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Jimin and Jeongguk are joking around while cleaning the living room. Seokjin receives a text message and smiles. It's Taehyung and he can't find the watermelons.

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"Gguk!" Seokjin shouts for him as he puts his phone away.

"Yes Hyung?" The young Alpha answers from the living room, where he and Jimin are having fun.

"Can you fetch Tae from the store that is around ten minutes away? He said there are Alphas and he doesn't feel safe." Seokjin lies, wants him to take it serious and hurry the fuck up. He also wants them to talk, still has the hope that they'll get along, at least for tonight.

"Oh, sure Hyung." Jeongguk gives Jimin his cleaning rag with a following slap to the back of the Beta's head and runs out of the front door before the older could hit him back.

Seokjin laughs while shaking his head amused, opens the door when Jeongguk was about to knock. "I uh, I forgot my-." The boy grabs his shoes and closes the door behind him, before the older could say anything and embarrass him even more.

"He's a fool in love." Seokjin says to Jimin, who looks up at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"It's nothing Chim, I was just- Forget what I've said." He hums a love song, walks back to the kitchen, leaving the Beta dumbfounded.

Jeongguk arrives the shop in record time, where he sees Taehyung paying for the things he had in his shopping basket.

The younger tries to catch his breath before the Omega is coming out of the building. He doesn't want him to know that he was running all the way to reach him faster.


The deep voice of his friend makes him look up and stand straight.

"Tae, hey. Are you done?" Jeongguk avoids the other's gaze, looks instead for the Alphas Seokjin has mentioned earlier.

"What are you searching for?" Taehyung follows his stare irritated.

"The Alphas obviously, Jin said that you've told him there are some and you're don't feeling comfortable or save." He explains, still looking around and Taehyung mentally curses their Omega friend for lying to Jeongguk.

"Oh I see, yeah they're gone. Now the only Alpha who makes me uncomfortable is the one standing right in front of me. Can we go already?" He sassily answers with a smirk.

It takes everything in Jeongguk to not start an argument with him again, he turns around and leads the way to Seokjin's house, while Taehyung is still carrying the heavy bags.

"What a gentleman."

It was only a whisper from the older but Jeongguk has of course heard it. "You're an Omega Tae, you should get used to shopping grocery. It's what you're good for. Shopping, cleaning, cooking and pleasing your Alpha." Jeongguk never thinks much before speaking out what's on his mind and this time, even he himself would punsh him for what he has said, but it's already done and he can't take it back anymore.

Taehyung drops the bags, Jeongguk doesn't really want to turn around to check on him, though he does it anyway. The Alpha is gonna take it like a man, it's his own fault afterall.

Taehyung has tears glistening in his eyes, he knows about the Omega's low self-esteem. "Shit Tae, I didn't mean to- "

"No Jeongguk, don't you dare to lie to me now. I know for a fact that it's exactly what you're thinking of me, you don't miss an opportunity to bring it up and I'm sick of it." Taehyung tries to hold back those tears. He's questioning himself why he's still friends with him after all the shit the other has done to him.

As Taehyung collects the items to put them back into the bags, Jeongguk kneels down to help him, making the older scoff. "Stop it, don't waste your time and energy on things an Omega has to do."

"Tae, please. I'm sorry okay? I didn't think before I was speaking." Jeongguk regrets it deeply.

"And that's exactly the point. You were saying what had been on your mind. There's no way you didn't mean it, it's exactly as what you see us Omegas as." He doesn't say more, it's enough anyway and he hopes that Jeongguk will get his point.

The younger does, Taehyung's right. "I actually don't see you as one of them, you're more than that." Jeongguk tries to save at least a little bit of their friendship.

"So you're saying that Jin is worth less than me, only because he loves to cook and clean? Jeongguk why don't you start using your brain before giving out bullshit, it would save you many awkward situations." Taehyung stares at him, is waiting for another stupid sentence, but it never comes. At least he's for once smart enough to shut up.

The Alpha takes both bags from Taehyung's hands and turns around to silently continue his way to Seokjin's house. He hopes that they can talk later again, when both are more calm and a little time went by.

Taehyung decides not to tell the other Omega about it. Is sure that Jeongguk doesn't think that Seokjin is worthless, it's just that he never can express what he means and it always leads to such situations. Taehyung wants Jeongguk to learn how to think carefully about his words before saying them out loud.

Jeongguk on the other hand is afraid Taehyung will tell him, that's why he decides to do it first. He's not going to tell lies, is gonna stay with the truth.

They reach the house after what feels like hours of silence but when they do, Seokjin is already waiting for them.

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