8 (M - Kind Of)

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Jimin's sitting on Hoseok's lap, arms hooked around the other's neck, head resting on his shoulder, while the older is playing with the younger's soft hair. "Minnie, are you sleeping?" He whispers lowly, but doesn't receive an answer. Only silent snores are leaving Jimin's mouth, making Hoseok chuckle.

"Seems like he fell asleep. I'll bring him to our room." The Beta gets up and Jeongguk has already forgotten that Jimin and him originally wanted to sleep together.

"Night Hyuuung~" Taehyung sings drunkenly, then looks around. "Where's Yoongs and Jinnie?"

"Oh, I think Jin already said goodnight an hour ago and Yoongi wanted to go to the toilet?" Jeongguk shrugs, isn't really sure, also doesn't care. He's drunk himself and alone with Taehyung, who obviously had a little bit too much of the tasty drinks for him being a lightweight.

"Okay my friend, let's go to bed then. Sleep well Jeonggukie." Taehyung stands up, the world suddenly starts to spin. "Woa, stop that." He closes his eyes what clearly was a mistake.

"Tae!" Jeongguk reacts fast, given for the state he's in. Taehyung is falling backwards and he catches him just in time.

"Hey there." The older mumbles as he opens his eyes. Is now looking into two big, beautiful brown orbs and gets lost in them.

"Tae. Tae? Hey!" Jeongguk tries to get him at least to blink but Taehyung is still staring at him with wide open eyes, way too close to his own face. Jeongguk immediately feels sober, what he's definetly not. "I-I'll bring you to your room."

The Alpha is strong, can easily carry Taehyung to Seokjin's room, one arm below his legs, the other around his back.

He carefully uses the handle and kicks the door open so that they can enter. Jeongguk sees the bed as soon as his eyes were adjusted to the darkness. There are two people lying on it, the smaller hugging the taller from behind. Yoongi and Seokjin, what the hell? Both shirtless.

Jeongguk is glad that the rest of their bodies are covered with a blanket. He doesn't know if they are naked beneath it, but he also doesn't want to find out, decides that it's best to leave them alone.

Maybe Hoseok is still awake and can take care of Taehyung. He's his last hope.

After knocking for three times without getting an answer, he gives up with a sigh. "Seems like you'll sleep in a room together with me tonight." Jeongguk whispers into Taehyung's ear, hearing a cute giggle in return.

Maybe his breath was tickling the Omega, Jeongguk thinks.

He enters his room and lays Taehyung down onto the bed. His legs are hanging down over the edge but Jeongguk doesn't change it, has to use the bathroom or else his bladder is going to burst.

With a satisfied groan, he relieves himself and closes his eyes in the act. It feels too fucking good.

"Jeonggukie, you aren't as big as I've thought you are." Taehyung pouts while looking at Jeongguk's best piece.

The Alpha's eyes shoot open, wide. He turns his head so fast to look at Taehyung, that he can feel a crack. It kind of is relaxing his tensed neck, but- ouch.

"W-What?" Jeongguk asks shocked. After shaking his cock for three times, he puts it back into his boxershort. It was too late anyway, Taehyung has already seen him and he doesn't want a wet underwear, that's why he took his time to get his dick as dry as possible.

Jeongguk makes a mental note to sit down to pee in the future.

Taehyung's gaze is finally at Jeongguk's face. "What do you mean Tae? I'm not small for fucks sake." Even though Jeongguk is utterly embarrassed, he just can't let it slide that Taehyung thinks he has a small dick.

The older chuckles. "I'm bigger and I'm an Omega." He opens the zipper of his pants and pulls it down.

"Woa, not so fast tiger!" Jeongguk immediately stops him. "What are you planning to do?"

"Of course I'll show you." Taehyung answers as if it's the most obvious thing to do.

"Hold on. You- No Tae, you won't show me your dick okay? I believe you, j-just don't show me." Jeongguk gulps hard as he notices that Taehyung is already semi-hard though the boxershort, the older fortunately is still wearing.

"And why not?" Taehyung's tone sounds so pure, it causes Jeongguk goosebumps.

"Because tomorrow you won't even remember anything but I do and it wouldn't be fair to you." Jeongguk is tipsy now, not drunk anymore. Taehyung on the other hand is still drunk and out of experience from previous events, he's sure that the Omega won't remember what has happened.

"Let's go to bed you big baby." He's washing his hands, then pulls Taehyung with him to the bed.

"Big baby." Taehyung laughs, pointing to Jeongguk's crotch.

"Yah! My limp dick might be not as big as yours, but just wait until I'm hard." He growls at the older who stops laughing.

"Show me, I wanna see it." The Omega is serious, he's stretching his arm out to reach the younger's boxershort but Jeongguk is pushing his hand away.

"No no no. You, on the bed, now!" He uses his Alpha commanding tone and Taehyung jumps onto the soft mattress without waiting for a second, releasing a small whimper.

"Good boy." Jeongguk pats Taehyung's head, lying down next to him. "No touching there, get it?" He makes a rectangular sign with his fingers in front of his crotch.

Taehyung nods with a pout. "Okay, I won't touch you there, but can we at least cuddle?"

"Yes, that we can do." Jeongguk pulls him to his chest, wrapping his arms around the other's body. Taehyung snuggles into him and it doesn't take long until Jeongguk hears his soft steady breathing. He knows the Omega is finally sleeping.

What a night!

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