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After the dreamis had to go to their schedules I went back to 127's dorm. Mark and Jungwoo were the only ones in the living room. The rest must be in their rooms or out. I sat beside Jungwoo on the couch resting my head on his shoulder. I watch as he posts a cute selfie on Instagram in a matter of seconds the likes were going up.

"Do you guys have anything to do today?" I asked since half of the boys were still in the dorm.

"No except for practice but it's later on today, " Jungwoo answered.

"Hey, Y/N is everything ok?" Jaehyun asked walking in.

"Yeah, why you ask?" I question sitting up off Jungwoo's shoulder. I knew what he was probably talking about, about the fight John and I had earlier.

"I heard you and Johnny argued, " He said sitting on the couch.

"We did, " I nod running my hand through my hair.

"Can I ask you about it?" He questions and Jungwoo looked up from his phone and Mark who was watching tv is now looking at me.

"To sum it all up it was about Jaemin and I dating, " I let out and the three boys looked at me with a shocked expressions. Mark's and Jungwoo's eyes looked like they were about to pop out.

"I thought you would like Jeno, "
"I thought you liked Mark, "
"You're dating Jaemin, " Jaehyun, Jungwoo, and Mark said at the same time in that order by the way.

"Yes we are dating, why would I like Jeno I mean not he's bad or anything I like him but not more than friends, and Mark is like a brother to me, " I answered each of the boys.

"Johnny doesn't approve is that what's going on?" Jaehyun asked.

"He's ok with it but at the same time not, if that makes sense, " I said but Mark and Jungwoo looked at me confused. "He likes us together, it's just the fact that I'm going to leave in a month and that it's going to be a hard long-distance relationship to maintain, so he doesn't want us together at the same time, " I explained.

"I get where he's coming from, " Jaehyun nods.

"Yeah I mean it's going to be hard but if you have actual feelings for him, I think you'll get through it, " Jungwoo smiled, see my favorite.

"How long have you guys been dating?" Mark asked.

"A month and a half, " I answered.

"You guys were able to keep it a secret for that long, " Jaehyun said surprised.

"Yeah, " I nod with a smile. "But some people know, " I continued.

"Who?," They all practically say at the same time.

"Well, all the dreamis, Ten, Hendery, Xiao, Yangyang, Johnny obviously, Taeil, Yuta, Taeyong, and Doyoung, " I finished.

"How did they all know except the dreamis of course, " Mark asked.

"Well we told Taeyong first, then Doyoung caught us, Next Hendery, Xiaojun, and Yangyang Jaemin technically told them, then Ten and Jisung-

"Wait the dreamis didn't know at the same time?" Jaehyun asked.

"Nope, " I shook my head before continuing. "Then Chenle because Jisung told him,  Next Renjun then Haechan, then Yuta and Taeil, after we told Johnny and just now I told Jeno so all the dreamis know now, and now you guys, " I finished.

"Now you just have to tell the rest of WayV, " Jungwoo points out which is true they are the only ones to not know.

"Yup pretty much," I nod. "At this point, I don't care if everyone knows," I told them.

"I'm still a bit surprised," Mark tells me.

"Why?" I question with a small chuckle.

"I didn't think you would date any of us because of Johnny," He tells me.

"I didn't think either but here I am," I smiled.

"I'm happy for you," Jungwoo taps my head.

"Thank you," I smiled at him.


"Stop moving, " Jaemin whined at me pointing his camera at me.

"But I don't like pictures, " I pouted crossing my arms. Then I heard the camera go off. "You did not, " I glared at him.

"Look you're cute, " He showed me the picture of me pouting.

"You guys are cringe to watch, " Haechan comments getting our attention.

"And you hurt my eyes every time I look at you, " I comment back.

"Ooooh, " Renjun and Jeno laugh.

"Wait till you have a girlfriend and see how you two are, " Jaemin looked at him.

"We wouldn't be that cringe and if we were it would be only in private. You guys do it in public and it makes us want to barf, " He looked at us in a serious tone.

"Don't look at me with that tone of voice, " I told him.

"What?" He looked at me confused.

"Don't look at me with that tone of voice, " I repeated.

"How can I look at you with a tone of voice?" He looked at me stupidly.

"Exactly what you just did you looked at me stupidly and I knew exactly what tone you were going to say those words in, " I smiled I knew I was getting him confused by my words.

"You make no sense. Your girlfriend is weird, " He looked at Jaemin.

"I mean she been hanging out with you guys so I'm pretty sure you guys made her that way, " Jaemin said like he wasn't weird either.

"I am more normal than all of you guys combined, " Renjun said pointing at us.

"Sure keep telling yourself that, " Jeno patted his shoulder and we all laughed. "Here I'll take a picture of you two, " Jeno offers only because he has been wanting to take pictures but Jaemin wouldn't let him. Jaemin handed him his camera and a photoshoot just started. We did many many posses then It turned into fighting trying to get each other out of the picture.

"Ok ok that's enough, " I laugh covering the camera lens. Then Chenle and Jisung walked in. "How was shooting?" I asked them.

"Great, " They answered.

"What did we miss?" Chenle asked.

"I preferred when we didn't know they were together, " Haechan said and I rolled my eyes. Jaemin grabbed his camera from Jeno handing it to me.

"We should get started, " Renjun got up talking about practice.

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