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"So." Jeongguk smirks knowingly.

Taehyung looks away shyly, isn't sure if he's interpreting the situation correct or not.

"Tae, please look at me." He places his index finger below Taehyung's chin and is gently pushing his head up so that their eyes can meet.

"I'm your gift, I don't know if you want me, but I was hoping that-" He gets interrupted by two soft lips pressing against his own. Jeongguk's concerns are almost completely swept away.

"I want you Ggukie, so so much." Taehyung's warm breath hits Jeongguk's mouth, the Alpha sighs relieved.

Both of them are newbies when it comes to sexual intercourse. That's why they're awkward at first, even though they've done a few things already. Their hands are brushing uncertainly over each other's bodies, undressing one another slowly until they're naked.

Neither of them wants to do a wrong move, hopes that the other will take the lead. For Taehyung it's given that Jeongguk, as the Alpha, is going to tell him what to do. Jeongguk on the other hand is sure that Taehyung knows his own body best so he has to lead him. Both have forgotten that the Omega is in heat, that everything will come naturally.

"Can I kiss you again?" Jeongguk gently strokes over Taehyung's cheek.

The older chuckles. "Of course Ggukie, you don't have to ask. I love your kisses."

Jeongguk initiates a heartfelt kiss, it's not rushed or needy. After around two minutes he stops, eyes still closed.

"Why?" Taehyung asks confused. The younger looks troubled or unsure of something.

Jeongguk finally opens his eyes, inhaling deeply and exhales slowly. "Tae, my incredible handsome, sometimes stubborn, Omega. I want your birthday to be something special and I'm gonna use this moment to ask you something I have had on my mind for a while now."

He takes Taehyung's hands, cups them with his own. "Be my mate. I know that we aren't even boyfriends yet, but there's no one else I wanna be with. For me it's only you, has ever been. You'd make me the happiest if you're gonna accept me and my Alpha." His heart is beating so fast that Jeongguk isn't sure if he's having a heart attack.

"M-Mate?" Taehyung gasps. "I thought you'd ask me to be your boyfriend. Wow." He can't help but laugh. "You're moving fast Jeon Jeongguk."

It makes the younger doubt that he's accepting it. What did he even think? That Taehyung is going to squeal like a fourteen years old student who just got asked out by their crush? No, his baby is different, knows exactly what he's worth. "I'm sorry Tae, it was dumb of me to skip this part."

The Omega has to suppress a smirk. Should he let him suffer a little longer? The answer is no, not because he's pitying him, it's because he's suddenly painfully remembered that he's in heat. "Not at all honey. If I'm honest, it surprised me, but I'm really happy right now. My answer is yes, please mate me on my birthday. I can't wait to be yours and for you to be mine."

"Are you serious Baby?" Jeongguk can't believe what he has heard. If he hasn't had the heart attack before, he's sure now he's having it. He places the older's palm over his chest. "Can you feel that? That's what you're doing to me."

Taehyung imitates his action, he's in the same state as him. "I think we both are close to collapse." He chuckles.

They're interrupted by Taehyung's sudden whimper, his facial expression shows pain.

"Oh shit, your heat!" Jeongguk panics. Wait, there's no need to. He's gonna help him, mate him, make it go away.

"Ggukie, please. I need your knot." His wolf can sense that the human side is giving him permission to take over. Taehyung is still Taehyung, he will be able to feel everything.

"Okay, fuck. What do you want me to do?" Jeongguk helps him lie down, places one of the pillows below his head.

"Is it okay with you to skip foreplay and get straight to sex? I know it's our first time but it hurts too much." Taehyung's past heats were less painful. He's sure that his wolf wants the mating to be done as soon as possible, making it more difficult for them to enjoy a good sucking or ass eating first.

Jeongguk nods fast. "Yes, of course. We have the whole day after we mate each other. I will still stretch you first, okay?"

"No need, did it in the shower before we went to bed. Thought you'd surprise me after the others gave me their gifts and leave." Taehyung chuckles lightly.

"Fuck Tae, that's so hot. Would have loved to watch you doing it." The Alpha places himself between the older's legs. "So wet already, can I at least lick it off once, before we do it?"

Taehyung nods with a wide smile. "Please do as you wish, I'm not holding you back." To be honest, he loves his tongue on him way too much.

Jeongguk leans down, spreads the cheeks and licks a long stripe up to his balls. It makes his own cock twitch, leaking precum. "Mmhm, so sweet."

A moan from Taehyung makes him look up, his pretty blue eyes are hooded and he's staring at him.

"Omega." Jeongguk says, knows his wolf has now taken over. "Do you want your Alpha?"

A growl from deep inside Taehyung's chest is the only answer he gets. Maybe it's a good idea, they'll have their real first time, full in control, afterwards.

Jeongguk closes his eyes, waits for his wolf to show up. It doesn't take long and his mind is blank. He knows what's happening while it happens, but it's not his decision anymore. He isn't afraid that the Alpha is going to hurt his Omega, they love each other as well.

The younger's cock slowly penetrates the older's hole, it's warm, tight and wet. Perfect, no, better than perfect if this is possible. The feeling of being squished from all sides is not comparable with a hand or mouth job.

They moan, groan and growl. No words are being said, just the animalistic sounds echoing through the room could be heard.

The purpose of this kind of sex ist to knot, breed and mate. They reach their high fast, the Alpha's fangs are out, as well as the Omega's.

As the stronger wolf, Jeongguk bites first, while he's filling Taehyung's womp with loads of cum. The knot prevents him from slipping out, connecting their bodies for at least fifteen more minutes.

They don't feel much pain, the pleasure is overshadowing the sting. Both are glad that they gave their wolves the control, because as soon as they don't have the mating ritual in the back of their minds anymore, they can let loose and make their first time as enjoyable as possible.

After it's done and the knot gone, the Alpha licks his mate's wound and slips slowly out of him. The Omega whimpers, misses the feeling of being so intimate but it's time to give back the control over the bodies.

Jeongguk and Taehyung immediately fall asleep, limbs tangled, looking peaceful.

This was part 1 of the smut chapter, it shows the animal side and I hope you're not disappointed that it's not as detailed as usual. For wolves, sex is exactly what it is, an attempt to procreate.

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