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As soon as Taehyung rings the bell, he hears Seokjin running towards the door. The younger Omega smiles because his Hyung is still very playful, even though a few years are separating them. Sometimes Seokjin forgets that he isn't the youngest in their group of friends.

The door finally opens and Taehyung immediately feels two strong arms around his torso. He gasps, the hug is really tight. "Hyung~" Taehyung whines but chuckles afterwards.

Seokjin loosens the grip grinning. "You're finally here. You look fine pup, gimme the sleeping bag."

"You're way too excited, we saw each other two days ago." Taehyung loves him so much. He's his role model when it comes to Omegas.

"Can you blame me Tae? I really love being with you. You're funny to be around and precious." The older says matter-of-factly, putting the bag in their shared room.

"Are you kidding? You're way funnier than me, I always laugh when you tell us one of your dad-jokes." Taehyung's giggling, remembers one of them. They're legendary, all the Omegas in this district know that.

Seokjin snorts. "None of you ever laugh, I always have to lough alone and Yoongi- Don't get me started with Yoongi!"

"He likes them too, Hyung. He'd never admit it, but I can see him smiling when you don't look in his direction. Don't tell him I said that though, he's going to kill me." Taehyung makes Seokjin promise to keep silent.

"Don't worry Tae, I won't say a word but don't blame me when I try to catch him smile."

They talk for around twenty more minutes about that topic, then they really had to start cooking. With an inexperienced Taehyung helping him, it will take longer to get everything done. Seokjin really doesn't mind, loves teaching the boy.

In the mean time, Jeongguk's texting Jimin

In the mean time, Jeongguk's texting Jimin

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Jimin's the only one who knows that Jeongguk is a softy. He also knows the reason why the younger is hiding behind this arrogant behavior. It's not his place to out him, so Jimin just helps the Alpha by being his friend and listening to everything he has to say and complain about.

Maybe in the past, Jimin had a crush on him, but after he got to know the other's demons, he wasn't ready to fight them together with him as a couple. It was too big of a problem and there was no way they'd win. There were times when Jimin had thought that the feelings were mutual but he could never be sure about it.

The moment Hoseok had joined their group, everything has changed for the better. At least that's what Jimin likes to believe. He's always cheering them up when the mood is down. The older could lighten up the room without even trying hard. Hoseok is a Beta too and it's just perfect. They'll understand each other better than any other second gender ever could.

Taehyung is busy cutting onions, already hating it. His eyes are tearing up and it doesn't take long for the first tear to run down over his cheek.

"Omo Tae, you don't have to cry, I'm here for you." Seokjin joked, making the younger Omega glaring at him.

"You did this on purpose, right? You don't like cutting them, that's why I have to do it. You think you're smart but I'm smarter!" He gives him the half done onion and the knife, then runs to the bathroom in a hurry.

Seokjin is laughing harder now, knew this would happen. "So cute."

Moments later the doorbell rings and Seokjin goes to open the door. "Oh! What are you doing here, it's not even 2pm." He raises an eyebrow at the visitor.

"Hyung, I am bored. Let me help you." The young boy whines and who's Seokjin to say no to more helping hands.

"Fine, you can cut the onions, they're almost done anyway." He smirks internally, looking immediately to the bathroom when he hears the door handle moving.

Before he could warn Taehyung, the latter was already stepping out while complaining. "I hope you know that it hurts like hell, I hate you Hyung."

The older knows that he has talked to him, but Jeongguk is standing in front of Seokjin with an unreadable expression on his face.

Taehyung looks up, finally seeing the Alpha. His mouth opens but closes again since he doesn't know what to say, being still angry at him.

"Hey Tae. You're here too?" Jeongguk asks, putting his hands into his pockets.

"As you can see." Taehyung answers. Without giving him another glance, he walks to the kitchen.

"I see, you're here for the food." Jeongguk blurts out, regretting it immediately.

"What did you just say?" Taehyung turns around and if looks could kill, Jeongguk would have been six feet under in an instant.

"Huh? I was just saying that you're here to help Jin with the food. Am I not right?" He tries his best to sound believable, but Taehyung isn't buying it.

"So you weren't saying that I'll eat all the food that Jin is cooking, to get fat? I know that you meant it earlier in chat, so don't try to lie to me by sugar coating your words." Taehyung walks closer to the Alpha, his chest is hitting the younger's as he finally stops. It was intimidating.

Jeongguk can't tell him that he's sorry, he just can't, decides that it's better to argue with his friend, they do it a lot anyway. "And what if I've meant it? It's not that it isn't true. You should be careful because you like eating way too much and you don't work out to keep your body fit."

Seokjin is dumbfounded, knows better as to interfere, but he also doesn't want to listen to that bullshit Jeongguk's saying right now. He decides to take care of Taehyung afterwards if needed.

Taehyung is aware that there's no way Seokjin can help him now, he isn't mad at him leaving them alone.

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