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"What took you both so long? I was afraid you got into a fight with other Alphas. Was about to call Hobi and Yoongi so they can help you." Seokjin sounds serious, almost made Jimin go crazy with walking up and down the living room, while trying to call the stubborn pair.

"Well, we indeed had a fight but not with others." Jeongguk answers honestly and Taehyung face-palms himself mentally. There's no way they can avoid the talk now.

"What did I even expect, of course you would." Seokjin rolls his eyes, causing Jimin to giggle behind him.

They sit down on the couch. The oldest has already prepared a few non alcoholic drinks for all of them. "Let me bring the bags to the kitchen, then tell me what exactly has happened."

He gets up, takes said bags that are placed in front of Jeongguk and walks away.

Taehyung leans in, whispering into the younger's ear, what sends shivers down the Alpha's spine. "You know, I wouldn't have told Jin about the fight." Leans back, looking at his expression.

"What?" Jeongguk gasps at the realisation that he could have avoided the talk.

Taehyung only shrugs. Seokjin comes back to join them again, taking the seat next to Jimin, facing the quarreler. "Now tell Hyung what happened." He places one leg over the other and folds his hands. The Omega looks hilarious.

Jimin can't help the snorting sound coming out of his nose. "More like mommy". The Beta corrects mumbling.

The glare he receives from the older is silencing Jimin immediately and he sucks both of his full lips in between his teeth.

The glare he receives from the older is silencing Jimin immediately and he sucks both of his full lips in between his teeth

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Taehyung has difficulties to hold back his laughter, the face is just too funny. Jeongguk isn't in a better state, but he isn't able to hold back and laughs out loud.

Jimin blushes, satisfying Seokjin. The Omega doesn't like being called Mom or Mommy. He's a man for Pete's sake. Yes, he can get pregnant, but only because he's an Omega and not all of the male Omegas can give birth to children, only a handful. The oldest is yet to find out.

"Sooo." He sighs dramatically. "After the small interruption-" Is now glaring at Jimin. "-can we finally start with the story?" Seokjin still needs to prepare a lot of stuff, there's no time for stupid games.

Jeongguk tells them everything, Seokjin's mood is clearly down after hearing the whole story from the Alpha. Before he would hurt Jeongguk, he leaves the room and goes straight to the kitchen, to let his anger out on the poor meat.

As soon as he has calmed down a little, he cleans his hands then takes his phone.

As soon as he has calmed down a little, he cleans his hands then takes his phone

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Seokjin signs loudly when he puts the phone away

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Seokjin signs loudly when he puts the phone away. He can't believe what Yoongi wrote. Does everyone think that way about Omegas?

Of course he knows that their genes play a big role in what they are interested in and he himself is definitely a typical Omega but not Taehyung.

Taehyung isn't made for cooking, it's as clear as crystal. He isn't a total failure, but his cooking skills won't make a family feel full. His future mate should be able to cook the meals or at least help him out.

Even though Taehyung hates cleaning, it's nothing to worry about. His apartment is always clean when Seokjin visits the other, it just isn't one of his favorite chores.

Jeongguk's kind of right about everything but Taehyung's an exception. He has a bright future.

Seokjin is sure that his fellow Omega is going to be a well-known artist one day, his paintings are already worth millions of won. No one except him knows about that. Taehyung doesn't want the others to know, not even Jimin - his soulmate. The younger could even afford someone who's cooking and cleaning for him with this income of money.

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