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"MOMMY!" Harmony was taking her afternoon nap, not bothering with the homework that her teachers had assigned to her. Who gave homework over the weekends anyways? Either way, she wasn't gonna do it and Lauren was tied up at the studio teaching a class for the younger girls. She wasn't talking to Sophia and it wasn't like she could smoke the joints that she had gotten earlier in the week with her dad at home so she really had nothing to do except for sleep.

But of course Isabella was being her usual loud self which had woken her up. First it had been her playing her solo music too loudly and then it had been her singing all of the songs from Frozen at the top of her lungs, and now it was this.

"MOMMY YOU'RE HERE!" Harmony tried to figure out who she was talking about until she remembered that they had the exact same parents which meant that Demi Lovato was downstairs, and yes, Harmony would have to eventually face her. But Harmony wasn't about to go down there and pretend to be happy that her mother was attending her competition. This was the same woman who had kicked her out over a silly photoshoot.

It was quiet for a while and that gave Harmony hope that maybe her mom had left to go to a hotel or something because it wasn't like her parents could stand each other anywas and she could finally finish off her nap without any further interruptions. But of course that wasn't going to happen. She heard her mom's voice right outside of the room and yanked the covers over her head. All that she wanted to do was sleep. Was that too much to ask?

"Harmony?" There was a soft knock on the door but it opened anyways. Her mom always did that which was why she usually ended up slamming the door in her face. She just needed her mom to disappear for a while. She did not want to deal with her.

"You're not asleep, baby girl. I think we both know that," her bed dipped down and Harmony rolled her eyes before twisting on the bed so that she was facing away from her mom with the covers still over her head.

"I just want to talk to you about everything that's going on right now. And I think you owe me an apology," Demi said as Harmony scoffed, that last statement making her pull the covers down as she glared at the woman who had brought her into this world.

"An apology? I owe you an apology? Who's the one sitting in the guest room of her father's house because she got shipped off to Florida to live with her father who barely wants her here and a little sister that she didn't know she had? I owe you an apology? No Demetria, I think you owe me an apology," Harmony snarled, huffing when she was finished before laying back down. She was miserable here. How could her mom not see that and then have the audacity to ask for an apology? As far as Harmony was concerned, she didn't owe her an apology for anything because she didn't do anything wrong. It was her mother who was in the wrong.

"First of all, you don't call me by my first name. I'm your mother-"

"Then start acting like it!" Harmony screeched but Demi wasn't having it. She stood up and folded her arms over her chest, hardening her facial expression as Harmony remained unfazed.

"I am being a good mother, Harmony! You thought that you were just gonna get away with getting a tattoo and doing a racy photoshoot and running around town without anyone knowing where you are?" Demi sucked in a deep breath but she kept going.

"You wanna act like an adult so bad, you want to be grown so bad, but the minute you get caught, you're in tears and you don't take responsibility for your actions. So I'm being a good mother and punishing you for your actions so that maybe your ego can deflate just a bit and you can learn from all of the mistakes that you have made just like I had to," Demi calmly finished and looked at her daughter for her reply. She expected her to roll her eyes and to scoff and then talk back to her like she normally did but what she didn't expect was to see her daughter reduced to tears in the middle of the bed.

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