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"You're too close. Let me breathe, Tae." Jeongguk is pushing the Omega but not too harsh, just enough to get himself comfortable.

"Why would I care about what you want?" Taehyung scoffs while rolling his eyes.

"You're acting childish now. Grow up Hyung." The Alpha knows that he's overreacting, deserves the other's hate.

"Says the arrogant idiot, who never knows when to cut the bullshit. You're the one who should grow up." Taehyung comes closer again, intruding his comfort zone again, their breath is hitting each other's faces since they are the same height.

"Tae, I'm gonna say it one last time. Give. Me. My. Space!" Jeongguk says each word slowly in a determined tone. This time he doesn't push the older, wants him to listen instead. Jeongguk is an Alpha and an Omega has to obey.

"And what if I don't?" A smirk shows up on the older's face.

Jeongguk knows exactly what he has to do. The younger is lifting his hand, Taehyung follows the movement with eagle eyes until it wasn't possible anymore.

The tips of Jeongguk's fingers brush slightly the other's cheek, travel further until reaching the ears. Taehyung closes his eyes at the familiar feeling and stops breathing.

Jeongguk's caressing the earlobe softly, a purr like sound escapes Taehyung's throat.

The Alpha smiles knowingly, could always calm him down this certain way, no matter how angry he was.

Both are forgetting their surroundings, stay like that for a few minutes. Taehyung is purring like a tiger when suddenly Jeongguk's phone starts to vibrate. The Alpha groans slightly, was enjoying the moment of Taehyung leaning into his touch, but as soon as the Omega had noticed the vibration, he took a step back.

The older is angry at himself, he was in daze when Jeongguk was playing with his ear. Loved it too much, couldn't stop going into headspace. The world around him had stopped, he was at ease and everything was forgotten until he got rid out of it in a not so fitting way.

Without a word, Jeongguk pulls his phone out and starts reading, then typing - completely ignoring the Omega.

Taehyung stands there, watching him. Normally he gets the needed aftercare from him but not today as it seems.

Jeongguk doesn't notice the broken look on his friend's face, was too busy replying to Jimin.

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As soon as Jeongguk had put his phone back into his pocket he looks up, only to see Taehyung in Seokjin's arms

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As soon as Jeongguk had put his phone back into his pocket he looks up, only to see Taehyung in Seokjin's arms. The older Omega is stroking the younger's back while whispering something into his ear.

"Fuck." Jeongguk realises his mistake. He fucking knows that Taehyung would need a hug afterwards. He messed up - again.

The Alpha stalks over to them, stretching his hands out to back hug Taehyung but Seokjin shakes his head slowly, mouthing him to not touch the boy.

Jeongguk frowns, knows that Seokjin is right, so he makes his way straight to the kitchen, letting the other take care of their friend instead of him.

When a few moments later Seokjin joins Jeongguk in the kitchen, Taehyung isn't with him. "Where is he?"

Seokjin sighs. "Sent him grocery shopping. He'll be back in an hour I guess."

Jeongguk looks confused. "An hour, why would it take so long?"

"Well, I know for sure that they don't have watermelons but he doesn't know that. It's not the season for them right now. Just wanted him to be alone for a while, so he can completely calm down."

The Omega now turns his body fully to Jeongguk. "You know that it's not fair to do this to him, right?"

"What do you mean Hyung?" Of course he knows what Seokjin is talking about, he just doesn't want to admit to him that he has fucked up.

"When you do the thing with his ear, he's vulnerable. Not only while you're doing it but also afterwards, especially then."

The older sighs again. "I don't know why you have this effect on him but you do. We often tried to calm him down, using your method. It never works with one of us though, only with you. I don't get why, because he doesn't even like you, that's what makes me so confused."

"What do you mean with, he doesn't even like me? We're friends too, yes we argue a lot but that doesn't mean we hate each other. Tae is still my friend and I'm his." Jeongguk crosses his arms over his chest as soon as he was done speaking. It's his way to show that he's upset.

"Jeongguk, Ggukie. That's not what I've meant. What I was trying to say is, that he doesn't have romantic feelings towards you. It would have been the most logical explanation to say he likes you more than a friend, but since we all know that it's far away from the truth, we are clueless."

Jeongguk bites his bottom lip at the words. "And why do you think he doesn't like me like that?"

Seokjin chuckles. "Remember the night when we were playing truth or dare?"

Jeongguk thought for a moment. Yes he remembers, decides to play dumb though. There's a small chance that he had missed some important parts. "No, what happened?"

Of course the Omega could see through his act, explains it nonetheless. "He was choosing truth and Yoongi had asked him who would be the last person out of all of us he'd kiss and the answer was-"

"Jeongguk." The Alpha is finishing the sentence for him, making the older nod.

"Maybe he was shy? If someone would ask me the same, I'd say my crush's name too to make sure no one would find out about my feelings." Jeongguk smiles at his logic.

Seokjin laughs. "Taehyung was drunk, he told us way worse things that night! He could've said any name but it was yours."

Jeongguk is about to talk back but the doorbell sounds.

"Huh, is he already back?" Seokjin wonders.

Jeongguk suddenly remembers his chat with Jimin. "Oh! It's Chim, he wants to join us."

"Is that so?" The Omega smiles, leaving him to open the door. It was indeed the Beta. "Hi Jimugh-"

Jimin has pulled Seokjin in a bone crushing hug and the latter lets out a gasp for air. "H-Hi Jimin, heard you wanted to help us too?"

The younger lets go of him, chuckling. "Yeah, for nothing in the world would I miss that opportunity." He really wants to see Jeongguk and Taehyung arguing.

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