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They wake up to a loud knocking on Taehyung's apartment door. Both groan tiredly, so Jeongguk moves to let the Omega rest a little more. It would have been a good idea, if not for Taehyung's sinful body still laying on top of him.

There's no way to get up without disturbing the older. "Tae?" He whispers softly.

"Hmm?" Taehyung opens his eyes, looking sleepily at Jeongguk.

"We should answer the door, maybe it's Jin Hyung. Right now he's respecting your privacy but if you won't let him in, he's going to just use the code. To be honest, I don't want him to see us like that, I value my life too much, especially after tonight. It was so good by the way, would love to help you always and forever." As an Alpha, he shouldn't be afraid of an Omega, but he's talking about Seokjin, the sometimes scary, sometimes childish friend of them.

"You go, I will take a shower first, I feel gross." Taehyung gets up with a groan, has totally ignored the last part of Jeongguk's speech. Seems like his grumpy self is back.

Besides everything, Taehyung's heat seems to be over. Jeongguk can't smell the arousing sweet scent anymore and is disappointed at his reaction. Maybe the Omega is regretting it now?

Jeongguk gets dressed after cleaning himself with wet tissues, then leaves the bedroom. It's obvious that Taehyung doesn't want him there any longer. His hair is still a mess and his breath smells like shit, but he couldn't care less.

The Alpha opens the door, expecting to see Seokjin, to his surprise it's Jaegeun. "What the hell are you doing here?" Jeongguk crosses his arms over the chest, blocking the other's view.

"Not your fucking business. Where's Tae? Dude you really should do something about your foul mouth, it stinks!" Jaegeun covers his nose to make it more dramatic.

Jeongguk snorts. "You smell the same after waking up, so shut up. Tae is showering after sweating too much when he got his ass e-"


They hear the Omega's voice and Jeongguk is pressing his lips together to a thin line.

"Tae babe, I'm so sorry!" Jaegeun wants to say more but Taehyung raises his hand for him to stop speaking.

"Cut it, what do you want?"

"I miss you, I don't love her anymore and it really felt so good when we both were together. Give me a second chance." He looks only at Taehyung and so does Jeongguk, waiting for an answer.

Jeongguk hopes that he'll say no, unfortunately something tells him that Taehyung is going to give it a try.

"Jeongguk, could you leave us alone? I wanna talk to him for a moment." Taehyung places a hand on Jeongguk's shoulder and the Alpha only nods before leaving the apartment. He decides to wait until they are done.

Taehyung won't go to back to him, right? Not after he and Jeongguk had a great time the past days. He trusts the Omega.

It takes almost an hour until Jaegeun comes out. Jeongguk stands up from the cold floor outside the building and waits for a comment.

"Seems like you've lost this time." The smirk on the fucker's face makes Jeongguk even angrier. He doesn't understand what he's implying.

"What do you mean?" He walks closer to the slightly older man, stopping right in front of him.

"Isn't it obvious? He's mine now and I don't wanna see you next to him anymore." Jaegeun walks past Jeongguk, hitting his shoulder with his own, without explaining further.

The younger debates whether he should go home or back to Taehyung. He's opting for the former, too hurt to face him now.

The next few days are confusing for Taehyung, he tries to call Jeongguk, but the Alpha wouldn't answer the call.

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