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"Mine, all mine." Jeongguk whispers into the kiss without even noticing. Taehyung on the other hand does and smiles, deepening the open mouthed kiss even more. Their tongues are dancing, not fighting for dominance or some shit. Jeongguk can't hold back the moan from escaping, he's beyond happy and aroused, who can blame him? 

Taehyung breaks the intense moment to lean back with a smirk. "Yours only."

The Alpha has a questioning look on his face so the older explains. "You were saying 'mine, all mine' and that my cute bunny, is my answer. I'm yours only."

Jeongguk showers his face with kisses, doesn't know what to reply, it's overwhelming him.

"Oh my god, we should stop." Taehyung laughs. "Jin is still in the apartment and-"

"Oh now it's bothering you? Not even two minutes ago, you were chewing my tongue." Jeongguk cuts him with a wink.

A low groan leaves Taehyung's mouth. "I'd smack you but you're right. Let's continue, Jin is busy anyway." The Omega leans in again but before they can connect their lips, there is a loud crash.

"No!" Seokjin shouts. "You both won't start again. Fucking respect me, I'm your Hyung. When I come back from the bathroom, I wanna see you cleaning the living room and don't you dare to drop any clothes while doing so. I swear to Loona, if the both of you continue giving me a hard time, I'll disown you. Be done before the others come over." He walks away, finally being able to empty his bladder.

The couple clear their throats. "Sir, Yes Sir!" Taehyung shouts back.

"You really like calling people Sir, huh?" Jeongguk teases him.

"But I say it in a sexual way only to you." The Omega pecks the other's lips before turning around, swaying his hips while walking to the storage room. "Let's clean my apartment baby." He takes a look around the living room, furrowing his brows.

Jeongguk takes two magazines from the table. "Okay, done." He laughs. "Your apartment is already clean baby. That's something I really admire about you. Even though you hate doing chores, it doesn't keep you from doing them." He walks over to the older.

"I have an idea what we can do now." Jeongguk passionately kisses him, hands exploring the Omega's body until they reach the hem of his shorts. "You're so hot, let's go to your room."

Taehyung wants to say something, but words won't come out so he nods instead. The lovebirds make their way to the bedroom.

"No way!" Seokjin slams the bathroom door shut behind him. He instinctively knows where the idiots are. With an ear pressed to the wooden door, he tries to figure out if it's safe to go in or not.

"No fucking way" Of course it isn't, he hears moans and praises slipping from their mouths. "I'll give you twenty minutes to finish what you're doing!" He shouts, wants to make sure they're gonna hear him.

"We need at least thirty!" Comes back Jeongguk's answer.

"Twenty and that's my final word. I swear to god, if you go all the way, I'll kill you both." He knocks a few times, after no one replies. "At least give me a moan so that I know you've heard me."

As if on cue, Taehyung's moaning loudly. Jeongguk had made sure to enter his tongue, giving Seokjin what he wants so he'd leave them alone. Fucking cockblock.

They don't go all the way, not because Seokjin has told them not to, it's because they still aren't together yet. It wouldn't be right.

Taehyung loves Jeongguk's tongue and fingers, he returns the favor by giving him a mind blowing blow job. He's getting addicted to his size and doesn't want to stop, even after the Alpha came down his throat. "Baby, fuck! You need to stop, it's too much." Jeongguk begs. Taehyung has no other choice as to listen to him. He's sure that they're already past the twenty minutes.

As they open the door, Seokjin is already waiting for them with crossed arms and a tapping foot.

"We are sorry Jin, please understand that we can't resist each other." Jeongguk pouts.

The oldest rolls his eyes and sighs. "Don't get me wrong, I really like seeing you both together again but now the whole apartment smells like horny wolf. The others will be there any minute and they're gonna tease me." There's a chuckle following his words.

"I'll air all the rooms, relax Hyung." Taehyung pecks his cheek and who's Seokjin to stay mad at them.

"Fine, hurry."

Jeongguk finds it endearing. Isn't at all jealous of the peck, he knows that the Omegas are like this on a daily basis and it's okay. As long as everyone knows that Taehyung isn't available anymore.

After the smell is mostly gone, the three of them talk for a while before the rest joins them. The night is full of laughter and jokes. Seokjin serves delicious food and then they watch two movies. It's nice, it's been a while since all seven of them came together.

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