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The new voices coming from the living room are interrupting his thoughts. Seokjin is curious, goes to take a look. He has a feeling that it's Yoongi and Hoseok and he's right.

"Hyung!" Hoseok squeals as he sees the Omega entering and the older smiles at the sunshine in front of him.

"Hobi, my favorite Beta." Seokjin hugs the boy tightly, earning a low growl from Jimin.

Taehyung laughs at this, is sure that Jimin wants to be the favorite 'kid'. Little does he know, that it's not the real reason behind his growl.

"Jinnie, I'm okay with you calling Minnie your favorite, it's enough for me to know the truth." Hoseok winks.

Yoongi's unimpressed by the teasing, so he lays down on the couch and closes his eyes. His work is exhausting and he uses every opportunity there is to rest.

Everyone is aware that his grumpiness is just an act and that he likes all the cheesy comments, including the teasing from his friends.

Meanwhile Jeongguk is unusually silent the whole time, though the reason why is obvious.

"So, now that everyone is here, we can start the barbecue. Tae do you wanna help me?" Seokjin tries to tell him through his eyes to say yes, but Taehyung sighs.

"Can't Yoongi Hyung help you? He's good at making barbecue, he's the real Omega between the both of us."

Other than Taehyung, Jeongguk has seen Seokjin's pleading look. "Taehyung come on, I'll help you. Jin can prepare the meat and we do the side dishes."

Before Taehyung can say no, Jeongguk grabs his wrist and pulls the Omega along to the kitchen. He wants to be alone with him, doesn't want to lose the older as a friend.

Seokjin is not fond of the idea of them being alone, but he can't do much because Yoongi is holding him back as he tries to go after them. "Let them sort it out on their own, they're adults. You can't always solve Tae's problems, Jin."

Seokjin noticed how Jimin and Hoseok are nodding in agreement, making him groan in annoyance. "Fine, but when they fight again it's on you."

"Whatever." Yoongi leaves the house first to go to the garden where the barbecue grill is. "Umm, someone has to fetch the meat, but not Jin!"

They decide that Jimin has to go, since he's their best friend.

The Beta enters the kitchen, seeing Jeongguk caressing Taehyung's ear.

Should he make a noise or should he just watch them? The others are waiting for the meat, so he tries to get Jeongguk's attention.

Jimin waves his hands in hope that the Alpha would notice it. Taehyung has his back facing him, he couldn't see the movement.

It takes a minute to get Jeongguk looking at him. The older points to the meat and Jeongguk nods slowly.

Jimin tiptoes over to them, takes the plate, then leaves with a mischievous grin.

It doesn't vanish when he comes back to the others.

"What's with that grin, huh?" Hoseok asks him and the younger Beta's smiling even more because his crush has noticed him.

"Gguk was playing with Tae's ear and it looked so cute." He explains to Hoseok.

Seokjin looks up from laying out the plates. "What?"

He was about to leave when Yoongi holds him back by pulling his ear. "You won't disturb them, let them be."

Even if Seokjin is the oldest out of them, Yoongi's commanding Beta tone makes him stop immediately. He hates it, but has no other choice than to obey.

Jeongguk is still holding Taehyung tightly in his arms, his soft purrs are making him proud.

The reason why they are in this situation is, that Jeongguk has tried to talk to Taehyung about the things he had said and since he still hasn't learned how to hold back unnecessary comments, it escalated.

Before it could get worse, Jeongguk had hugged him and immediately started caressing his earlobe. The sweet nothings the Alpha was whispering into his ear, made Taehyung relax in his arms. Jeongguk is sure that his eyes are closed as always.

"Tae, I know you can't really hear me right now but I'm sorry. I've never apologized before for everything I have ever said to and about you that has hurt you. Just believe me when I say that I didn't mean it. It happens when I'm not sure how to react and I become an asshole. Please forgive me." He places a gentle kiss on Taehyung's temple and then the ear.

What Jeongguk doesn't know is, that Taehyung could hear everything. He wasn't in his headspace as he usual is, the Omega smiles satisfied and enjoys the moment. Taehyung doesn't want to interrupt by speaking, so he stays silent.

Despite everything, he can't help the purring sound leaving his throat. It feels incredibly good whenever Jeongguk's fingers brush against his ear or glide through his hair.

He can't explain why only Jeongguk has this effect on him. When Jimin had tried it once, he didn't like it at all. It had felt weird, just not right.

After around ten minutes Jeongguk stops, he's still holding him close though. The younger isn't going to loosen the hug until Taehyung initiates it.

Since the Omega is completely aware of everything, it's hard for him to choose the perfect time to break the intimate moment. Normally he'd come out of his headspace, with strong arms softly or tightly wrapped around him and after a while he'd fully come back to his senses and stop it.

"Tae?" Jeongguk's soft voice pulls him out of his thoughts.

"Hmm?" He hums as an answer.

"Do you um- Do you want me to let you go?" Jeongguk is careful, keeping his voice low and soft, not sure if the other is fully back yet.

"No." Taehyung wraps his own arms around the Alpha, buries his face into the area between the neck and shoulder, his lips touching the skin gently for a peck.

Little do they know that Seokjin is watching the scene. Yoongi has allowed him to go and bring them out to eat.

"Sometimes it's really better to let them solve it on their own." He whispers to himself, decides to give them more time. Goes back to the others with a smile.

"Is he gone?" Taehyung asks almost inaudible and Jeongguk nods. He could smell the Omega, while Taehyung could sense him. They chuckle after finally parting from the hug.

"He sometimes cares too much, but I love it, you know. He's always there for me." Taehyung explains.

"I wanna be there for you too. I know that you don't trust me, I'm not making it easy for you." Jeongguk looks at the older, caressing his left cheek.

"That's true. You're like the weather, some days are good and others are really bad. It's not easy for me." Taehyung sighs, leans more into the touch by holding back a purr that wants to come out.

He's not a cat but a wolf, why is he even purring to begin with? It's embarrassing, though he can't stop it, especially when he isn't aware of his doings.

"We should go, I can already hear your stomach growling." Jeongguk drops his hand.

Taehyung immediately misses the warmth of his palm but agrees nonetheless. "Yes, let's go."

Stepping out of the house, they receive weird looks since they were holding hands. None of them mention it. The evening goes by fast and the night comes.

Everyone is full and also drunk. Not to the amount of having to throw up, but the mood was getting better.

Taehyung and Jimin became a little clingy with one another, they always show how much they like each other - platonically - and everyone is already used to it.

✔ Purrs // BTS TaeKook 18+ Where stories live. Discover now