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It's been a week since I've been with the boys. I'm way more comfortable around them now and I'm close with the dreamis since they are more my age.

Today they have a day off and the dreamis wanted to show me around their favorite places in Seoul. Since dispatch might be around Johnny is tagging along so like this there won't be rumors. Also, Mark and Taeyong are coming.

"I'm ready" I walked out of the room

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"I'm ready" I walked out of the room.

"Let's go see if the rest is ready," Taeyong says as we walked out, walking towards the dreamis dorm. Mark knock and Jeno answered.

"Ready?" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah, " He smiled. Then he called out for the rest of the dreamis. We walked out of the building and got into the van that was waiting on us. I sat in between Chenle and Jaemin. We took some cute selfies and talked about random things.


"Ok we meet back here in an hour," Taeyong said and we all nod and Chenle grabbed my hand dragging me away.

"Slow down, " I laughed.

"Sorry, " He chuckled letting go of my hand. We looked around for somewhere to go.

We were all kinda all over the place. I was looking at some necklaces. I saw this really pretty one.

"How much is this necklace," I asked the woman.

"989,678won," she said and I almost choked, but I put a smile on my face. My parents will definitely kill me if I buy a 900$ necklace.

"Can I try it on?" I asked. She nods before grabbing it out. She helped me put it on. I looked at myself it was so pretty.

"Mmmh I don't know," I said I took it off and handed it back. Then I saw Jaemin an escape yes so I don't look broke.

"Jaemin, " I waved at him walking towards him.

"Yes, " He smiled looking at me. 

"Let's go see what the others are doing, " I grabbed his hand dragging him out of the store.

"That necklace looked really pretty on you," He said and I looked at him and he smirked. Here we have flirt Jaemin not that I mind.

"Thank you, " I smiled and we walked towards the boys.

"Y/N look what I got you," Mark said coming towards us.

"Hello kitty oh my god it's so cute," I smiled at the stuffed character. I let go of Jaemin's hand going towards Mark grabbing the plushy out of his hands.

"Let's go find Chenle and Jisung and start heading back," Jaemin said. We all agreed.

"Y/N want a piggyback ride?" Haechan asked out of nowhere. That is weird coming from him.

"What are you planning?" I looked at him.

"Nothing I promise, " He put his hands up.

"Ok, but if you drop me I swear Haechan you will regret it," I looked at him he rolled his eyes and I got on his back. We found the boys and I got off Haechan.

"What are they doing, " Jeno sigh. Mark and I started laughing.

"Y/N go get them," Renjun said.

"Why me?" I asked.

"You're the youngest out of all of us you'll fit in and you're the shortest, " he informed me.

"You're 5 cm taller than me, " I looked at him. He gave me a look. "Ok ok, I'll go" I put my hands up. Walking in towards the ball pit.

"Chenle Jisung it's time to go," I told them. "How did you guys even get in there?" I asked as they got out.

"Like this" Chenle said before pushing me in.

"Ass," I said throwing a ball at him. He and Chenle were laughing. Jisung put his hand out for me but I pulled him in.

"Hey I didn't do anything," Jisung said throwing a ball at me.

"Your his culprit you deserve it," I said throwing back one.

"Come on children," Johnny said getting our attention.

"I'm not a child I was pushed in by a child," I said standing up.

"Hey," Chenle offended.

"Let's go will get you guys a happy meal on the way," Haechan said and everyone laughed except for Chenle, Jisung, and I.

"You're so funny" I faked laughed. We walked out of the play area. "Where is Jaemin?" I asked realizing he was gone.

"He'll join us at the restaurant," Taeyong said. I nod and walked along with them grabbing Hello kitty out of Haechan's hands. I put her in Johnny's shopping bag. We got in front of the place we were going to and Jaemin showed up.

"Where were you?" I asked as we were all walking in.

"Went to pick up something," he smiled showing me the bag that came from the jewelry store I was in earlier.

"Don't tell me, " I looked at him as he hands it to me.

"You obviously wanted it, I had to," He smiles.


"No buts. It's yours now, and a Thank you would be nice" He says putting his arms out.

"Thank you, " I hugged him. Then step away and he pointed at his cheek. I hit his arm jokingly.

"Joking," He chuckles. Then Haechan coughed. We looked over to see the dreamis, Mark, and Taeyong looking at us. Automatically die inside.

"You're so lucky Johnny went to the bathroom," Jisung said looking at Jaemin.

"Let's just go find a table," Taeyong smiled at me and Jaemin.


Jaemin POV

We were on our way back to the dorms. Y/N had just fallen asleep on Mark's shoulder. It bothered me I'm starting to like her. I feel like Mark also likes her which bothers me even more. We came to a stop at this convenience store.

"Mark, can you come with me?" Taeyong asked. Mark nodded he looked at me and carefully pushed Y/N onto my shoulder.

I looked down and smirked. Mark and Taeyong left. Y/N moved a little wrapping her arms around my arm. I moved my arm slowly and put it around her so she would be more comfortable, but it made her fall down onto my labs. I was kinda taken aback, but then I place my arm over her. Afterward, Mark and Taeyong came back and we headed back.


"You so like Y/N," Haechan teased.

"I don't," I said sitting down on the couch.

"Sure you don't," Jeno smirked.

"I don't, she's leaving at the end of the summer there's no point in liking her. I will never see her again afterward," I said getting a little annoyed.

"We all have her number now," Renjun points out.

"She probably likes Mark anyway," I sigh.

"Is that jealousy" Chenle wiggle his eyebrows.

"Is that why you got her something after Mark got her that plushie?" Haechan asked.

"I'm going to bed" I got up.

"You can't run away from your problems," Jeno said as I was walking away. I ignored him walking into my room.

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