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The next day has passed without anything special happening. Jeongguk becomes more and more nervous though. Hopefully everything is going to go well and Taehyung will be his boyfriend by tomorrow or maybe even his mate.

Taehyung has noticed Jeongguk's strange behavior since they had arrived at this place a few days ago. He wouldn't make much eye contact or doesn't even cuddle with him at night.

Is the Alpha already getting tired of him?

Taehyung has a very bad feeling about it and was often with his thoughts elsewhere.

The night came faster than both have hoped-for and everyone went to bed.

Jeongguk and Taehyung are acting like they're sleeping in a bed together for the first time. There's a distance between them, they both aren't used to.

Tomorrow is going to be the Omega's birthday, everyone wanted to celebrate into the day but it all seems like they've forgotten, Taehyung is sad.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" The Alpha knows exactly why his soon-to-be boyfriend is a pouting baby.

"It's nothing, really. Let's sleep already." He lies there in his cute pajamas and now with arms wrapped around his waist and a body pressed close to his own. Finally.

"Good night baby bear."

"Good night Ggukie bunny."

After a few minutes, Taehyung can hear his light snores. He sighs and closed his eyes as well but he can't really fall asleep.

With a groan, he gets up carefully and out of the younger's hold. It's ten minutes before his birthday. He tiptoes quietly out the room and doesn't notice that Jeongguk is watching him.

The Alpha immediately grabs his phone and writes a message in the newly created group chat.

The Alpha immediately grabs his phone and writes a message in the newly created group chat

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Jeongguk sneaks out of the bedroom, his friends still not done talking in chat.

He sees Taehyung standing in the kitchen and smirks. He's getting closer and closer, a sweet - all-too-familiar - scent is getting stronger. Was it this time of the month again? Wasn't it only last week when he was in heat?

Jeongguk is confused, has time passed really so fast, weeks felt like days? Of course, it's already four weeks, how could he be so forgetful.

The Omega is too absorbed in what he's doing to notice Jeongguk. The Alpha is suppressing his own scent so that he's able to sneak up unnoticed.

It's damn hard to hold back so as not to leap to Taehyung right away and kiss the hell out of him, if not more.

Jeongguk closes his eyes, his sleeping pants already feel too tight. With every step he takes, the smell becomes stronger and more arousing.

'Wait!' He says to himself in his thoughts. The younger immediately pulls his phone out of the pocket to write a message to his friends again.

 The younger immediately pulls his phone out of the pocket to write a message to his friends again

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Jeongguk puts his phone back into his pocket and closes the distance to his love. "Tae." He says softly, making Taehyung turn around with his mouth crammed with food.

The Alpha chuckles at the sight.

Taehyung rolls his eyes. "Whaf if?" His pronouncing unclear through the amount food.

Jeongguk closes the distance completely to wipe the crumbs off his lips with his thumb. "You've found the surprise, huh?" He laughs at the cute view in front of him.

Taehyung looks down to the floor ashamed. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay baby, how are you? I can smell that you're in heat." He strokes over the Omega's belly and Taehyung lets out a soft moan.

"Yeah, didn't pay attention, was too busy with the holidays and New Year." The older is confessing with a sigh. He replaces the pout with a big smile. "Why are you awake?" Could it be that his Alpha hasn't forgotten about his birthday?

Jeongguk is wondering if he should lie to him or not, but then decides to say the truth or else it could cause quarrels and a bad-tempered Omega, what he wants to prevent from happening in any case.

The day is all about Taehyung and it needs to be a happy one for him. Just like all the following days after this. In the past Jeongguk was too much of a jerk and he's regretting it deeply.

Jeongguk wraps his arms around the other's body and gives him a lovingly kiss. "Happy Birthday darling, I wanted to be the first to congratulate you so I followed you out of the room when I saw you're not in bed anymore."

Taehyung's touched, has hoped that at least his Ggukie wouldn't forget his birthday. Now they are both standing here, looking adoringly into each other's eyes, giving and receiving short, wet kisses.

"Thank you honey, what did you get me?" Taehyung looks over Jeongguk's shoulder if there's something hidden there. Unfortunately he can't find anything on the table or the kitchen floor.

Jeongguk laughs. "It's in the bedroom, stupid." He takes Taehyung's hand and leads them back to their shared bedroom. His heart is beating fast, too nervous to stay calm.

"Oh, that's weird. I couldn't find anything inside here. I mean, not that I was trying to find anything. I'm just saying." The Omega tries to save his nosy ass but Jeongguk only shakes his head in amusement before opening the door.

"You are too curious for your own good, even worse than Jimin sometimes." He stops them right in front of the bed.

"Yeah, whatever. Now show me, what is it?" Taehyung excitedly is hopping from one foot to the other, like a kid who's gonna receive ice-cream for the first time after enduring a long winter period.

Only then does Taehyung realize that Jeongguk is only wearing a thin bathrobe with sleeping pants hanging too low beneath, revealing the impressiv v-line. He swallows nervously.

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