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1 year later.

"Yeah I'm here, I hope you didn't tell the others," I told my brother over the phone.

"Well at least not all of them," He said innocently.

"John," I sigh. "Who did you tell?" I asked.

"Taeyong, Mark, and Jeno" He informs me. "We see you," He said and I looked around and my eyes finally land on the group of boys waiting on me. I hung up and ran towards them.

"My favorite brother," I smiled.

"I'm your only brother?" John said with his arms out.

"Not you," I said before hugging Jeno.

"Wow," John him and Taeyong said.

"Why did you say wow?" John looked at Taeyong.

"She said I was her new brother and now it's Jeno," He said acting offended.

"You didn't want to adopt me," I stuck my tongue out.

"Should of listen to Jungwoo," Mark comments making me and Jeno laugh.

"I'm joking," I laugh and went and hugged him and John. Then I hugged Mark.

"My best friend I missed you," I squeezed him making him laugh.

"I missed you too," He answered in English.

"We missed you a lot," Jeno smiled.

"I missed you guys too," I smiled hugging him again. "Is it possible for dinner with all the members tonight?" I asked the boys as Taeyong grabbed my bags along with Mark.

"Well WayV is in China right now but It's possible with the rest," Taeyong informs me. We all got into the van. Jeno sat by me I looked over at his phone and my heartache when I saw a picture of him and Jaemin. Over the past year I've been trying to talk to Jaemin I would call him or text him but he never responded. I cried every time to the point where my parents took my phone and deleted his number. I know I hurt him and I'm scared to see him again I know it won't be a joyful moment.

"Y/N?" Jeno snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I smiled.

"Are you ok?" He asked and I nodded.

"It's just been a long flight," I smiled before looking out the window.

"How long are you staying you brought a few more bags than last time?" Mark asked catching back my attention.

"I tell you guys everything tonight at dinner," I told him.


We got to their dorms and I was excited to see everyone, but I have a pit in my stomach also. Just the thought of seeing Jaemin again makes me happy but I know he won't be happy to see me. I walked behind the boys they are hiding me as we walked to 127's dorm.

"Where were you guys?" I heard Yuta.

"We were picking up a little something," Johnny said before moving away revealing me.

"Y/N," Haechan said excitedly. I smiled and waved and he came and hugged me. "Are you spending summer with us again?" He asked pulling away.

"Kinda yeah," I nod.

"I want a hug too," Jungwoo said and I laughed and hugged him.

"Came to room with Taeil and me again," Yuta smiled as we all sat on the couch.

"I have a dorm...I mean a place to stay this time," I inform them trying not to ruin the surprise.

"Well your always welcome here," Taeil said and everyone nodded.

"Thanks, guys," I smiled.

"Do you mind if I go get the dreamis?" Haechan said getting up. I could feel everyone tense up. I mean I get why but I explained everything to Johnny, Jeno, and Mark. They understood and I'm sure they told everyone else.

"Umm no it's ok I don't mind I missed them," I said kinda awkwardly knowing Jaemin is coming. I could feel my stomach twisting and my hand getting sweaty. I'm really nervous I'm scared that he hates me.

"I won't let them know so they get surprised when they walk in," Haechan said walking away. I stayed quiet and the boys around me talked but I wasn't listening, my mind was somewhere else.

"Y/N!," I heard Chenle and Jisung.

"Surprise," I smiled getting up glimpsing over at Jaemin who was surprised but he looked like he had mixed emotions. Chenle came and hug me Jisung was shyer about it but I still hugged him.

"Welcome back my Moomin friend," Renjun said making me laugh and I hugged him. "You're still shorter than me," He teased. I rolled my eyes. Then there was Jaemin. We kinda looked at each other and I could tell it was getting awkward.

"Well, how long are you staying?" Chenle since the awkward tension stepped in front of me blocking Jaemin out of my view.

"Should I tell them now or at dinner?" I looked at my brother.

"Tell them or they are going to annoy you for the rest of the day," He said winning some chuckles.

"Well," I said standing where everyone could see me. "I'm going to the Korea National University of Arts," I smiled proudly.

"Congratulations I'm proud of you," Taeyong smiled like a proud dad I swear my dad had the same look. Then everyone started congratulating me.

"That means your staying in Seoul for a long time," Jisung smiled.

"Yes I'm going to live here well not here but I have a dorm at the university," I smiled excitedly for a new chapter in my life.

"I can come and annoy you in my free time," Haechan said making everyone laugh. I sat back down with the boys.

"Then after you graduate you're just going to leave again leaving us waiting for your return," Jaemin finally spoke getting everyone's attention.

"No," I said feeling guilty and small under his stare. He scoffed and walked out. I looked down I want to cry but right now wasn't the time I don't want to ruin the mood.

"Are you ok?" Jaehyun asked since I was wiping my hands on my leggings trying to hold myself back. I nodded no before quickly walking away to the bathroom. I closed the door locking in before sliding down the wall crying before I grabbed my knees pulling them to my chest.

"Y/N," John said softly on the other side of the door. "Let me in please," He asked. I reached for the lock unlocking it. He opened it closing it behind him and sat down hugging me.

"He hates me right?" I cried in my brother's arms.

"No his just heartbroken just like you," He rubbed my back. "Well I think I watch romantic movies enough to say you guys should talk alone," Johnny said making me smile a little, his a dork. We pulled away from the hug.

"He probably doesn't want to talk to me I have a tone of unread text he didn't even read my birthday text to him," I told Johnny wiping my tears.   
"Well now you're here he has no choice," He informed me. Making me giggle.

"Maybe after dinner," I said and he nods before hugging me again.

Jaemin POV

"You made her cry," Taeyong walked into the dorm looking at me. My heartache when he said that. "She is hurt two you know, she did what she thought was best," He continued I didn't look at him I just looked down.

"Breaking up with me was best. What would have been best if she actually tried. I told her I loved her and she just walked away," I told him trying not to let out my emotions. "She lied to me she told me she wanted to try even tho it was going to be hard and she gave up before even trying," I added on getting off the couch and walking to my room.

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