17 (M) 2/2

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His hole is already lathered with Omega slick and the sheets he is sitting on are soaked. The scent reaches Jeongguk's nose, causing his dominant Alpha side to take over.

"Turn around baby, let me reward your for your hard work." Jeongguk waits for Taehyung to get in the right position. As soon as his ass os finally up in front of him, he gives the cheeks it a light slap.

Taehyung loves it, he'd lie if he'd say otherwise. It's needless to say that he wants more, so much more, but they both know that it won't happen tonight.

Jeongguk can read him like a book, knows that Taehyung is a sucker for spanking. He doesn't want to let him wait any longer, pulls his hand back only to bring it down harder than before, with a mischievous smirk on his face.

The Omega groans at the impact, followed by a hiss. "That's it, Sir, just like that."

Jeongguk's smirk disappears after hearing Taehyung calling him Sir. It's one thing if it's over chat or a voice note, but it's another if it's here, live and in color, having the Omega on his knees, ass presented to him and ready to be taken care of.

He wants to hear it again, another spank lands on the exact same spot, that's now an angry red color.

Jeongguk spreads Taehyung's legs a little more. Slick comes oozing out of his puckered hole, running down over the insides of his thighs. "Such a mess." He shakes his head mockingly.

"Then lick it off Alpha, that's what you wanted, isn't it? Tasting my slick, if I remember correctly." Taehyung looks over his shoulder to see Jeongguk's expression. It's obvious that he loves it when Taehyung is confident and sassy.

"Oh baby, I'm so gonna lick you dry. You're going to wish that you would have kept that filthy mouth of yours shut. Now be a good pup and push your ass out more." The grip on Taehyung's hips tightens, causing the older to whimper slightly.

Through the movement, Jeongguk doesn't even need to spread the cheeks to reach his pretty, pink hole. The rim looks inviting, is clenching around nothing. He knows that Taehyung is teasing him by tensing his muscles but he doesn't complain. It's a sight he does like very much.

The Alpha bends down, licks a long line from his balls up to the end of the spine and hums satisfied.

Taehyung bites his fist to suppress a moan, what clearly fails. "Gguk!" Taehyung doesn't even know what he's pleading for.

Since Jeongguk isn't a bad guy, at least not anymore so he thinks, he wants to please the other as best as possible.

The slick is getting more with each second passing, he licks it off, slurping as much as he can and it tastes almost neutral but there's a hint of something he's definitely going to get addicted to.

"You taste so good baby." Jeongguk nibbles on the sensitive skin around the rim, bites carefully down when Taehyung is moving too much. "Stay still or I won't fuck you with my tongue."

"Okay Sir, I'll try my best." The older is pushing his face to the pillow, it's going to be so hard but he wants to be good for the Alpha.

"My good boy, so obedient." Jeongguk growls satisfied, leans back down and works on the rim this time. He has to loosen the muscle more, even though Taehyung is wet as fuck, he doesn't want to hurt him. His tongue circles the hole, pushing the tip carefully inside but not much. The reaction he receives tells him that he can go further, what he does.

"Please Sir, I'm gonna need your dick soon." Taehyung whines, feels so empty and the heat wave is making it unbearable for him.

"I won't fuck you tonight, we've talked about it. Not while we both are in rut and heat but I promise you that I'll satisfy your needs." Jeongguk is confident enough to believe in himself. "Do you want me to use my fingers too or do you prefer toys?"

"Fingers, please." The Omega lets out a whimper at the thought. He loves Jeongguk's finger, they're rough from working out and thicker than his own.

"Okay then, tell me if you don't like something I do and I'll stop." The nod from the other is enough for him to continue with what he was doing.

His tongue slips past the ring of muscles, Taehyung is tight but he's going to change that soon.

It's five minutes later when he can push in completely, moving the tip along the walls. Jeongguk thinks it's time to use his digits.

After leaning back, watching the hole clenching again, he blows cold air to the skin.

Taehyung shivers, whines for more. "Don't even try to start with only one, I can take three at once."

Jeongguk's eyes widen. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, hurry up. It fucking hurts, I'm sure my dick is already blue." He exaggerates dramatically.

With a roll of his eyes, Jeongguk raises three fingers. "Well then, as you wish angel." He slowly pushes them in, ignores the gasp he receives. Taehyung will speak up if it's too much, that's what keeps him going.

After many thrusts, the Omega is a bit more loose. Jeongguk has discovered the prostate easily and found a liking in abusing it. The way Taehyung is a writhing and moaning mess sporns him on even more.

"A fourth Gguk, add another one." Taehyung orders, voice shaky and small. God is he hot, Jeongguk stares at him, licking his lips.

The needed fourth finger encounters resistance but with a little force, it slips in.

Jeongguk loves how Taehyung's ass is sucking him in needily. The Omega is perfect, in any way possible. Okay, maybe not when it comes to cooking or house chores but it doesn't matter to the Alpha anymore.

"Are you close pup?" Jeongguk whispers. The speed he's using is exhausting his arm.

Taehyung doesn't answer with words, his own arm reaches down between the sheets and his body, until he can get a hold of his neglected cock. With slow strokes, he closes his eyes.

Normally Jeongguk wouldn't allow him to do that but it's been almost fifty minutes and he has edged him multiple times. Taehyung deserves to finally finish.

"Close Gguk, 'm close." The Omega announces not even two minutes later.

"Cum for me baby, you did so fucking well. I'm proud of my gorgeous angel." Jeongguk uses the last bit of his strength and moves faster, brushing over the bundle of nerves to make him come faster.

With a loud moan and buckled back, Taehyung reaches his orgasm. His walls tighten in a pulsing manner around Jeongguk's fingers, slick is oozing out even more than before.

The Alpha loves every single second of it, it's the first time he's experience that and he doesn't know why it took so long for them to finally do it.

"Tell me when I need to pull out." He leans down to hover over the older's back, kissing the warm skin of his shoulder.

Taehyung is still moving his hand on his length, milking it until the last drop is on the white sheet. "N-Now. Please stop Gguk." He's breathing fast and loud, cheek resting on the pillow, gaze on the wall. "Fuck."

Jeongguk smiles, withdraws his hand. Taehyung isn't watching him so he brings his fingers to his mouth to lick them clean. They aren't dirty, only covered with slick. Perks of being half wolf, half human.

The Alpha wants to kiss him so badly. Should he just go for it? Their need is stilled for now, it would be more than just an action of pure lust.

'Fuck it.' He says to himself and leans down but Taehyung isn't moving. Jeongguk notices that he has his eyes closed and can't help but smile. "My baby is too exhausted."

The younger lays down, gets himself comfortable before pulling the older on top of him. He doesn't care about the cum that's sticky on Taehyung's body and now his own as well. All the Alpha wants, is to wake up with the Omega in his arms.

Without a stolen kiss, he falls asleep not long after studying the breathtaking face of the other.

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