thirty two.

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"Do you think we should have another baby?" Oprah had left about two hours ago and since her and Wilmer had nothing left to do for the day, they were sitting in the movie theater eating frozen yogurt.

"Do you want to have another baby?" Wilmer counter questioned. He wouldn't mind having another child but he wanted his relationship with Demi to be right first. Yes they were trying again and things had been going well but he wanted them to be more solid and stable. And they also needed to make sure their daughters were together as well.

"I think it'd be fun to raise another child but Lyric is still just a baby herself so maybe when she's a bit older...or we could adopt." Demi fed Wilmer a spoonful of yogurt before leaning back in her chair again. Even when she was a little girl she had wanted a big family but her life had been a mess for a while and she was just now getting it on track. But she always felt like by the time she got her life together, it would be too late for her to have another child and she'd have no choice but to adopt.

"Adoption is always an option." Demi giggled at Wilmer's rhyme before they heard the door to the theater open and Mallory walked in with Erik right behind her.

"Erik what are you doing here? Harmony's in school," Wilmer asked as Erik nodded and looked between the two of them.

"Yeah I know and I know things have been rough for her and she was scared of going back to school so I was wondering if it was okay if I had lunch with her school," Erik suggested as Demi raised one of her eyebrows. She wasn't stupid. She knew that Harmony had a little crush on Erik and he seemed to be returning the feelings. She couldn't be hypocritical about their age difference because it wasn't that bad and she also trusted Erik. She had practically watched him grow up and she trusted him with her daughter.

"I don't-"

"That's a great idea. She'd love that. I think her lunch is in about twenty minutes so you should head over there," Demi answered, cutting her husband off.

"Thank you so much. I'll see you guys later!" Erik waved to them before jogging out of the theater and Wilmer turned to his wife and shook his head.

"He's older than her."

"And you're older than me. I trust him Wilmer. You should trust him too."

Nothing at lunch seemed appealing to her so instead of eating she was looking at the snapchats that Isabella had sent her of all the friends that she had made. Even though she had been completely alone for the beginning of the day, she was glad that her sister was making friends and was happy, since that had been her biggest fear.

Harmony wished that people were talking to her and she was suddenly making new friends but she had treated everyone who she had deemed as people who were beneath her like crap for years, so there was no way that any of them would be talking to her now.

"Excuse me?" There was nothing playing in her headphones but she still snatched them out in annoyance as she felt someone tap her shoulder.

"Is this seat taken?" Harmony turned and her jaw nearly dropped to the ground as she saw Erik standing there with a friendly smile on his face and a brown paper take out bag in his hands.

"Erik!" She squealed, abandoning her phone that had been her best friend all day and engulfing her real best friend in a hug.

"You're supposed to be in school in England!" Harmony exclaimed, pushing her hair out of her face and smiling widely at him.

"My dad let me come back to the states for a few days and I knew you were kind of scared to come back to school so I asked your mom and she said I could come and have lunch with you," Erik explained. His smile was just so perfect. He was so perfect. Harmony wanted nothing more than to kiss him until they were both lightheaded and on the verge of passing out but she calmed her hormones and sat down with him.

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