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Right when he walks to the bedroom, the door bursts open and a breathless Seokjin enters the apartment.

"Tae! You okay?" He yells and then sees the both of them standing there with wide open eyes.

"What's going on, where's Jaegeun and why are you carrying and kissing-" The older Omega is sniffing the air. "Oh no, no no no! Jeon Jungkook you little mother f- tell me it's not what I think it is." He has both of his hands on the hips, shaking his head in utter disbelief.

Jeongguk drops Taehyung without thinking - as so often - and out of panic. The Omega would have landed butt first on the floor, if it wasn't for him having a good grip around the Alpha's neck.

Jeongguk is nervously scratching his nape with a shy look. "You see Hyung, Taehyung here and I, we just wanted to go to the bedroom to watch a movie, chilling a little." He nods at his own words. "Yes, that's what we wanted to do, nothing else."

Jeongguk is nudging the boy next to him to agree, but when he doesn't hear anything he looks over to him. "Right Tae?" It's spoken through gritted teeth.

The Omega scoffs. "I thought you were giving me at least head, Gguk. I mean we can turn on a movie if you want, but I don't really need it." Taehyung is still too aroused, his brain lacking of oxygen. He doesn't care that Seokjin is here, who has gotten big eyes after Taehyung's statement. He just wants to have the Alpha's lips around his cock, rather now than later.

"Oh my god, I'm dead. Jin just kill me, I deserve it for being so stupid." Jeongguk walks over to the oldest and kneels down, making Taehyung gasp dramatically.

"What the fuck? You should kneel down in front of me right now, not him!" Grabs Jeongguk's shirt collar, pulling him up and to the bedroom.

"Kim Taehyung! Bring your horny, hot ass over here, right now!" Seokjin yells loudly until he can hear noises coming from the bedroom. He decides it would be the best to save Jeongguk, before the poor Alpha has to suffer more. The Omega chuckles, the situation is just too hilarious.

Seokjin opens the door and first thing he sees are two pleading eyes looking at him. They were clearly saying 'help me Hyung'. The Hyung part though was added in his mind, because it was only right to call him that.

"Even if I love seeing Jeongguk all cuffed and gagged, because then he can't say and do anything stupid, you have to let him go Tae." He tries to suppress a grin.

Taehyung sighs. "But-"

"No buts Tae, come on, unlock the cuffs." Seokjin's voice is commanding.

Mumbling about how unfair it is that he doesn't allow him even a little fun, Taehyung pulls the keys out of the drawer and releases the Alpha from the handcuffs.

Jeongguk rubs his wrists, then gets rid of the gagball. After relaxing his mouth, he stands up.

"Where did you even get them from?" He takes the cuffs, inspecting them. "They look so real, like the ones the police uses."

Taehyung shrugs. "Because they are?"

This lets Jeongguk look up at him with a gasp. "What?"

Taehyung takes them back from Jeongguk's hand and smiles. "I've received them from an officer a while ago, I think he had a thing for me? Told me to carry them around with me, in case some rude Alpha or Beta would disturb me." He laughs at the thought, because he had just used them on Alpha Jeongguk.

"I don't know what to say, you really surprise me sometimes, Tae. I uh, I'll take them and give them back when you're a good boy again. Call me when your heat is over." Jeongguk looks at Seokjin with a shy smile. "Take good care of him and be careful, he's fucking strong when horny."

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