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Taehyung wakes up, feeling warm and safe. He takes a deep breath, inhaling an arousing scent that's way too familiar and opens his eyes to see- nothing.

The Omega leans back, lets his eyes adjust to the bright light of the sun rays filling the room. He groans when sporting Jeongguk.

"Please tell me it was all a bad dream." Taehyung whispers more to himself, but receives an answer from a deep, sleepy and sexy voice.

"I'm afraid it wasn't. Good morning sunshine, did you sleep well?" Jeongguk looks at him with one eye open, the older is definitely having a headache. 

"I uh yes, I did. And you?" Taehyung licks his dry lips with almost no spit, because his mouth is as dry.

"Well, it's wasn't too bad, but I can't feel my arm anymore because a certain someone was laying on it the whole night." Jeongguk jokes, making Taehyung immediately sit up.

"Sorry, I didn't notice. You're free now." His voice still raspy, he clears his throat that feels like he has swallowed a frog.

"Yay. Okay Tae, tell me about your dream." Jeongguk doesn't waste more time, needs to know if Taehyung remembers yesterday's events.

Taehyung laughs awkwardly. "Haha uh, I don't know if I should tell you because wow, it didn't really feel like a dream and if it wasn't one, then I want to die. No offense but it's nothing I wanna remember."

"What do you mean no offense? It's my dick you are talking about." Jeongguk scoffs.

Taehyung's eyes widen. "So it really wasn't a dream? I saw your dick and told you that you're small?" He covers his mouth with his hands, looking down to Jeongguk's clothed crotch.

"Stop staring for fuck's sake!" Jeongguk groans frustrated. "Do you also remember that you wanted to show me yours too?"

"I what? Oh. Oh my god, yes I remember now. But you said no, why would you even say no?" Taehyung doesn't know why he's mad.

Jeongguk's lost at his reaction. "You wanna show me? Then do it! Yesterday I was sure you wouldn't remember anything so I said no, but now that you remember, show me. Come on Tae, or are you gonna be a pussy?" He joins the older in being mad because Taehyung got mad at him just for being a very good friend.

"Hah, you wanna see it? You'll be jealous, just wait." The Omega sits up straight, gets rid of his shorts and was about to pull his boxershort down to show Jeongguk that he isn't a pussy.

"Woa Woa, wait!" The younger stops him by grabbing his wrist. "Okay, you're not."

Taehyung's fucking relieved that Jeongguk has stopped him. He tries not to show it and snorts. "I knew it, you're afraid that I'm right and your Alpha pride would get hurt." He rolls his eyes, Jeongguk mirroring it.

"As I've already said yesterday, you might be bigger now but not when it matters. I know for sure that my hard dick is way bigger than yours." It's not even a lie, an Alpha's hard cock would grow at least double its size as it is in limp condition.

The door suddenly opens, Seokjin enters the room with a pissed off expression. "If the both of you keep arguing about your dick sizes, I'll cut them off. There are people who need their beauty sleep and hearing you both yelling about who has the bigger one is really disturbing."

Without waiting for a reply, he leaves, slamming the door close with a groan. The younger ones are sitting there, dumbfounded with wide open mouths.

It took two minutes until Taehyung gasps for air. "Did he just?" He asks, still looking to the door.

"Yes, yes he did." The Alpha sighs.

"Okay, we should stop arguing, Jin's right. Let's just say I'm bigger and go." Taehyung shrugs, standing up.

"Well, okay. I haven't seen yours yet but we can say limp you're bigger and hard I am. That's fair enough." Jeongguk smirks, crawling back under the blankets. "Night, gonna go back to sleep."

"Yet huh?" Taehyung turns around, jumps on top of him.

Jeongguk groans at the sudden weight. "Tae-"

"Yes baby?" The Omega sings, hopping up and down to annoy the other even more.

"Get off me, you're heavy." He tries to push him but Taehyung has a too tight grip on the sheets.

"No, you'll go to the kitchen with me so we can make breakfast for everyone. You know I can't do it alone." It's no secret at all.

Jeongguk rolls his eyes annoyed but isn't. "I hate you."

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