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"Hear my side of the story too, then I'll answer all of your questions." Jeongguk says and sees a small nod from the Omega, who's still not looking at him.

"I've waited for you that day. I've waited until Jaegeun came out of your apartment." This makes Taehyung finally meeting his eyes, gaze full of regret.

"He said you're his now and that I should stay away from you. I wasn't sure if he was lying or not but when I saw the both of you drinking tea together while laughing, I believed it. It hurt, you know? I was hoping that after we've helped each other out, we could be more."

"You saw us, when?" Taehyung is confused.

"The next day. I-I even saw you kissing him." Jeongguk's voice is becoming more silent.

The Omega can hear that he's holding back a sob. This can't be, Taehyung tries to think back to that day but he definitely wasn't with Jaegeun.

Realization makes him stand up. Jeongguk startles at the sudden movement. Taehyung snips his finger with a smile. "It wasn't me Gguk! Oh my god, you saw him with his boyfriend. Baekhyun looks a lot like me, not exactly the same but you could definitely confuse us from afar."

"I don't believe you, no one looks like you Tae." Jeongguk rolls his eyes, but Taehyung pulls his phone out of his pocket.

"Oh really? Then what's that." He gives him his phone and crosses his arms, smirking confidentially.

" He gives him his phone and crosses his arms, smirking confidentially

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Jeongguk raises his eyebrows. "Well, maybe from a distance I could think it's you, but on this picture I can clearly say who's who without any problems. I get you though, maybe it was that guy with him."

"Maybe?" Taehyung groans frustrated. "It is Baek, they were on a date when I was trying to reach you."

"Ugh fine, I'll believe you, satisfied?" Jeongguk has the nerve to chuckle. The Alpha is happy that it wasn't Taehyung and glad that everything is only a stupid misunderstanding.

"Very but, what about Yugyeom?" Taehyung needs to know the truth. He crosses his fingers behind his back, hoping for a no as an answer.

"Oh, Yugyeom. Well-" Jeongguk takes a deep breath, not ready to tell Taehyung what had happened between them but he also knows that he has to be honest, even if it means to lose the Omega again.

"Well? What is it, you can tell me." Taehyung sits down again, carefully to not touch Jeongguk in any way. Their knees are dangerously close to each other.

"Uh, we went on a date. We aren't together or so, we're still thinking about trying it out though, because I thought you're dating Jaegeun now." He confesses.

"Oh." Is all Taehyung can say. Of course he's sad.

Jeongguk sees it. "Tae, I'll talk to him. He knows that I l-"

"No, you don't have to because of me. If you like him, be together. It's okay Gguk." Taehyung says and gets up. "I should go now, I'm glad we could talk about everything."

Jeongguk panics, he watches Taehyung walking to the door. The younger has to react fast or else it's going to be a mess again. "Wait!" He runs after him like Taehyung had done earlier and grabs his wrist to turn him around. "Don't go."

"Why? There's nothing left to say." The Omega shrugs sadly.

"Because-" Jeongguk stops, pulling Taehyung in a tight hug. "-I want you and only you."

They're standing there, Jeongguk's arms hooked around Taehyung's middle while the older's are hanging down.

"Gguk." A low whisper brings the Alpha back to reality.

"Yes Angel?" He leans back, still holding Taehyung tight.

"Talk to him first and then call me, okay? Think about what you really want. Take your time to be sure." The Omega takes the other's arms and unwraps them from around his waist.

Jeongguk nods. "I will talk to him, I already know what I want, who I want, so wait for me. Can you do that?"

A smile forms on Taehyung's lips. "I will Ggukie, I will always wait for you." With that said, he places a gentle kiss on the younger's forehead and leaves.

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