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Jaemin and I were talking about random things and getting to know each other even more than what we already knew. When my phone rang I looked and it was John.

"Sorry," I said grabbing my phone.

"It's fine" He smiles. I answered.

"Where are you?" John asked.

"With Jaemin getting coffee, " I answered.

"What did I say about going out with one of the guys like that? What if you get caught together? You need to think about him Y/N we're Idols," He said kinda mad but also concerned.

"I know I'm sorry. We are being careful I promise I wouldn't want to ruin you guys' image." I said sincerely and Jaemin looks at me with soft eyes.

"We are heading to practice, get Jaemin back he has schedules to get to," He tells me.

"Ok, we'll meet you guys at SM. See you in a bit," I told him.

"Later," He said before hanging up. I sigh placing my phone down.

"We need to head back," I frown looking at Jaemin.

"Did you get in trouble?" He asked putting his mask back on.

"No, he was just worried about us," I smiled reassuring him. He nods, and I called the waiter back. I grabbed my wallet out but Jaemin stop me and he paid.

"let's go," He said standing up. I stood up and followed him out.


"I'll see you later," Jaemin said kissing the top of my head before the elevator doors opened.

"Later," I said as we both headed our ways. I walked into 127 practice room all I could hear is music and shoes squeaking. I sat down in the hole-in-the-wall thing. (you know the practice room where they filmed Simon says practice, we young, etc. They film a lot in that room anyway.) I watch them and once the music restarted they stopped and John came to me, as one of them stopped the music.

"Sorry, but we were being careful. I wouldn't want to ruin Jaemin's life like that," I told him rolling my eyes.

"You wouldn't ruin his life you're being dramatic. Just some fans wouldn't be happy. I know you were being careful that's not what I came here for. I was told that he got you a heart necklace." He raised his eyes brows.

"It was a friendly gesture I actually wanted it, but I think mom and dad would kill me for spending over 800 dollars on a necklace," I said and his eyes widen.

"He bought you a necklace that is over 800 dollars," He said surprised.

"Yeah I think I'm not very good with transiting my won and dollars," I said thinking about how much it cost again.

"Anyway back to what I came to you to say to you. If you're going to date one of them then prepare it's going to be hard with our schedule. Right now it's not hard since you're coming with us to our schedules, but once you go back to the state. The time difference and the schedules it's going to be hard. I'm not stopping you if you like anyone, I'm actually happy it would be one of the members because at least I know him. I'm just warning you I know you are just friends with the dreamis but if it comes to one day it is more than that you'll know," He said seriously.

"Yeah I know I know don't worry. I understand," I nod knowing something he doesn't.

"But just know I'm still going to be protective so he better watch out for your future boyfriend," He says trying to be serious but he failed and I smiled rolling my eyes.

"So can I go to the dreamis practice?" I smiled innocently.

"Cute, but you can't right now. They are going to leave soon for a small appearance, " He informs me.

"It's why Haechan is not here. Also, I would like to cheer them on so can I go?" I asked with puppy eyes.

"You're going to have to ask manager-nim," He said and I nod. I'm not so scared of him since I've been around him when the boys are busy and I stay with the staff.

"Later," I waved at the boys. I walked to where the dreamis should be and Manager-nim was on his phone so I waited. I didn't see the boys so I got disappointed that the boys already probably left. Manager-nim got off his phone he looked towards me.

"Hi Y/N, do you need anything?" He asked me.

"Hi, I was wondering if I could go with you and the boys to their performance? I won't be a distraction at all, it's just to watch." I said hoping he would say yes.

"Sure, the boys are down in the Caffè," He nods and I smiled happily.

"Thank you," I bowed thankful.

Then I walked into the practice room we were standing outside of. I stood there for a minute I got bored. I walked to the speakers to plug in my phone. I saw a phone sitting on top of it. Conveniently it was Jaemin's since the lock screen was a picture of him and me in the car on the way to the mall yesterday. I decided to be a cute girlfriend, so I unplug his phone from the speakers and took selfies. After about a lot of cute, and funny pictures. I put his phone down and plugged my phone into the speakers. I played Taemin Want and walked in front of the mirror. I was dancing until I saw Jisung watching me and directly stopping. I went and paused the music.

"Wooow you're really good. I thought you said you couldn't dance?" He smiled raising his eyebrows.

"Please don't tell the others," I panicked.

"Why your not bad you're really good" He complimented me again.

"Thank you, and it's just that I just feel small beside you guys. You're all so great at dancing even tho I've done it for years, to me you guys are still better than me." I said and he nods.

"How long have you been dancing?" He asked curiously.

"For 12 years," I told him.

"Wow that's a long time," He said shocked.

"Yeah I started when I was 6 so it's been a long time." I nod. Then Renjun walks in followed by the rest. Jaemin smiled when he saw me.

"What are you doing here?" Haechan questions me.

"I'm coming with you guys, to cheer you on," I smiled.

"Cute" Jeno poke my cheek. I laughed at his reaction.

"So sweet of you, but is there any other specific reason?" Haechan asked with a smirk. I glance at Jaemin for a split second.

"Yeah," I said and Jaemin's eyes widen. "I want to see you guys perform I haven't seen you guys on stage before live. Why do you ask?" I told him with a shrug.

"I don't know just asking," He shrugs.

"Ok everyone time to go," Manager-nim said. The guys grabbed their things while I walked to the van with Manager-nim. He went and sat down in front I got in the back. Haechan came in and sat by me, then Jaemin sat beside Haechan. Then the rest sat in front of us. The van started and off we were.

Haechan moved forward because Renjun was showing him something. This gave me a clear view of Jaemin you know since Haechan is sitting between us. I looked over at him and he showed me his phone showing the pictures I took. He clutched his chest having an "uwu attack" which made me laugh. Haechan looked at me and I stop laughing he raised his eyebrows then he looked at Jaemin. Then he looked back at Renjun's phone. Jaemin and I started laughing.

"You guys are weird," Haechan shook his head.

"You're just as weird," Renjun tells him.

"You're all weird," Jeno says.

Do you know any kpop dances?

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