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Demi was tired of her daughter's terrible mood. Wilmer had been a bit harsh but Harmony had lied to her about where she was gonna be, refused to answer her phone because it supposedly "died," and was out running the streets all night while her family was at home worried sick about her. The more she thought about it, the more it pissed her off. She stood up for Harmony so much but it just blew up in her face in the end.

"Harmony, let's go! You are gonna be late!" Demi screamed from the bottom of Harmony's staircase. She really didn't appreciate Wilmer taking their daughter's car back to the dealership. She understood that it was a disciplinary thing but now she had to drive Harmony to school and pick her up as well.

"Who cares?" Harmony sneered as she came down the stairs with her arms folded over her chest. What was she supposed to do in school all day without her phone? And how embarrassing was it that her mom was dropping her off and picking her up until her dad came to his senses and gave her her car back?

"Not today, Harmony," Demi warned but Harmony ignored her and plugged her Beats into her ears. She had spent the better half of the night searching through her room for her old iPod and she finally found it. The music was outdated but at least it was something.

The ride to school was quiet, with Demi listening to the news on the radio and Harmony softly nodding her head along to the music that she was listening to. When they pulled up to the school, Demi tugged one ear bud out of Harmony's ear so that she could hear her.

"Have a good day and don't slam my doors," Harmony shot her mom a sarcastic smile before exiting the car. She slammed the door, opened it, and then slammed it again. Before her mother could reprimand her, she marched into the school with her head held high.

She made it to her locker and grabbed what she needed for trig before shutting it and coming face to face with Sophia.

"Who pissed in your Special K?" Sophia questioned as she noticed the permanent scowl etched on Harmony's face.

"And why are you carrying around this ancient iPod?" Sophia giggled and pointed to the cracked device in Harmony's hand.

"I got my phone taken away thanks to you," Harmony hissed, heading towards her first hour class.

"Me? What did I do?"

"You took those pictures of me and Jeremiah on the tennis court and tagged me in them. I told you about doing that," Harmony reprimanded. Sophia had been her best friend long enough to know how her parents were about that kind of stuff and she shouldn't have even posted the pictures in the first place.

"They were cute!"

"Well my parents didn't think so. My dad took my phone, my wallet, and my car away. He didn't even just take the car away. He took it back to the dealership and now I'm gonna get dragged around with my mom," Harmony just wanted to go back in time and somehow stop Sophia from posting those pictures. If they hadn't been posted she wouldn't have even been questioned about her whereabouts because her dad would've had no choice but to believe her lies without any proper evidence.

"It's not my fault your parents are so anal about everything you do. Just be nice for like a week and they'll forget about it," the warning bell rang and Sophia smacked her gum in irritation.

"I've got Digital Media. I'll see you later," with a toss of her hair Sophia was gone down the hallway and Harmony entered her class. She took her seat in the back and laid out her materials before plopping her head down on the desk and growling to herself. How in the world did people live before iPhones were invented?

"HARMONY!" They were at lunch but Harmony wasn't in the mood to eat so she was just sitting at the table waiting for her friends to return. Jeremiah came running up to her table and her mood was instantly brightened.

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