twenty two.

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"Trey! I'm here, did you not hear me calling you?" Demi asked, dropping her suitcase as she entered the room. She skipped over to her husband and wrapped her arms around his neck, expecting him to return the gesture but instead he pushed her off of him.

"If this is about me not answering your calls, I'm sorry but my phone died," Demi said, looking at him in confusion but Trey darkly chuckled and stood up.

"Like mother, like daughter right?" Trey stated, folding his arms over his chest.

"Excuse me?" Demi scoffed, copying his movements.

"Like mother, like daughter. I've been wondering where Harmony gets her behavior from and now I know. The lying, the sneaking around, everything. She's a carbon copy of her mother," Demi stepped back again, completely offended and wondering what Trey was talking about.

"What are you-"

"You're gonna act like you don't know? Your secret affair with Wilmer? Your secret child with him? What's her name again, Isabella? You've been running off to Florida to your perfect family and making me and Lyric look like idiots back at home because her mom, my wife, is off with her other secret family!" Demi's face completely drained of color. How did he find out? No one knew about her and Wilmer and even Isabella except for Harmony and both of their families. But no one in their families had a reason to tell. The only person who could possibly benefit from this was...

"How did you find out?" Demi questioned as Trey threw his hands into the air.

"That's all you care about, how I found out? It doesn't matter. What matters is you've hurt me when all that I've ever done is be there for you. I gave you Lyric, I stuck by you when everyone else left and you just betrayed me!" Trey yelled, the undertone of his skin turning red as Demi felt her eyes begin to water.

"And you have the audacity to sit in front of me and cry! You know what? I'm gonna make this easy for you. I'm gonna pack my stuff up and I'm gonna pack Lyric's stuff up and we're gonna leave the house. That way you can bring your perfectly family here and we won't be in your way," Trey began to walk to the closer but Demi snatched his arm back to stop him.

"No, Trey, come on. I'm sorry, can we please talk about this!"

"You've had time to talk to me about this, Demi. We've had time to talk and you haven't been here. I'm done talking and I'm done with this marriage," Trey pushed her off of him again and stomped off to his closet, causing Demi to collapse to the floor in a heap of tears. She knew that eventually everything would come crashing down around her but she didn't think it would happen as soon as things seemed to be getting good again. She didn't think that Trey would ever leave her and she didn't think that she would have to deal with her own daughter leaking family secrets to the press. What has her life come to?

"Wait we have to take a selfie with our crowns on!" Isabella unlocked her iPhone and opened the camera, switching it so that it was focused on her and Harmony with their first place crowns on. They took tons of selfies making tons of silly faces before Wilmer came into the living room and announced that it was time for bed.
Harmony raised her eyebrow at her dad but didn't fight back. She had quickly learned that when Isabella had to go to sleep then she at least had to go to her room and stay there for the rest of the night. She wasn't used to having a technical "curfew" so it was different for her but she wasn't fighting it either.

"Dad, you okay?" She couldn't help but notice how stressed her dad looked and even though she had been avoiding him since she found out about her parents' affair, she was still worried about him.

"Yeah, I'm good sweetheart. Go get some sleep," he wrinkled his nose but still kissed the top of her head. Harmony nodded and walked to what had been deemed as her bedroom, slipping under the covers before closing her eyes and dosing off.

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