twenty one.

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"Harmony! Wake up its competition day! We gotta get up!" She felt Isabella hopping around on her bed and was so tempted to kick her off but then she would risk causing an injury and she would never hear the end of it so she simply groaned and rolled over. Isbella was hopping around with a wide smile on her face, her hair already in a tight bun with her warm up outfit on. Harmony ran her hands over her face and released another groan. She did not feel like dancing today.

"Girls, are you up and ready?" Wilmer walked into the room and Harmony rolled her eyes at the sight of her liar of a father. Here she was, stuck in Florida for lying and sneaking out yet her parents were doing the same thing. The only difference was that it wasn't like she was actually hurting anyone except for herself; Wilmer and Demi were. So why was she the only one getting penalized for her actions?

"Daddy, Harmony won't get up," Isabella whined, hopping off of the bed and running over to her father.

"What is wrong with this room? You've barely been here for a week and it's a complete mess," Wilmer questioned. She had clothes and shoes and a few purses scattered on the floor. Untouched homework assignments were carelessly tossed on the plush carpet and she had a few stains on the floor from when she had snuck food upstairs but then ended up spilling it.

"You need to clean this room up," Wilmer stated as Harmony slowly sat up in the bed.

"You don't have a maid or something?" Wilmer fought the urge to roll his eyes.

"No, not when you're 17 years old and fully capable of cleaning up after yourself. This room needs to be clean before we leave," Wilmer demanded as Harmony's mouth gaped open.

"Dad, I'm gonna be late!"

"Well you better work fast then, huh?" Wilmer exited the room with Isabella right behind him. Harmony kicked the covers off of her and stood up. She collected all of the clothes on the floor and walked into the en suite bathroom, throwing them into the separated tub. She kicked all of her shoes into her closet then shoved her homework and books and purses under the bed. She fixed the covers a little bit and stood back to admire her work. Who said cleaning was hard to do?

Harmony made sure that she had her costume packed, along with a backup costume, her makeup, an extra warm up suit, practice clothes, sweatpants, and other stuff that she needed. She packed all of her dance shoes and then went into the bathroom to do her hygiene before getting dressed.

When she was finally downstairs and ready, everyone was at the table eating breakfast...including her mom. Her parents were sitting across from each other with Isabella in between them. They looked like a family, which caused Harmony to shudder as she went to join them.

"Isa, go double check your bag and get your shoes on," Demi instructed. Isabella nodded and jogged towards the stairs as Harmony took a seat, eyeing the breakfast.

"Who cooked?" She asked. Demi smacked her lips and pointed to Wilmer.

"So how long have you guys been having your little secret love affair?" Harmony asked, raising one of her perfectly arched eyebrows as Demi shifted in her seat.

"Is that really any of your business?

"I just want to know how long you've been lying to me...and your husband...and the other daughter that you have on the other side of the country," Harmony took a bite of a strawberry as she waited for her mom to answer.

"A while..." Demi trailed off and scratched behind her ear.

"We don't owe you any answers. Shouldn't you be happy that your parents are together?" Wilmer questioned as Harmony scoffed and let her fork clank against the fine china.

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