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"Oh god, that was-" Jeongguk is holding his stomach because he's laughing so hard. "You hit his fucking wrinkled balls." A grunt leaves his mouth as a result of the laughing fit.

When he suddenly feels arms wrapping around his body and a warm breath hitting his neck, Jeongguk immediately stops. "Tae-" he tries to ask what's wrong but Taehyung doesn't let him speak.

"Please just- just let me hug you for a little while." And Jeongguk stays still after he's hooking his own around Taehyung.

After a few minutes the older leans back, not pulling his hands away. "Am I really only good for one thing- sex?" He asks unsure, has difficulties to hold the tears back from rolling down over his cheeks.

Jeongguk is shaking his head. "Oh god no, baby. You're so much more. You're talented, nice and so incredible handsome." Wants to kiss the pout on Taehyung's face away, knows he shouldn't, doesn't want to make the other hate him even more.

"Baby?" Taehyung smiles slightly.

"Huh? I don't know what you're talking about." Jeongguk loosens the hug and immediately feels coldness surrounding him.

"Sure you don't, daddy." Taehyung jokes and Jeongguk notices that he's trying to change the topic so he plays along.

"It's not my kink but you can always call me Sir." The Alpha wiggles his brows.

Taehyung closes the gap between them again. Jeongguk can feel that the Omega's body heat has  increased, he's warmer than before and then a sweet scent is reaching his nostrils. "Fuck! Shit, shit, shit."

Jeongguk has never really been around Taehyung when he was in heat. The older would only be with Seokjin when it happens. Preheat was already a struggle to hold back his needs.

"Tae, I have to go." The Alpha covers his nose with an agonized groan.

Taehyung only holds him closer. He can't think straight anymore. "You smell so fucking good Jeonggukie." He sniffs the neck, scenting him at the same time and inhales deeply. "So so good, mmh."

Jeongguk is fucked. His body immediately reacts to him, knows that Taehyung can feel it on his own crotch, because he starts to push against him harder.

Taehyung begins to nibble on Jeongguk's skin, earning a low moan, the pressure from inside and outside his pants is getting to him.

"Tae, please. Just kiss me already." Jeongguk is closing his eyes, waits for Taehyung to do something, anything at this point.

The Omega is kissing slowly his way up over Jeongguk's jaw, not forgetting to nib on the skin here and there, until he reaches the other's dry lips.

He ghosts over them, slowly breathing in and out through his mouth, watching Jeongguk's reaction.

The younger tries to concentrate hard with his brows furrowed. He wants Taehyung, he wants him so bad, but at the same time he can't, shouldn't do it.

Jeongguk doesn't want him to think that he's only good for sex, he also wants to help him through the heat. It's a tricky situation.

Taehyung sees that Jeongguk is thinking too much. He leans in and finally connects their lips. The Omega is surprised that he can hold himself back, not to eat the other whole. Always wanted to know what it feels like having him and now that he is close to archive it, he can't fucking stop.

Jeongguk takes the lead and Taehyung loves it. The slow kiss changes into a more passionate one before it gets heated.

Heavy breathing, kissing noises and soft moans fill the room.

"Ggukie." Taehyung whispers, afraid he's going to ruin the moment if he'd speak any louder.

Jeongguk hums while looking at him lovingly.

"It hurts." He places a palm over his abdomen, a cute pout is forming on his lips. "There."

"My poor, poor Omega. What can Alpha do to make you feel better?" Jeongguk isn't an idiot, he knows exactly what Taehyung needs, is it bad that he wants him to say it, maybe even confirm his thoughts?

"You could kiss me there?" His bottom lip disappears between his teeth as he points down to his crotch.

Jeongguk growls, licking his swollen lips seductively. "You want me to kiss your shorts?" Don't give in yet Jeon, he tells himself.

Taehyung chuckles, becoming impatient. "No my silly Alpha, I want you to kiss my dick and if you're already down under, you can eat my ass afterwards."

There it was, Taehyung has finally said it and Jeongguk lifts him up to carry him bridal style, connecting their lips again in a hungry, needy kiss.

✔ Purrs // BTS TaeKook 18+ Where stories live. Discover now