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The Miami beachside mansion that Wilmer had invested in when he thought that him, Demi, and Harmony would all move down there to get away from the "fame" hadn't changed a bit from the last time that Demi had seen it. The outside was still a beautiful golden tan color and the architecture still stood out from the other beach houses sprinkled along the sandy coast. Everything was still decorated the same and the house was still kept clean, yet messy enough to seem homely and not like a museum like how Demi's house sometimes seemed.

"You couldn't have called?" Wilmer walked out from the backyard with only a pair of cargo shorts and a v neck on. He had just shaved and his line was fresh.

"It was an abrupt decision. She's not here, is she?" Demi timidly questioned, glancing around the airy mansion.

"No, she's with some friends," Wilmer grunted. Demi played with the handle of her Louis Vuitton suitcase and nervously tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She couldn't understand why she was nervous though. She knew this man inside and out, just like he knew her.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm tired, Wilmer. I'm just really tired," Demi huffed out, because it was true. It felt like she had so much on her plate as of lately. She could barely sleep at night and she was stressed out at all times. She never had an appetite anymore and either her clothes were getting bigger or she was getting smaller because nothing fit her anymore. She didn't have any energy, causing her to want to give up on everything, even things that she shouldn't be giving up on like her marriage and believing that her oldest daughter could change.

"Come here," Wilmer opened his arms and she dropped her suitcase to walk into them. His arms engulfed her in that familiar way, making her feel like he was gathering up her broken pieces and gluing them back together. And then he began to gently sway them back and forth, almost to the rhythm of their heartbeats which made her release a deep breath and sink even further into his embrace.

"Wil...I," he cut her off with a searing kiss and it was so familiar and so loving and she missed it so much that she instantly opened her mouth and allowed him to devour her while piecing her back together with all of his simple touches.

Demi timidly pulled away with the thought of Trey on her mind but Wilmer quickly connected their lips again, making her feel like she was at home, and any thoughts of her husband that she had were immediately out of the window. He parted her lips with his tongue causing her to release a broken moan before he picked her up, her legs instantly wrapping around his waist as if it were a natural instinct. She grasped his neck as he continued to kiss her as if they would die tomorrow, as if he was the only person on Earth who passionately loved her with every fiber of his being.

See no one loves you more than me
And no one ever will...

"How many rounds was that?" Wilmer breathed out against Demi's neck, slowly pulling out of her as they both groaned at the sudden loss of contact and she fought with herself to stay awake.

"I don't know but it's dark outside now and we started when the sun was up," Demi giggled and fisted the hairs at the nape of Wilmer's neck. She almost felt like she was 22 again, hopelessly in love with the man underneath her and doing everything in her power to make sure that she was always as close to him as possible. She had been extremely clingy when they were younger because it always felt as if they were racing against time, like they just wouldn't last in the grand scheme of things so she had to enjoy every moment with him that she had. In a way, her instinct had been correct but she missed all of the moments that they used to share, that they now had to share in secret because she didn't want to leave her husband and he didn't want to be selfish and force her to.

"I miss us," Demi folded her arms over his chest and rested her chin there so that she could still look into his eyes. "I miss when we were young and we didn't have responsibilities or children or anything. It was just the two of us against the world."

Remember when we went to Bora Bora? And we swam with the sharks and the stingrays? Remember how invincible we felt because we were sounded by all of those dangerous creatures but none of them even tried to harm us?" Wilmer questioned as Demi nodded and smiled at the distant memory. Bora Bora had been the vacation of her lifetime and nothing would ever compare to it. She had been all over the world, to six different continents, but none of it could compare to being on a secluded island with the man that she loved for an entire week.

"It could be so easy to get back to that," Wilmer hesitantly replied but Demi shook her head. To him, all she had to do was divorce Trey and work out the custody battle with him. To Demi, it was so much more than that. She loved Trey so much, she didn't want to hurt him and she didn't wanna go through another custody battle like she did with Harmony. Trey had helped her so much and being with Wilmer felt like such a betrayal but it also felt so right at the same time.

"I just don't wanna hurt anyone, Wil. I think I've done enough of that in my lifetime," Demi rolled off of Wilmer and grabbed his discarded v neck from the ground. She slipped it over her head and combed through her auburn hair before going downstairs.

"Demi, no one is gonna-"

"Trey. I don't wanna hurt Trey. I love him, okay? I love him a lot and I just...I can't hurt him," Demi breathed out on the brink of tears.

"What do you think you're doing now? When he finds out about us, he's gonna be hurt," Wilmer replied but Demi shook her head again.

"I shouldn't have come here. There shouldn't be an us. We're so bad for each other...we're so toxic to each other," Demi began to pace back and forth and she stopped before running back up the stairs to pack her things. What was she thinking coming across the country, abruptly leaving her children and her husband, to see her ex husband? What was wrong with her? She had priorities and responsibilities and having sexscapades with Wilmer inside of his house wasn't one of them.

"You just got here. You didn't even-"

"Just tell her I'll be back soon."

"Stop," he grabbed the crook of her elbow and pulled her back.

"You're thinking about everyone else's feelings, but what about mine?" Demi felt the tears falling down her face and she quickly wiped them away while avoiding eye contact with Wilmer.

"I have to go," Demi zipped her suitcase up, threw on a pair of leggings and some flip flops, and ran down the stairs, leaving him as broken and as wounded as he was twelve years ago.

Loving you is like a battle
And we both end up with scars...

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