talking kind of loud and no one knew that her mom had spent a week in the hospital because of how high her blood pressure was, and that wasn't something that everyone needed to know.

"She's out now. Keep your voice down..." Jeremiah looked really good today but that wasn't the point.

"And my car is here. I also have dance in an hour," Harmony replied, fixing the straps of her backpack on her shoulders and digging through her purse for her phone.

"That's cool I can take you to get some food and then I can drop you off at dance, how's that?" Harmony chewed down on her bottom lip, not wanting to give into him. Were they still even dating considering the fact that he had completely ignored her for an entire week and still hadn't explained why?

"Fine," she huffed and let him lead her out to his car, a nice updated black Camaro with a tan leather interior and chrome detailing. It wasn't her type of car but it wasn't hers so it didn't matter.

"Are you excited to be graduating this year?" Jeremiah was a senior and he would be gone by May. Harmony wasn't too excited about that, especially if they got serious, but on the path that they were going it didn't seem like they would. It was fine with her. High school relationships never actually lasted.

"I guess. I'm still undecided about college so maybe I'll just take the year off and go to Italy to stay with my mom's family," Jeremiah explained as Harmony nodded and reached forward to turn his radio on because she didn't have anything else to say or ask, and he didn't seem too interested in knowing about her life.

One of her mom's songs came on and she instantly shut the radio off before huffing and falling back in the seat while Jeremiah only chuckled at her reaction.

"You hate your mom's music that much?" He jokingly questioned and Harmony shrugged. It wasn't that she hated her mom's music, she was just tired of it.

"It's pretty much all I ever hear, especially when I have to go to her concerts. And if she couldn't get any more cocky, she uses some of her songs in her fashion shows," Harmony explained with a careless roll of her eyes as they pulled into Panda Express. Harmony didn't usually eat anything heavy before dance but Jeremiah was at least trying so she would just grab something light or share with him.

While they walked into the restaurant, he reached over and grabbed her hand causing her to smile over at him.

"Holly is on the phone," Demi had been subjected to bed rest and even though she usually really didn't follow doctor's orders, she had no choice this time because Trey was barely even letting her leave their room.

"Vanilla bean ice cream with hot caramel sauce?" Demi pleaded with her bottom lip poking out. Trey obliged and went to make her favorite dessert while she pressed her phone against her ear...which she had left downstairs and hadn't been allowed to grab.

"Yes Holly?"

"You need to get your daughter and you need to get her fast! All over the Internet there are pictures of her half naked for the new Sober Is Sexy campaign! Everyone knows that campaign is a hoax, Demi!" Holly screamed into her ear, so Demi just pulled the phone away and put it on speaker.

"What are you talking about? Harmony didn't pose for Sober Is Sexy. I didn't authorize that," when had Harmony even found the time to pose for a fake campaign? Holly was right when she said that everyone in Hollywood knew that Sober Is Sexy wasn't actually a sobriety campaign. It was the complete opposite and some of them were pro anorexia supporters. She had made the stupid mistake of endorsing their products years ago when she was clueless and out of control.

"Well she did. I'm forwarding you the pictures right now. This video of her is going viral, Demi. This is bad. I don't know if I can clean this up. It looks like child pornography!" Holly exclaimed but she always had the tendency to over exaggerate so Demi took what she said with a grain of salt. The shoot couldn't be that bad.

But it was. There were so many pictures...and one video attachment. In it, Harmony was wearing a cropped sober is sexy shirt that bared the bottom of her breasts. Her belly button ring was sparkling in the sunset and she was in a pair of lacy shorts that should be considered underwear. She had a bottle in her hand and as some sultry music played in the background, she set the bottle down and quirked an eyebrow at the screen.

"Put the bottle down," she whispered before winking and relaxing back on the bed that she was on, "sober is sexy." She giggled before the video faded out and Demi didn't know what to feel. It was like all of her emotions were passing through her body in waves, anger and disappointment hitting her the most.

Her daughter was out of control, and it was time for her to take care of it.

"Shit," Harmony breathed out onto Jeremiah's collarbone as he devoured her neck. He was leaving hickey after hickey, roughly biting her neck before kissing the same spot to soothe her and repeating the process over and over. The combination of pain and pleasure left the middle of her legs aching and she finally freed herself from her shorts as he took his off as well. They were in the back of his car in only their undergarments, making out in the school parking lot as the sun and their tension heated the car up.

"Condom," he whispered against her ear as she sat directly on top of his crotch to feel how hard he was. She moaned at the feeling and clutched the hairs on the nape of his neck.

"In my bag," she breathed out against his mouth. He blindly ran his hand through her bag in search of the gold foil package but instead his hand found a bottle of pills and he instantly pulled away from her.

"Harmony what the hell are these?" Anyone else who didn't have famous parents would have no idea what the label meant but every kid in Hollywood did. They had either watched their parents slowly become addicted to them or been told to stay away no matter what.

"Nothing," she huffed out in frustration. She snatched the pills out of his hand and threw them back into her purse.

"Nothing? Are you kidding me? Are those antidepressants? I knew it!" He screamed, roughly pushing her off of his lap as he began to get dressed. Her side hit the counsel in the middle of the two seats and it jabbed her tatted skin, causing her to groan at the feeling.

"You knew what?"

"I knew that you were just as messed up as your mom! God, my mom warned me and I just ignored her because I thought that you'd be different but nope, you're crazy too!" Jeremiah hissed and Harmony instantly went into defense mode.

"Crazy? I'm crazy? Do you have any idea who the hell I am?" She screeched and Jeremiah opened his door, gathering her clothes and her bags and tossing them out of his car.

"Yeah, a psycho and I'm not about to deal with some fucked up chick. Get out of my car," he snarled, and seeing that she wasn't moving, he pushed her out and she landed on the concrete next to her car. She heard his door slam before he pulled away and she growled before grabbing her things and hopping into her car before anyone saw her.

She wasn't gonna lie and say that what he had said to her didn't hurt because it did. Why did everyone think she was gonna turn out to be like her mom when she wasn't? She didn't have a mental disorder or an addiction. She only took the antidepressants on her bad days, no other time.

"UGH!" She banged her fists against her steering wheel as hot tears rushed down her cheeks. How could she be so stupid? How could she almost have sex with him? Why didn't she just leave those pills at her house?

Her phone buzzed in her purse so she reached over and grabbed it.

madre💜💜: get home. NOW.

What did she do now?

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